Why dont they just give it back to the Spaniards?
Why are Brits overly autistic over this irrelevant piece of rock?
It is very strategic and the Spanish are idiots.
>When the Spaniards have mostly control over the strait
Kek, dumb yank
It should be given back to morocco, not Asspain
because the people there want to be british you ancap mongrel hey look a road boo now piss of yeah
That's just not how shit works.
Because it's fucking OURS.
They can fight us for it or fuck off.
Pillars of Hercules my man
It's the first time the pasty faced mofos have seen the sun. Now they won't let go of it. I hate those fuckers - I know some, and they are arrogant pricks - have that typical limey colonial mentality.
For a potential Mediterranean blockade (if required in future)
The Spanish have two 'colonies' in Morocco themselves faggot
Britain has given up too much land already. Really wish the old empire was still around to help Murica bash some commie heads in.
If only more of you countrymen had a pair like you.
mongrel detected
>Ancap flag
Kid you're on levels of retardation that I haven't seen before.
A. It has symbolic value
B. It is strategically invaluable
>hurr durr spanish control the water
>what even are airplanes???
the guys in there are convinced they are special, while only the special tax conditions make it possible
why would UK give up such an strategic position?
which are completely useless desu
t. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""Irish""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""-American
My vermiform appendix is irrelevant but why get rid of it if it's not bothering me?
>anyone who disagrees with me is autistic
And why do you need planes there in the first place? Anglo Warmongerers
Not strategic anymore when you have satellites surveiling the world 24/7 and planes that could go halfway around the globe
probably somebody rich/powerful lives there and the UK doesn't want to displace whoever owns that shit
>not strategic.
Literal fort that can protect the mediteranian sea from hostile atlantic fleet. Can also be used to keep hostile Mediterranean fleet in.
>not strategic.
Ancaps no nothing of warfare.
No one important lives there. But it's our rock so Spain can fuck off.
Spain dont want it. Spain said to tgeir eu overlords Gibraltar was of no consequence in brexit negotiations. Spain unironically better than their autistic child argentina.
>willingly give up land
Britains navy is shit now. It can't do any blockades anymore
>british with colonial mentality
Current American colonial possessions
American Samoa
Bajo Nuevo Bank
Baker Island
Howland Island
Jarvis Island
Johnston Atoll
Kingman Reef
Midway Islands
Navassa Island
Northern Mariana Islands
Palmyra Atoll
Puerto Rico
Serranilla Bank
U.S. Virgin Islands
Wake Island
Don't forget all those military bases around the world.
>What is a deep water port.
What difference does it make? It will be Muslim owned eventually anyway.
>Posting a map with the kingdom of Granada, a tributary state of Castilla who has nothing to do with Morocco
Why all the post with the european flag are so dumb?
mohamed posting
Because it's crucial to world shipping and the Anglo's are the only ones with the balls to keep routes open, this part is Britain's responsibility.
I don't think I like your tone
>Why dont they just give it back to the Spaniards?
Because fuck the Spanish.
If the British don't control it it will be overrun with niggers in like two weeks.
It's cool most of them are uninhabited strategic locations
Only 5 are inhabited. So your only cruel colonial overlords for those 5.
the people want to be under englands rule
dont you remeber months ago when spain tried to cuk england after brexit
the gilbrater leader said for the EU and spain to stop acting like the upset father of a divorsed couple
Unhide your flag pedro or Portugal will rise again.
Why doesn't Castille give back their stolen Iberian clay? There is no such thing as Spain.
Tell you what, Spainshits.
We'll give Gibraltar to the rightful owners, Andalusia, if you give them independence.
>"give" it back
shity bait/10
Its not in their nature to give things back without a fight and they like to hang onto parts of other peoples countries. Its usually strategic parts they hang onto so they can fuck you over if need be. God bless the eternal anglo.
Why doesn't Spain give Barcelona back to Catalan if it's that easy?
