Fucking white antifa is constantly trying to hijack black movements like BLM. I'm getting tired of thes whites insisting we recognize their "sacrifice "....they're part of the problem!
Blacks and poc don't need Antifa!
Fucking white antifa is constantly trying to hijack black movements like BLM. I'm getting tired of thes whites insisting we recognize their "sacrifice "....they're part of the problem!
Blacks and poc don't need Antifa!
You are both shitheads.
We should promote this.
>nigger realizes antifa don't have jobs and don't pay taxes
Antifa wasn't showing up when we were killed in the streets. Not until a white woman could be president or little white got killed did they show up.
Gibs Battle 2017
Fuck you trust fund cracker commie
I give yo white ass a beat down
Not enough people are thinking like you anons.
Direct opposition does not work. Use deception and use their own strength against them.
The fuck you talking about Thomas? Go to bed white boy.
i wouldn't. i don't care about chicago. or detroit. or the south bronx. i don't care when my interests aren't being furthered i don't see why you would.
Quiet, or I'll send my white goon squad in on you.
I disavow ANTIFA and all commie supremacists
Niggas gotta eat
kys nigger, you are all animals
You pinkies already fuckin wit us in Dallas. I ain't scare nigga
Cletus got internet y'all
Antifa is too retarded to live
Send them to Venezuela
Damn that horse is looking through what's left of his soul.
black lives matter, except the commie ones because, NO COMMIE LIVES MATTER.
white boys from the country
white boys from the suburbs
Only white saviors can free you from your white oppressors.
They're playing the morality game and you're the points they collect.
Another white "ally" to save us poor black folk.
Exactly. That's some woke shit.
Seriously though, white allies have your back. We were the original "niggers" and built the pyramids so we know how it feels brother
Y'all needed us to learn to bathe nigga.
Why is everyone such a fucking idiot these days.
#antifasowhite the worst injury today was 3rd degree sunburn
You're retarded if you can't see this an awesome opportunity to turn BLM against antifa and the alt left.
B- but we-- help you--?
You're missing the point, dumbass. We need to push the BLM vs Antifa. Enemy vs enemy. It's a win win.
This is the shit I'm saying: nothing but white people trying to come to the rescue for black folk but all they doing is pushing black folk out of the movement - especially leadership positions!
And don't get get me started in that one house nigga.
Lets get antifa labeled as terrorists, official white house petition here:
For those who don't know what antifa is, it is a far-left domestic terrorist group (only considered so in 1 state, for now) that is part of the alt-left and promotes killing cops, destruction of private property, anti-white racism, open borders, islamic terrorism and the implementation of communism thru means of violent revolution.
Read more here: farleftwatch.com
Please share to all burgers! Share it everywhere!
this is what happened in the 1960's, the jews and niggers started out working together, but the jews were so arrogant, self interested and condescending the nigger learned to hate them as much as whitey
#antifasowhite they took a break for brunch
I know the plan, i'm just saying why is this shit even a thing at all?Whatever happened to just being an american and chilling with people instead of raging hell at each other for no reason.
This. Fire up the Nigger Twitters
Jews fuck everything up. But I all I'm seeing is college whiteys stepping on our toes. BLM is our movement whites gotta respect that and stay the fuck home. We can't have a conversation if all it is iswhite people talking nonstop.
It's will be a great day when the BLM vs. Antifa riots break out and the police block them in but do not intervene. Let them fucking kill each other and solve two problems at once.
no one is interested in having a conversation with you nigger
This nigga drunk.
Then go and actually do it instead of just talking about it.
You'll never see a white nationalist trying to march in front of a blm march. Can you say the same for the purple hair commies? We may not see eye to eye, but the communists think you're too dumb to run your own movement.
They really do think you're inferior and incapable of achieving your goals. In fact, they think you're incapable of even choosing the goals
The why you here Steven? Go to bed.
why would anything do anything when they can larp on the internet
No i'm just having a thought but I would actually like to be drunk right about now.
I won't rest until you are not heard due to my talking
antifa plays the race card for their favor.
and by their i mean white commie.
There is no correlation between racism and Confederate monuments. The increases in monument building occurred during the 50th and 100th Anniversary of the Civil War. 1911-1915 and 1961-1965. Haters want to claim these coincide with the Jim Crow era and the Civil Rights movement. Unlikely, segregation laws became established after the end of the Reconstruction Period in the 1870's, not the early 20th Century and the lynchings show no correlation with the monument building.
Supported. Sick of these faggots thinking they understand what its like being black.
>Doesnt know antifa are nazis undercover
stfu barack
Booyah but we fucked up and someone dropped the hashtag in here, links right to pol
White people always racist.
White people and racism:
r = .9995
No shit. That's how you win. You pit your enemies against each other, and never mention yourselves. That's what the Jews do. They advance their own interests by diluting other groups while maintaining a strong cohesion.
If Sup Forums had half a brain they'd be copying the Jewish blueprint. Make charts/memes/whatever showing how Jewish people are superior to blacks, then ask white liberals why it's so. Or ask why Jews are more successful than Latin Americans. Stuff like that.
But you can't reveal that you're white or have white interests. The moment someone detects your ego, they will shut you out and the conversation is over. You can LARP as a Jew, a black, or a Chinaman. But never reveal that you're white. Never reveal your intentions or your interests.
Does that mean we gotta start over? Does this thread need to be deleted?
Y'all niggers save theses memes.
Yeah because blacks are known for having calm collected intellectual conversations with eachother while white people are known for obnoxiousl nonsensical screaming.
Says the genocidal Neanderthal
Just checked the hashtag on twitter, it's all proudboy faggotry. This dude is a straight up trolling.
nice argument. This gentleman clearly got btfo
all I wanna do is procreate with white women in the missionary position for the purpose of procreation.
I know you're probably not even black, but I'm bored so lets continue.
Look up what the average IQ is for black Africans and come back to me. No seriously, actually do it. Find ANY source you consider to be reliable and give me an answer.
Goddamn it. How did cripplechun fuck up so badly? Proud boys should never be given memes of this magnitude.
Also, no shit I'm not a real black nationalist you Reddit tier newfaggot. That was painfully obvious. Goddamn I hate you fuckers. Stop posting and lurk more.
Proudboys? Man... wasted time
/Thread goys
IQ is measure of how you good you are at taking tests. Intelligence is how well you understand the world around you and how you can use it to your advantage.
Some dude in Israel took the IQ test like 100 times and ended up getting a 190, because he learned how to take the test. He didn't suddenly get magically smarter.
Good night. I tried. Reddit fucks up everything.
You two need to leave. You are what is wrong with Sup Forums. You don't understand the culture and should probably kill yourselves.
It coulda worked. Maybe the right dummies see it and it takes a life of it's own
Dem antifa honkys be fags, yo.
Fur real. Two dem whiboi antifa be axing to suck muh dick, mane, like 100.
fuck is dat shit, nigga for real doe
Like mane dat shit crazy yo
>Still playing the race game in 2017
i understand niggers always be noggin and should either be locked up or shot on sight. niggers stank adnd are worthless to society. the only a nog is good for is to be gorund up and fed to the spics that pick our fields. nigga soylent bars for the illegals that insist on staying
Let's support the black movement to get out of this racist hemisphere!
Newfriends don't understand me-me flags
Tonight handed us a golden opportunity, a kill shot on the left.
BLM vs Antifa.