>White women are destroying the white race
*sips tea*
>White women are destroying the white race
*sips tea*
>Genetic Untermensch with Desperate Chink
*blocks your path*
>sips tea
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Der Untermensch
You're completely right
I don't see a problem. Only roasties and incels actually care if a white man marries an Asian.
Nothing more annoying then White males and their asian import wifes.
>I don't see a problem. Only roasties and incels actually care if a white man marries an Asian.
If we are gonna hold women accountable we also have to hold man
Kill yourself race traitor.
Un-ironically defending race mixing, you should be ashamed of yourself.
>get asian gf
>she fucks better looking white guys
hahahaha betas will always end up raising some other dudes sperm
Better than fucking trannies
Accountable for what? Marrying a decent woman, not divorcing, and not having kids out of wedlock?
Women only get depressed when they don't get a good dick.
Seriously if anyone has a depressed wife you're the reason
No it's not. Sticking your dick in a tranny can't create mongrel scum.
Both are equally degenerate, but only one has has the potential for permanent lasting effects.
Why Fear why
You were one of the greatest
More pics of the girl
Only beta males go for Asian women because they are least effort
Asian women
>Boring and uncreative
>Can't joke
>Look like their male counterparts
>Look alien
>Smell weird
Why would anyone prefer asian women over fair and heavenly white women is beyond me
Asian women want white men because they want white KIDS. Literal gooks are playing the game of life better than any white man who gives them what they want. As a white man you have the potential to do something asian women can only dream of, have full white kids.
thats the bitch who slept around the starcraft scene
her vag is a biohazard by now.
Why do you pedestalize pussy at all, user? You should drop the flag. It's embarrassing.
I'm pretty sure AIDS from whore trannies is pretty permanent.
dota memes make it to Sup Forums
That guy realized what everybody already knows: while white women are total sluts, asian women are kind and submissive.
she looks kinda hot, i would let her suck my dick
White women:
>Will divorce you at any given opportunity
The smell is what really gets me. No pheramones, their scent is neutral and water like
Is Matu a cute trap?
hapa masterrace ftw
>Pounds of makeup
>Pushup bra (or just implants)
>Lighting/touch ups/photoshop and other post photo shoot manipulations.
Keep drinking the koolaid user...
absolutely they are
white women are awful
The kind of White woman you are describing can be foiled in the Numale/Cuck counterpart.
KYS faggot, go back to r/Redpill. The street goes both ways. Men lead, women follow. Weak men breeds weak women.
There is nothing redeeming about gook whores.
>gold digging
>too submissive
>hardwired gook behavior
>cant handle banter
>bitchy and controlling
>Oy vey, it's not the woman's fault, men are to blame
This is why you're going extinct.
Lets be realistic, shegooks aren't even in the same league as human women.
legs are weak and his face is shit which is why hes worked so hard on that body and has an asian gf instead of pic related
>BTFO'd by chinks at TI7
Is that face and jew hair supposed to be attractive to non-betas, user?
I'm an Asian girl with a white bf and I am about as racist towards white women as one can get. Any white man who defends the white women destroying this planet with their traitorous way is a beta cuck of the highest order.
Lets get antifa labeled as terrorists, official white house petition here:
For those who don't know what antifa is, it is a far-left domestic terrorist group (only considered so in 1 state, for now) that is part of the alt-left and promotes killing cops, destruction of private property, anti-white racism, open borders, islamic terrorism and the implementation of communism thru means of violent revolution.
Read more here: farleftwatch.com
Please share to all burgers! Share it everywhere!
Holy fuck, this
I like this one better.
Gun totting grills are top.
Faith Goldy
That gril in the picture is pretty gross.
Nice flag Wang.
How can gooks even compete?
This really isn't brought up enough around here, they are insufferable. They're more politically liberal than white girls too.
White women are whores for BBC so Asian women win
Hao is better, but matumbawomen is good too
Asian women are racemixing whores of the highest caliber. Up to 40% of new couples each year with an Asian bride are interracial.
Putin must have hacked cr1ts compiter to make him pick wyvern and phantom lancer
Interracial with white people you retard
Thatw only on the west coast
I had a chinese gf in college (UVA), and she was significantly more racist than me at the time
She called black guys niggers to their face, it was a little embarrassing buylt hey whos complaining
Thats because theyre all marrying white guys lmao
No we're going extinct because men have become like women and women have become like men, you twat
he plays video games all day what do you expect
No, you're going extinct because you make excuses for your women when they do fucked up/shitty things instead of holding them accountable and putting them back in their place.
