What does Sup Forums think would happen if anti-fascists declared war on the likes of the Ayran Brotherhood, the Irish Mafia, and other white prison gangs?
What does Sup Forums think would happen if anti-fascists declared war on the likes of the Ayran Brotherhood...
they would get aids and die
im no expert but those are professional criminals. its like who would win antifa or the Mexican drug cartels
who would win a bunch of old violent dudes who have probably killed multiple people and are professional criminals or a bunch of skinny 28 year old numales who think owning guns makes you racist.
I really do wonder
the Irish Mafia would singlehandedly wipe these cunts out
what i wouldn't give for a fighting force like the IRA to slaughter these effeminate cunts
AB are not ideological at all. They are just a gang. A very rudeless and successful gang, but just a gang. They don't give two shits about (non gang-related) politics in general, let alone Antifa. At the end of the day they care about money.
Jesus Christ look at the tiddies on that lard-ass. If the rest of them are like that I bet they run out of breath before catching any antifa or shoot themselves getting the pistol around the fat folds.
Big lock guy is gunna learn how this will go real soon. Damn that gives me great joy. He is so utterly fucked.
These guys are really, really dangerous.
Murder on an industrial scale.
Antifa would never attack actual threats. Also, criminals do not stage protests.
This. Prosecutors drop cases for a reason. They also put money on nigs who nog too hard
except the IRA would be on the side of antifa. I guess you really don't know anything about the politics of the IRA, huh?
That "lard-ass" would eat his soup out of your dead hollowed out skull.
Not the nigger antifa at least.
not sure how antifa could get to a group of people that live inside the prison system
Human Garbage war of 2017
And nothing of value was lost.
ya they would. the IRA was in solidarity with/alligned with the black south african fight against apartheid. they are anti-racist dude.
They can all die if they don't bend the knee
you know nothing about the CATHOLIC ira dumb ass bitch
Not if I outrun him before he needs to take a gasp from his inhaler. Dude couldn't fight his way out of a fucking KFC he'd be too greasy from slobbing the Colonel's fried chicken knob.
>if anti-fascists declared war on the likes of the Ayran Brotherhood, the Irish Mafia, and other white prison gangs?
Honesty nothing much as most the AB is in prison. Antifa would have to commit a crime and get their asses incarcerated at a higher rate to even stand a chance (i am not talking about jail or low security prison i mean maximum security not the shit white people go to for drug offensives).
ya, the catholic IRA and irish republicanism is anti-racist, anti-imperialist and left wing.
they also happen to be traditionalist
so what?
the IRA would side with godless communists? that's a laugh
ya, they are socialists
His back tattoo looks like a alt-right pinball game
antifa is very not traditionalist, they're anti tradition, anti white, anti gun, and anti christian(((CATHOLIC))) and the IRA would be very much triggered
When you hit the bonus, Hitler's eyes light up with swastikas and 6 gorillion balls come out
Leftist beta orbiters and small minority women?
Utterly fucked.
Add some Chicano's and Crips/Blood ay you got a fight homie gl whiteys y'all will need it.
no, antifa doesn't really have any politics other than stopping fascists from congregating in public and having platforms. it isn't a set of beliefs, it's a style of protesting. there are plenty of catholic antifas
Being this Timahhhh
>pissing yourself over OP's Tit's McGee
catholics are the biggest fucking communists on the planet after western jews
>Ayran Brotherhood
nice jewish hobby organisation.