I think I've had enough, Sup Forums. I've finally reached my limit. I realize now that the great nation I grew up in has died and been replaced with an unrecognizable ruin of depravity. The media broadcasts to the populace in doublespeak and they accept every word without question. Reason is dead, truth considered evil, and debate is no longer fruitful.
Six years ago, I came to a pivotal moment of choice in my life -- and that was to take it or continue pushing onward. I reluctantly chose the latter, grasping on to what little glimmer of hope for positive change might exist in my future. And here we are. This is the reward I have reaped for my strength and persistence to soldier on. Had I known at the time that this already sick world would continue to spiral further into unthinkable depths, I would've gone ahead and made peace with my maker and exited the stage. This time, I'm done. No more. The grief and confusion I once felt have been replaced with a righteous fury.
I will not let this torch I have carried flicker and wane without purpose. I will use it to light the fires of hell beneath the feet of those who wish to destroy that which is good and right. When I am finished they will know my name. When I have passed from this Earth, for generation after generation to follow, I will stir a primal fear in the hearts of those who hear it.
Stay safe, brothers. In life or in death, our victory is assured.