Unfortunately, this will never change, because you're naturally cucks, so you'll likely just die out.
So long as you keep that retarded bullshit where you pretend women are never to blame away from non-whites, I'm fine with that.
Too bad she's ustashe.
Looks like some Gopnik you'd see on the side of the street wearing Adidas.
seriously true here in commiefornia. women in large part completely lacking femininity and men are faggots. many such cases. sad.
white men race mix more than white women I agree, but women tend to vote in nation wrecking libtard BS much much more than men.
Damn Fear is looking old as fuck.
What is the redpilled dota team to cheer for
Id say VP or maybe Secret
The chinese teams are alright too, i remember they refused to scrim against DK because they had a SEAnigger on roster
nobody cucked by the black woman more than the black man. i've seen enough of it first hand to know it's true
You fucking people and your asian fetish. Have you ever stopped to look at them? They are ugly.
VP is a pretty based team, they shit on most of the good Chinese teams last Tourney
>Only roasties and incels actually care if a white man marries an Asian.
This. You can always tell it's some obese feminist.
I think this roster has an insane amount of potential, i expect at least 2 major wins this year
The black man is cucked by the state, the white man is cucked by other white men (and some (((white))) men).
Get in my album bitch
Real girls = a mix of finnish and white
I talk to a white girl and they dismiss me with a smug "I'm God's gift to the earth" attitude. I go up to an Asian and their just happy that a tall blonde guy is there to give them attention. Sorry, but the only viable option for me right now is a Hmong qt.
You ancestors made it out from the horrors of war and helped built a nation...for you to bang a girl who lives on bamboo boats
>reminder that nobody wants an asian guy
I don't feel good about it if that's what you're asking.
>White men are at fault for the fact that white women don't want them
Asian gf are the only way white betas can get laid
fear's gf is ugly and so is he
I think asian girls basically see us as niggers. Have you ever seen asian raceplay on tumblr? It's pretty messed up
>marries a chink
i'm pretty sure white beta males are responsible for dooming the white race
Thats because youre used o white women leaving shit in their underwear. As well as their gross as fuck bra lactations you disgusting fuck
garbage taste in games my dude
sounds like you're a beta loser who can't even dominate a white girl
>implying there's anything wrong with giving some desperate foreign gook student at uni the dicking on the downlow
Just don't have kids. Look at the countless Europeans who conquered the women of their enemies, quite literally, just do your part in raising a white family that belongs to you.
by competing
gook > nigger > white > indian
Perhaps Jim Goad could be our Che Guevara?
Well, this guy saw that all the white women around him were getting BLACKED and were single mother whores so he went for the next level of woman. Asian.
Only bitter, used up, nasty as fuck obese single mother white girls have a problem with it. Go suck your nigger dick.
>out of touch jigaboo
The only way to totally unfuck white American women at this point is total subjugation. They've been conditioned to hate white men and are almost beyond salvaging.
You have a low IQ problem.
>check up on the guys I went to highschool with 10 years later
>very few of them are married, the few that did get married are matched with equally hideous women
>the most SJW of the bunch are single
>if asked to pick the person who most likely was a nazi in highschool, it would have been me, even got dragged to the principle's office and interrogated by a uniformed police officer in my senior year
>now I'm married to an azn qt3.14 and we pull in a quarter of a million each year between the two of us from our jobs in technology at big name corporations
>been browsing Sup Forums for over 10 years
>check Sup Forums daily
>still want to gas the kikes more than ever
It isn't so hard leading a double life.
good guy fear
>Why would anyone prefer asian women over fair and heavenly white women is beyond me
Easy, I always found them more attractive because of their exotic/alien look; the white women I find attractive have asian features anyway, so I might as well just go for the real thing. I don't like butch, big, hairy, fat western women who've been generally brain-damaged by the internet/tv/western values; I've dated two asian girls in south-east asia and they are both amazing, current one is like this:
>she cooks great, cleans and does laundry without me telling her
>takes care of me when I'm sick, massages me often
>doesn't speak great english so our conversations are quick and to the point
>still has a playful sense of humor
>awesome petite body, looks younger than she is, smooth hairless skin
>frugal, enjoys saving me money by finding the best deals on transport/food/random stuff I need
Also the benefits of the country
>divorce rate is only 3-5%
>basically no alimony laws, so if divorce happens its up to the guy to simply give a "lump payment" to the girl if he "wants to", not legally obligated
>easy work, cheap living, good food, i make 10x the average monthly income here
>no SJW shit, no feminism, no liberalism, fairly conservative country (minus the stupid expats and sex tourists)
also white women age like milk, sad but true