Could there be a happening in Brooklyn tomorrow?
Alt-Left protesting WWE Summerslam in Brooklyn
Ohhhh shit.
Whoever is planning this has obviously never been to a WWE taping or event.
The fans they're... they're not normal... they're not explicity right, they're not explicity left... they're... wrestling fans.
An isolated wrestling fan is easy to handle and harmless. But a group of them will fuck you up, toss your salad, and BURY your chants with their own. And they got plenty of em.
This ain't gonna go well for them.
HAHAHAHA we need to push this hard. bump. wrestling fans are their own breed.
If they try to protest on TV during the show they are going to get FUCKED up by security.
Private property my nigga
>crazy white trash wrestling fans fucking up antifa
This is hulk Hogan's chance to come back and destroy antifa protesting trump at will be incredible to see the hulkster get inducted back into the Hall of Fame after ripping antifa cucks apart outside the arena
Honestly I could see Vince making a jobber stable that parodies antfa.
>anti-fa fags show up and start chanting their shit
>wrestling fans scream ''WHAT'' with perfect timing in the gaps
>antifa change chants
>drowned out by the wrestling fans who are screaming ''WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT'' as fast as humanly possible at a volume loud enough to burst an eardrum
>Security comes to beat the shit out of Antifa then escort them outside
the anti-ZUckerberg
nypd will break your face
Why is every weekend fucking retarded now? This summer was pretty calm for the most part.
Awan brotherS, two wives & their friend handling computer systems of 80+ dems for many years and one recently indicted; investigation just opened into the tarmac "matter" ...
Kylie Quinn
WWE fans will fuck up antifa. They're based as fuck. They're tough like bikers and they know how to wrestle. Leftists better stay away if they know what's good for them.
>antifa shows up to protest
>hulk hogan rolls up
> Antifa starts loosing their collective shit
>hulksters music starts blaring
>"when it comes crashing down, and it hurts inside"
>snowflakes start shaking so hard it looks like they are having seizures
>Well, you hurt my friends, and you hurt my pride,
I gotta be a man, I can't let it slide
>The hulkster stands strong and bold and in an authoritative voice states " I heard you jibronis were talking smack about my friend trump, we'll let me tell you something brother. He ain't no racist! He's the best man for the job and there ain't a damn thing you can say about it brothers"
>Blm and Antifa swarm him
>"you niggers and commies better stay away from my daughter "
> the hulkster proceeds to kick the shit out of every single protester
> after the carnage is finished the music continues
>I am a real American, fight for what's right, fight for your life!
>literally destroyed gawker
Hulk Hogan is /ourguy/
and if he needs backup he has american badass undertaker behind him
"You're gonna pay"
Was this written by boogie2988?
I hope his stomach staples pop out
Hulk is a literal cuck. Macho Man buried that faggot when he was alive, Warrior was also based as fuck and has a few right leaning lectures after he retired. Only redpilled living wrestlers are Stone cold and Taker.
Big Cass. Vince. Triple H. Nash. Brock Lesnar. Most of the old school guys are Republican.
>we are asking them to put their money where their mouth is and stand up to intolerant hate speech
They already did by removing Hulk Hogan. Unlike Hulkster, Trump never called the Rock a nigger though
Hulk was the bull
>WWE is going to denounce Trump while Linda McMahon is literally in the Cabinet
Are leftists retarded?
they are attacking something they do not care about over something that does not matter.
Hopefully it escalates to them attacking literally everyone Trump has ever done business with, including the network that aired The Apprentice.
Trump is still executive producer of The Apprentice right?
We need to get the alt-left to boycott MSNBC
The Russia collusion narrative has completely fallen apart and now they are moving on to Plan B.
What a coincidence, I was just going to use a WWE Network pass I won to watch SummerSlam.
I know there is that indy pro wrestler that has a Liberal heel or whatever
lets welcome all the angry wrestler fans with open arms
>Demand he be removed from the WWE hall of fame
Nigga, there isn't even a physical hall of fame, there is no statue to tear town. it is a fucking webpage.
And he is in the celebrity wing, nobody cares.
Not just Summer, but since the election I've noticed a decrease in notable mass shootings, such as those that would get coverage on CNN.
anybody going to Summerslam blow this pic up and make it a sign
Wyatt family or whatever seems like it as well. I know people point to NFL for big athletes, but WWE has a lot of fucking huge guys it's crazy.
>The What chant finally put to noble means.
its about fucking time.
Was he really removed from the Hall of Fame?
I remember around the time he was let go from the company there was a Sting documentary coming out. They actually left Hulk's interview in the film.
Wrestling fans are like 30% black but even the blacks are fucking crazy trash too. Do not get between a fan and their wrestling.
We can agree with you 100% but if you slow down the ticketing we get crazy, a fucking street preacher got told off outside mania and he was minding his own business, some fuckers try to act tough and Jimmy "the felon/fan" trashmore will fuck them up.
Its summerslam! the second largest WWE event (behind mania).
Hulk was NEVER removed from the hall of fame, they just took him out of the alumni section.
Why hasn't Vince debuted a SJW wrestler yet? Imagine the heat a SJW heel would get calling the audience privileged white people.
>Sjw horde breaches the arena and protests during the final bout
>Sean michaels returns and trigger feminists to death.
