Why do so many people, of all age races and gender, abuse drugs and alcohol? How would society improve if we solved this crisis, if at all?
Why do so many people, of all age races and gender, abuse drugs and alcohol...
>why do so many people use drugs that let them forget about how shitty the world is for a while
The world may never know!
Pot is a performance enhancer. Sativa for waking up and Indica for going to sleep.
it's normalized in media and they make real life shit so it's an attractive escape
>Why do so many people, of all age races and gender, abuse drugs and alcohol?
Because it's cool and fun, goy! Don't you watch jewvies and Talmudvision?
Life a shit
I do drugs and alcohol all the time. Drank damn near a litre of Jack Daniels last night, woke up and had a shitload of pot. Its really fun. That's why people do it, because it works. Being constantly arseholed on drugs is the final redpill.
People have problems and stress. They use them to cope instead of facing their situations head on.
For the individual, the answer is to wake them up to their destructive behavior and work to resolve their problems.
For 'society', we need to stop treating drug users like criminals. That only increases their propensity to abuse drugs.
You think alcohol is some sort of Jewish control thing? I realize you wanna attribute everything negative to Jews, but alcohol has been around for a long time bud. Take a step back and reevaluate yourself.
Maybe because all mammals enjoy getting drunk?
Escapism. Dull the pain of life
It's the one legal drug senpai.
Alcohol in moderation causes relatively little harm. Having a couple of beers two nights a week won't do shit in the long term. But once you start breaking out 8 beers a night for decades... your just fucked. It's crazy to see an alcoholic who somewhat has his shit together just fucking die at age 55.
They can't live without them is what they tell me.
>Why do so many pussies get tanked on 5 shots of liquor?
Used to love college parties when the heavies and lights would meet. Me and my buddies would be 10+ deep meanwhile some bitch was puking in the bathroom after 4
Even if what you're saying is true, which I doubt because anyone who drinks a liter of liquor is without question an alcoholic, but most people alcoholism is a serious problem. While I really like trump I strongly distest him declaring an emergency over pills when alcohol is a far bigger issue right now
because when I slam heroin into my arm I forget about my shitty life in the judeosphere
Because they are boring people or are bored. /thread
Life is hard, booze/drugs are a quick and easy short term way to take the edge off. People are bad at forming healthy habits because they usually require effort and good at forming destructive ones because they normally don't require effort. Our decaying societies don't help etc etc shit you've heard before.
because it feels good man?
>alcohol not being a Jewish control thing
And countless Jewish Hollywood movies promoting degeneration through drugs and alcohol should be your biggest warning sign. But you are currently too engulfed from pop culture to ever be able to admit you have been brainwashed since a pup.
We all have ways of escaping reality user even you
I'm asking because I'm getting over a drinking problem myself
drugs are beneficial to the evolution of the human race
LOL wut, alcohol is a drug and high IQ people like it because it makes us think deeply or oddly. It chops up our daily routine of winning by feeling good about winning with a brew. People who abuse drugs and alcohol have a spiritual problem with themselves.
it takes a lot of work to feel good sober
Listen to my theory :
>Drugs are an accelerator of civilization:
>Makes bad herbs degenerate and die
>Makes good one grow better
It's like insecticide... Think about it...
A lot of stuff was discovered or created by high successful men. In science, music, probably all religions too...
It accelerate human evolution by taking out the bad ones also!
use =/= abuse
Heroin junkies need to commit suicide.
I'll keep my beer.
Alcohol is legal so people miss the dangera and it's a gateway to drugs. They have both been labelled as a rights of passage aswell
I think it would be a better place, at least with respect to people being more even keeled.
Medicating yourself usually has something to do with something hainting you from the past subconsciously.
If you can resolve your hidden demons, alcohol and drug abuse is easier to stop. Being comfortable in your own skin is the first step, but that can be very difficult when medicating yourself. Searching deep inside as to what us bothering you, sometimes things that are repressed, is like finding a needle in a haystack. Accepting and loving yourself is essential to stopping the abuse.
Considering how even muslims that are anti-alcohol still end up being pieces of shit, I just don't give a fuck either way about alcohol.
Try being poor faggot its miserable on the flipside i dunnobwhy rich fucks do drugs
Sorry mate but you're never going to get rid of alcohol, they already tried and it already failed. Alcohol is ingrained into European culture and our culture as Americans. It's not going away anytime soon.
Underrated. I've watched my 99% Anglo 200 year old town turn into a place where al nasheed wafts through the summer air at the local park was in 20 odd years. Where our statue of Victoria is increasingly "problematic". Forgive me if I have a few drinky poos bobandy.
It's a lack of purpose and fulfillment. Give people a cause to pursue and work to do. Our entire population is rudderless at the moment and it's destroying us.
Is that why the Mormons - aka the religious group most vehemently opposed to alcohol - act like white Jews?
whats the reward for facing a bunch of problems head on?
Digital Demon God Ahriman Ascendant
Alcohol is social lubricant. Nothing wrong with it in moderation, alcohol has been apart of European culture for millennia.
It's when you replace a sense of purpose with an addiction that consumes you is when it becomes a problem.
Other social drugs are degenerate, but state-sponsored use to enhance human abilities should be allowed.
Alcohol isn't going to help you with that problem, leaf. Unless it is group bonding with a bunch of like-minded guys to remove kebab.
We need to become tribal again.
I'm currently in the process of abusing alcohol.
In the last week or so I've seen a lot of crushing of freedom of speech, the rights people have died for.
That means if it continues, people will have to die to regain the right once again.
I drink while times are good (re: Stable). It'll be more difficult to celebrate when things are fucked up and I need to keep my wits about me.
Prepare lads. Prepare for knowing the strength and beauty your body is capable of before you die
Resolution of the problem, even if it is negative outcome.
Identify a problem, find a solution and try to implement it.
You don't identify a problem and then get blackout drunk to not remember it.
Notice how "drug abuse" is now "substance abuse"
I think there needs to be a communal aspect to its use - and by communal I mean in the truest sense (i.e. a community), not getting blackout drunk at a party with other teens.
There's a book called Vodka Politics that talked about alcohol consumption in Russia before it was turned into a tax farm by the tsars that went into alcohol consumption among the peasantry. Previously it had been restricted to harvest celebrations, saints' days, and other community events where there was a degree of social control that prevented excessive drinking. However with the tax farm this was replaced with taverns, where the only limit to consumption was whatever a serf could afford, and thus lead to the near-constant state of inebriation that foreigners visiting Russia noticed among serfs