I think I'm going to take a vacation in Gibraltar. 10/10 for having it's own airport so I don't have to bother going through that shitty brown country right next to it.
Spain: Hey, what about Gibraltar - it is like IN Spain
Brits: Noooooo! rock!!!! Rock ours!!! Away you dirty Spanish ape! Rock ours!
Spain: Ok, fine. What about the 1 million Brits you send to us for retirement? Want them back.
Brits: Wud? no no no, keep em, those can be yours, who wants em anyway!
Castille (Spain) captured Gibraltr from Granada in 1462
The Brits took it from Spain in the treaty of Utrecht in 1713 and have held it ever since
The Spanish held it for 251 years
The Brits have had it for 304
Stfu about the damn rock Spain, Britain has owned it longer than you, it's pretty much theirs now
Hey, they look sharp in those suits!!
aircraft carriers are now obsolete because of hypersonic missiles
the Rock is now worth its weight in gold
Why are yanks so overly autistic about Guam and Hawaii? Why bit just give it to the North Koreans and Japanese?
The Rock is BASED
Don't disrespect his rich culture and heritage! He drank a pint of Guinness once!
Patrick McGuiness?
And youre a fag. "Based" is a word that fags use, like "throwing shade". I am 100% serious here. Now get off Sup Forums, cocksucker
Those one million retirees buying fish and chips are the only reason the Spanish economy hasn't collapsed conpletely
navy base
Johnston Atoll was actually pretty fucking cool, shame they bulldozed the entire island and turned it into a floating bird house.
>Protect the Mediterranean from hostile fleet
>Implying the Brit Navy and it's meme ramp carrier could defend anything
Only takes one radar guided missile to wreck the whole Brit fleet. That rock is mostly kept because of muh anglo pride.
All your islands are belong to us.
Oh wait, I forgot. They've got this huge ass mosque cucking up the place. It's in the background of their historical lighthouse too. Britcucks, not even once.
> It's in the background of their historical lighthouse too. Britcucks, not even once.
Pic related. How did you fall so low, you fucking dumb limeys?
Well the idea is if they get pissed off they can block trade and ships going out/in the Mediterranean but they don't have the military power anymore so let's say they'll give it to the US and the US could fuck shit up.
Obviously right in a prime spot too, between the car park and the waste ground.
>floating bird house
this Johnston fellow sounds like a top bloke!
That's a sports field you fucking idiot. It's actually a prime location, right next to the university, right on the coast line, right next to a market, right NEXT TO YOUR FUCKING MEMORIALS, PERFECT PLACE TO KEK YOUR SHIT UP.
Weak bait. Try harder (((European))).
Well done.
True that.
Can't wait to rise! Can't wait! Can't wait!
Do you understand that most "Gibraltarians" are Southern Spanish mixed? They are not exactly Anglos from England. Lots of them are actually Portuguese, Italian, French, Jewish...
Buenos Dias, Podemos militant that is more nationalist than Franco supporters
Everyone who lives there wants it to be British, ergo it is British.
All the banks are there because it was the main trade route to china and indian
Because the people of Gibraltar don't want pay hight Taxes
And because the Monos there don't speak Spanish kek
Qué dices tu payaso, te parto la cara
>Literal fort that can protect the mediteranian sea from hostile atlantic fleet. Can also be used to keep hostile Mediterranean fleet in.
Suez canal
Russian rivers and canals
that islamic cock ruins the whole scene
>Be Spain
>Be screeching Catholic autist of Europe
>All her colonies are fucked up compared to British ones
>Always have this puffed up chest bravado thing going on, probably as a result of being moorish rape babies
>Side with Napoleon
>British push their shit in at Trafalgar
>Without thier fleet, now useless to Napoleon
>Napoleon pushes their shit in
>Come crying to us for help after we kick the French out of based as fuck Portugal
>200 years later still be moaning about our rock
Over our dead bodies spic
It really does. They did it on purpose too. Mark their territory. And the britcucks let them.