>sean michaels and Triple H reform DX
No, he was taken out of the almni section. His video of the hall of fame induction speech is still on
Though it is still hard to search for him on wwe's website.
Right To Censor was a pardody of the christian right, but they always did fun shit like stopping Kelly Kelly from fully stripping.
What can an SJW do? Plus about 30% of the audience is women and 15% kids. You can't really do anything too out there anymore
i am so triggered right now. fuckin aussies
>mfw my boy Rusev married best girl irl
Yea, they play ROUGH with anyone who tries to get in the ring and WWE has mega lawyers. Shit even one of their wrestlers is a lawyer.
Chris Jericho once kicked a fan who got in the ring as he said he doesn't know who wants an autograph and who wants to hurt him.
That'd be a funny idea actually
ANTIWSLNG vs the Hardy Boys and Randy Orton at Great Balls of Fire 2018 or something like that
Check this out and ignore the stupid text, Austin talked about it recently, HHH acted to protect him not, because he was angry at something
You should all support summer slam. Vince is one of the few non jew succesful american businessmen.
I fixed it
Thread theme:
He looks way light skinned here.
Bulgarians are the whitest people on earth.
>Shit even one of their wrestlers is a lawyer.
They had a dentist as well, Isaac Yankem DDS
BTW, Trump will never be removed.
Vince (CEO) had a business relationship, the wife (Linda McMahon) works for trump and he is friends with HHH (The COO).
WWE wrestlers are tanned on purpose by the way, it brings out muscles. Only exception are people like Sheamus that are pearly white skinned and it would not work on them.
David Otunga. Literally a lawyer that went to Hardvard Law school
>no Iron Sheik
He's not currently active but he was fucking based
inb4 >Hardvard
I forget which documentary it was talked about in and had footage, but ECW had a story line with either Shane Douglas shaking the halo neck brace of Pitbull months after breaking his neck. Fans stormed the ring and chased Douglas back to the dressing room.
Closest I could find
It's pretty much like bodybuilding, but tans aren't shitty.
WWE and scandalish shit go hand in hand. Who are they kidding? Chris Benoit?
>you are in the club and slap this girl's ass
>suddenly her boyfriend appears and looks at you like this
What do?
Vince and Donald are boys fuck the left. I'm fairly certain the majority of the wrestlers there are on the right too so there needs be a coordinated suplex city style ruah on the faggy protesters.
That guy Boromir from Lord of the Spoofs
That was Glenn Jacobs IIRC... aka Kane
Dude come on, Hulk Hogan isn't even on the roster anymore
Or is he? Last I heard of WWE they had a bunch of nobodies wrestling there. Maybe it's for the best, that whole company turning heel in the public eye - which is exactly what they are anyway
A company that tried to monopolize wrestling and ended up destroying two great organizations in the process. Alot of people lost their jobs because that corny ass WWE/Vince McMahon shit
I wouldn't be able to tell looking at his business practices. Based TV personality and an alpha male who can hang with the big boys despite LARPing as a mousy commentator for years but he's crazy as shit and downright vicious in the board room.
>that time he got mad at someone for sneezing
>that time he suspended a black dude for 90 days for touching him and somehow avoided a SJW meltdown
>that time he literally fought God and won
>all those times he would wrestle Kurt Angle on a plane
>that time he kept putting Big Show in shit angles because Big Show kept shitting in his bathroom and not flushing
>that time when there are too many that times to even list here
Vince's wife is currently a part of Trump's cabinet
Administrator of the Small Business Administration
Oh right how could I forget
>that time his entire company rewrote history in like everything they do to make themselves look good
>that time he built his company to the point where it squashed almost every legitimate competitor in America and turned what was once a violent but fun form of lowbrow entertainment into a cartoon carnival sideshow to appeal to the masses
>that time he jewed his champion out of the belt in his own hometown and gave it to the guy who was causing major shit in the back when the champion had agreed to drop the belt like two days later in someplace that wasn't his hometown
>disavowing the man who built your company on his shoulders just because he said nigger to his best friend's wife whjile recording a sextape with her.
WWE is literally white people culture
wrestling dates back to ancient Greece n shit
There's a huge difference between Greco-Roman wrestling and Vince McMahon's travelling carnival of steroid abusers though.
I bet (((Peter Rosenberg))) is connected to this.
>Race-baiting Jew
>Father is a M.J. Rosenberg, a senior democrat foreign policy operative.
>Whines on about raycis Trump regularly
Hulk put down Gawker. Hulk is love, Hulk is life
Sami Zayn
We need to take the Freebirds and DRUMPH out of the WWE HOF
based Birds
didnt they do that with cm punk though?
wait whos kids belong to who? are the mcmahans jews?
the boys are Shane's and the girls are Stephanie and HHH's
Shane and Steph are Vinces kids.
All the boys are Shanes kids, all the girls are Stephs kids, 3 of each.
I only know this because it was a plot point during Shanes return to WWE.
does shane have super sperm? i thought HHH was handed the kingdom to wwe? how can his daughters even claim the throne? btw the one in red is adorable
WWE will probably be bought out by another corporation before those kids are old enough to take over
Legit that was the story line.
Shane has Sons, Steph only has daughters, who is going to be running WWE in the next generation?
>"So Dave…what did you think of Antifa's Summerslam debut?"