How do National Bolsheviks differ from Communists? also, are they accepting of black people like Communists generally are?
What is the position of "National Bolsheviks "regarding Russians taking over Crimea?
How do National Bolsheviks differ from Communists? also, are they accepting of black people like Communists generally are?
What is the position of "National Bolsheviks "regarding Russians taking over Crimea?
Practice always trumps ideal theory.
The least meaningful thing in the world is an "irony" or "apparent contradiction" between the theoretical constitution of a political system and its functioning. It is the functioning that exists. All the more sp when it has some history to draw upon.
Also Crimea really objectively always has been Russian except when it was Ottoman Turkish-held. It was given to Ukraine by Russia at a time when there was no meaningful difference between the two, and its population is solidly ethnically and linguistically Russian. The idea that this represents some world-conquering ambition by Putin is laughable.
you sound like a white supremacist capitalist pig. probably republican.
how'd you like the boston rally today? we outnumbered you tiny-dicked white nationalists at least 10 to 1
you will not succeed. as the ADL said, we WILL replace you
Strasserism 2.0.
Early Nazism with some Soviet iconography randomly tacked on.
The only nazbol i know said it just was just literally bolshevism with nationalistic appeal
what the fuck does that even mean? try to form a paragraph longer than your cracker dick
Niggers are despised by all races. You will not be replacing anyone.
Heel, monkey. I've put enough of your kind away already.
>What is the position of "National Bolsheviks "regarding Russians taking over Crimea?
They threw support it, delivered some soldiers to volunteer.
It's a couple of novel writers really, the two most famous persons in the movement write novels. Crazy shit from the 90s.
Isnt nazbol just soviet nationalism? im pretty sure its basically soviet communism but very nationalistic.
It makes sense, the soviet union was a powerful country and some want it back just for the power. Its basically combining fascism, soviet nationalist and conservative communism.
>conservative communism whats that???
Stalin, against gays,drugs and most things that were considered degenerate.
Nazbols are the greatest enemies to the negroid race
but ya'll stalin-worshipping motherfuckers know that the soviet union was instrumental in liberating black ppl in africa? soviets trained the ANC to overthrow the apartheid and rhodesian governments ruled by white supremacists
>How do National Bolsheviks differ from Communists?
By being ethnic nationalists.
>also, are they accepting of black people like Communists generally are?
Not in their own country.
>The idea that this represents some world-conquering ambition by Putin is laughable.
It shows clearly that Putin doesn't respect international law and cannot be trusted to follow treaties they have made.
there is no difference they should be shot before being thrown out of the plane to ensure maximum death.
The Soviet Union was quite racialist though
Do you think funding communist insurgencies in NATO controlled colonies is equivalent to wanting blacks to immigrate to their nation and race mix
There was a soviet official who defected to the United States because he couldn't marry a pajeet and was impressed by how much more racially tolerant the US was
how do national bolsheviks rationalize communism being effective when every communist country was a shithole?
>le helicopter maymay
Go read a book nigger
jew communist
that's BS. Stalin, Lenin, and Trotsky all fantasized about their mothers and sisters getting fucked by black cock
Lets get antifa labeled as terrorists, official white house petition here:
For those who don't know what antifa is, it is a far-left domestic terrorist group (only considered so in 1 state, for now) that is part of the alt-left and promotes killing cops, destruction of private property, anti-white racism, open borders, islamic terrorism and the implementation of communism thru means of violent revolution.
Read more here:
Please share to all burgers! Share it everywhere!
which book do you recommend tiny-dicked cracker?
>How do National Bolsheviks differ from Communists?
Who gives a shit, they are both anti-capitalist bullshit
>are they accepting of black people like Communists generally are?
Communists like black people the same as ancient Egyptians did, as slaves.
The white supremacists were the ones who started the violence.
You are a tiny-dicked portuguese faggot. Portugal will become part of the future New Africa.
ethnic portuguese women in brazil love big black afro-brazilian cock
>as the ADL said, we WILL replace you
Yes, and when that happens you'll all starve to death in 5 years (as was in Zimbabwe) and blame it on whitey for making Agriculture too difficult for your complex and advanced minds.
