I know you guys hate jews and blacks and shit, but what do you think of native americans?

I know you guys hate jews and blacks and shit, but what do you think of native americans?

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Drunk selfish asshole with an undeserved superiority complex.
>source: I love near oneida

Fuck off Jew Sup Forums isn't a hive mind

Native Americans are part of this land whether anyone likes it or not. The same does not apply to Indians and Mexicans.

Smart Native Americans don't want a bunch of Mexicans and Muslims here either.

>retard alert

Gib country back. It's theirs, after all.

They were prehistoric savages when we found them and they basically still are.

What about things like their pyramids and the Iroquois Confederacy

Honorable adversary that lost but we honored their memory by naming military machines and weapons after them.

they used pyramids to cut out the hearts of their slaves to offer to their sun god

>what do you think of native Americans?

I don't

They traded it away for alcohol.

All but worthless now due to (((((Reservations))))) and booze. Most of them are autistic about their heritage despite being drug addicts and criminals.

ill trade you away for alcohol you fucking sweed

Wagon burners who we should have finished off now they sit around in trailer arks drinking alcohol all day.

I don't hate anyone I just love white people so much more that my respect for other races comparatively looks like hate

Autocorrect and, woah, alcohol. What a hypocritical event.

why do we glorify losers? indians, confederates, nazis baka

trailer parks.

Proto Cromagnons. Ancient and proud race. Unfortunately warrior class was removed from gene pool during colonization. High intolerance to western diets and alchohol.

The Natives got absolutely fucked, along with the Native Hawaiians. This is what I fear the Deep State has in minds for Whites down the line. I've never even met a real Native american.

Don't think they can't do it. They've already done it.

This. Contrary to leftist perception, Natives are becoming more conservative and much prefer white people. A lot of natives are genetically OriginalEuropean+Asian and very intelligent. They have fucked up cultural problems now because of the elite-run socialist reservations that failed them early on and the crime networks with a lot of outside influence coming in.

Natives and whites are destined to unite in peace and take back America from communists.

ThAt and fancy glass beads.

Now they get casinos and fireworks... fair trade off.

meth and alcohol

shit's heartbreaking

Indian tribes are based ethnonationalist by definition.

Lots of tribes were rebounding up to the mid 20th century until the do-gooder whites introduced muh programs.

New Perce tribe is a good example of a small ethnonationalist nation. They've been fighting and winning court cases through the 20th century to exercise their treaty rights. Sovereignty and self determination. I respect that.

They also use non Indian sjws as foot soldiers to deal with Government bureaucrats like myself. It's pretty funny sometimes.

>be prairie nigger
>walk everywhere
>no horses to ride because ancestors ate them
>build a casino
>it fails because no white people
>doesn’t matter because no meth or booze to buy with profits
>decide to jerk off
>fail because masturbation hasn’t been invented by my people
>get eaten by a bear

and Norse pagans didn't do this?

So meth is spreading in their communities too? Sad to hear.

Tree niggers are worthless. They are surrounded by the "noble savage" stereotype but the truth is closer to mark twain's description. Somebody post that screen cap of what mark twain thought of indians

inferior stock had to make way. this is something about societal progress they don't teach you. i like them more than most minorities though. they have some nice artwork and comfy lore.

Not everyone here is some nazi larper that hates everyone thats not 10000% ultra white. (jews are behind globalism and left wing lunacy tho)


>Indian tribes are based ethnonationalist by definition.
By definition yeah.
In practice most of our tribal leaders and chiefs are white.
And that's not even counting half breeds like myself who do not live in a reservation.

Modern native americans keep to themselves and run their own 'nations'. That's exactly how it should be.
Integrating them into society like what we did with niggers would have only contributed to our downward spiral faster.

Jeff Weise was based.

The Natives you've known to be sympathetic to the cause are probably ones who've experienced firsthand what kind of problems cultural and race mixing can cause. As a result of cultural dominance and interracial mixing there are barely any full blooded Natives left. Where I live less than 1% of all the people on the Reservation can speak their own language, and among the youth wanting to be black has run rampant. Under a National Socialist government, things for us would improve vastly... That is, if we haven't already become too soft from the way this materialistic life-style has made us, and that is why I am pro-Nazi. It's hard though, being a Native American National Socialist; people are so misinformed, ignorant, and closed-minded it makes your life a living hell.

Can confirm, at least in south Dakota. As if alcohol and revenge rape weren't enough

A tragic and horrible people.

We let most of ours live.

When there's more then a few of them, they fucking fight each other along tribal lines like the bloods and the cree, or the sioux and anybody else ever.

