Are they really this out of touch? Currently at 17K retweets.
Are they really this out of touch? Currently at 17K retweets
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I guess all the Muslim terrorist attacks, black crime and feminization of men is winning in their book.
>B-but Muslims are terrorists
Is that the only way you think you can attack the left? It's really fucking weak that you feel the need to play the victim and assume the moral high ground just like they do.
I dont get it either. I dont know what muslims have to do with this. The point is nazis, racists, GO HOME. YOU LOST. SOCIETY HATES YOU.
That's a nice Pepe. Will they mind if I save it?
So do you guys get paid more if you reply to each other or what?
The point is they're going to lose one way or another dumbfuck. Muslims or "nazis," one of them is going to replace lefty loons
Stop posting normie shit about whats on twitter, no one cares.
The South may have been defeated militarily, but, the South was never defeated morally. That may change in this current year.
The South shall have to rise again.
I don't mean militarily, but, ways have to be found to hurt the D.C. regime to hurt them for the disrespect that they have allowed against valiant men who could have won if some little things had gone differently.
Are you surprised that Twatter is a shitlib echo chamber after they banned almost everyone to the right of Lenin?
You'd be affecting its market value by decreasing the rareness.
Antifa is the militant arm of communism in the west, and it must be eradicated like ISIS.
vid related
But Trump won the election. We're technically the winners of 2017.
>almost as bad as samefagging
>how gay
Trump is in the White House. We fucking won no matter what Shariablue says.
This is correct Pepe is a loser anyone who disagrees is a newfag
They're absolutely right. Racist ideologies wI'll never succeed in the long term
go back to bed, Hillary
Nice fallacy you have a shame for someone to challenge it
Also commies lost
jokes on them pepe is Kremlin
>implying it isn't worse
How did we lose the meme war. We won we got trump elected.
Are-are we losing boys?
They realize we won the Presidency right? 7 and a half years to go, faggots.
>has one chance to show how they were wrong
>doesnt do so and just repeats after them and posts their link with some kind of weak generic ad hom
Shut up you child. The civil war was 600,000 dead Americans. Be thankful the peace terms we're terms of forgiveness.
Those are fake jews though. The same ones that logically wanted the wars. Have the power. And put the brownies here because it suits their fake ass pagan fertility cult agendas
They have won a recent battle. Never under estimate your opponent. Their strengths are deep rooted and it may scare you how strong they really are. We are stronger with the truth. Your generation will have to meme into overdrive to keep up. I think you will win.
>tfw loser
>wins presidency
>wins senate
>wins house
>wins supreme court
>liberals still calls us losers
really makes you think
They didn't win shit, fag.
They're the ones protesting an anti-GMO rally and getting upset because antifa are the only people being violent.
Guess I'll just kms kick-start the white genocide
nice user. saved
yeah if anything, they overplayed their hand. Problem with libs is they live in a echochamber where they believe a majority of americans will agree with them.
I live in NC and haven't met a white person republican or democrat who's for taking down the statues yet our democrat governor endorsed it because his liberal staffers told him it would be a good idea. Moron is going to lose huge next election and I voted for him in November.
Are kekistanis not losers?
Here in the states over the last week it's pretty clear they did. again, a battle not the war. Thanks for your info graphic that you couldn't ever truly comprehend due to leafness.
damn how will i ever recover
We're not republicucks... You can't still seriously be falling for that corporatist shillery...
Jews always win baby!
Always bet on Jews!