Liberating them? Blacks in Rhodesia and SA had better lives under white rule than any other country in Africa. The only reason the USSR was involved in either of them is because the white men posed a growing threat to Communism that needed to be taken out before they became a superpower. Now they are both failed states.
What is the nazbol position on the jews and race? I understand letting everyone have their own countries but does it actively promote anti-semetism?
>Antifa are da real turrists
Come on. Antifa is good for accelerationism. Stop being such a cuck for the democratic system
after killing moors we sent slaves to brazil and fucked the slave women
i fucked a lot of black pussay and i love seeing that black nigger ass bounce off muh dick
whites are exotic here
light-skinned women in brazil love BIG BLACK COCK
They also exiled/forced ethnic migration of disobedient ethnic minorities under Stalin.
they love med cock nigger
this country was founded on planting med seed in a SLAVES womb
my neighbor is actually an old white man with a black ass wife. my GF is black too, color contrast is amazing.
We will replace you.
Not to mention his purge of the jews (which was happening around the time of his death, PURE COINCIDENCE)
>What is the position of "National Bolsheviks "regarding Russians taking over Crimea?
Sorry Mr. Black, but there were Nazbols in 1783 to determine their position.
Limonov, of course, fully supported Crimean referendum and return peninsula back into Rusdian Federation.
>were no
nigger the only thing you're replacing is the funds on your EBT card
Either that, or they will be killed off by the remaining minorities.
No racial or ethnic collective ever had any respect for niggers. Niggers won't survive in a world of spics, muslims, asians, and jews. Their closest friends among these groups, the Jews, won't give them the time of day after they finished using the niggers to do what they want.
They claim Whites are the most racist, but should the Jews' game of having Whites play nice is over, expect the biggest horde of cultural egos to make niggers go extinct. Just read that list of surviving minorities again. Niggers don't stand a chance.
Do i look american?
everyone is already brown. I'm just the handsome european kind that black women love here.
>Do i look american?
lel, no
people would probably assume you're one of the so-called "white hispanics"
t. portubro who's lighter than you and still gets mistaken for hispanic
yea here's fidel castro accepting black people
daily reminder that fidel castro overthrew a majority black government and killed them all like this.
Nazbols are just edgelords who want to get as many (You)s for their buck as possible.
actually he does look closer to being american than most whites. i mean real american as in indigenous indian american.
whites are not real americans.
That's a beautiful bronze tan from this evil sun. You should've colonized somewhere with less heat bro. Not even full on blacks can deal with this shit, we're in a drought!!
fuck off back to europe. you're not american
>fuck off back to europe
planning on it nigger
they're communists who think communism will work on a national level but who are too stupid to realize that communism can't survive without a fabricated external enemy and therefore an international element
>who are too stupid to realize that communism can't survive without a fabricated external enemy and therefore an international element
every group/movement needs an out-group, this isn't specific to gommunism
it's why globalism will never work
don't ignore the video i linked. black cuban here. fidel castro along with all communists are LYING EVIL SCUM. che guevara OPENLY hated blacks but pretended to love them. it was rumored fidel even killed him because naive black cubans were starting to catch on.
sounds like capitalist propaganda
i said plane.
Stupid nigger use google.
how is that propaganda? do you not see enrique despaigne, a military official of batista being executed? are you aware batista was half black? read che guevara's journal entires on black people when you get a chance and decide for yourself
I'd love to eat her ass
>it's why globalism will never work
>He doesn't know that the globalist created ISIL/alt-right to be exactly this...
if it's "the entire world minus the-alt right, ISIL, and North Korea" then it isn't exactly global then, eh?
I keked.
and fuck this needs to be memed.
There is no group more insecure than the commis
video ain't working for me.
all i know is that as a descendant of the mighty Zulu tribe and the wise Xhosa clans, my ancestors were liberated in part thanks to communists. The apartheid regime is done. South Africa has been freed
and all i know is that my ancestors were nearly killed and had to escape cuba to jamaica because my grandpa was a businessman. blacks were coming up in cuba before castro took over.
and well, apartheid in south africa is extremely complex. and the communists only helped because they were at war against capitalists like the british and portuguese. it was geo politics my man
The better question OP is how do national bolsheviks differ from national socialists?
Ethno-Nationalist Bolshevism, it's a dead meme though.
>international law
It's a joke. If you have power then international law is nothing for you.