Some are alright, the problem is that they can not handle alcohol and drugs, and if it gets a hold on them, that's it, they will go feral and retarded, it's just a matter of when.

And many are very fucked up from having mothers who drank, this is actually multi generational epidemic among Canadian natives. And probably every other type of native.

When they're away from booze they can be good people. I remember kindergarten in the 70's, Native chiefs came in to school to tell us stories abut their particular pantheon that had been passed down through the tribe for hundreds if not thousands of years, and they were full of the same type of moral lessons that I learned in Sunday school, they were lessons about humility, honestly, loyalty and so forth.

But when they get that demon in them, that's it, they're useless smelly cantankerous scum and the only thing that keeps them from being actually dangerous is that their penchant for destruction usually starts and ends with themselves.

They're not really our enemies, and they never actually have been, not really. They were generally down for live and let live until people fucked with them. I don't hate them at all, I truly pity them and wish that we could help them.

Even in dry towns where we keep liquor and drugs away from them, they just huff gas. I don't know if they can be fixed or what.

is a throw blanket an inappropriate gift for a native for christmas?

Like all races (white included) the younger generation is filled with commie leftists.

>I've never even met a real Native american.

Because they were all moved to reservations and for the most part out of the Eastern coast.

they have three or four reservations bigger than some states out in the mid-west and desert areas of the USA.

my brother is dating one (dear god why? he must have been dropped as a child) and the bitch is just insufferable.

They stopped hundreds of years before the Aztecs we're forced to stop. And the Norse generally killed defeated enemies but the Aztecs, in addition, would killed their own children to their flayed God.

My problem with native americans is that they failed miserably to teach white people to learn from their mistakes

But I met quite a few in Albuquerque, seemed perfectly friendly. Picture unrelated

Well it's a fucked up world we live in. American youth is going crazy on heroine right now, that's pretty sickening as well.

>And the Norse generally killed defeated enemies but the Aztecs, in addition, would killed their own children to their flayed God.

that and they did as a last resort in hopes to gain favor with Gods during droughts or mass invasion/genocide.

The aztecs did it everyday to bring bad the sun for centuries.

No. Just make sure that shit is clean.

Don't be a cheap fuck either. Pendleton woolen mills, wasicu

oh let the junkies die. no one cares. good riddance.

> t. virgin who will never have kids


I think eskimos are kinda cool. =)


A native is a white hating, nature destroying, drunk, methed out animal


Based Aztecs
Go back to r*ddit moralfag

the "parents" in this country don't parent for shit. they are morons if your kid is a junkie it's because you are a useless fuck of a parent.

yet I see drunk white shitholes in college all the time wasting away their parents money

and you are any better?
i can tell you're a beta from this post

but they're white. crucial difference.


>live in a really white area
>only knew two other native kids growing up
>our paths started to diverge in middle school
>I stayed away from booze, drugs and cigarettes
>managed to carve out a nice little middle class life for myself
>my two friends became heavy drinkers and addicts
>one is currently serving an 8 year prison sentence
>the other one presumed dead
>never found her body
>she's either in a ditch somewhere or was buried as a jane doe
She also left behind a special needs kid for her mom to take care of. I was always under the impression the child was a product of rape too.

yeah this is natives. fuck em.

No matter what I am the native is still a drunk savage gibsmedat animal

They have a reputation here for being violent alcoholics that sit around all day not doing anything. They're given millions upon millions of dollars that the chiefs pocket and don't give to the reservations. Most are very nationalist but it's too late for that now. They'll never restore to their former glory with the minimal effort that they put in. The one problem I have with them as a group is "nobody can own land it's not a commodity" or "we own this land" are used whenever it's convenient. Other than that they kind of keep to themselves.

Fascinated by them to a degree. Had potential to be like the Asians but proved culturally deficient. Also warrior culture of some of the coolest tribes just ensured many of the best we're culled when the white man came with better tech. The ancient tribes are still admirable in some aspects though

You're kinda right, but not completely. Come on, think straight. This heroine epidemic your country is experiencing right now is mostly due to your big pharma pushing painkillers, then the kids get some taste of the buzz after stealing some pills from mom and dad and so on.

But I don't disagree with you. Don't have own kids but a beautiful nephew and niece and my brother and me (his wife is useless) are trying the best to raise them properly and watch out for them.

Sucks to suck.

Funny shit, my father was a junkie because nothing could ever satistfy and or bring happiness to him. He was a genius, but raised by a single mother, who couldn't give him any directions in life, so he didn't get higher education (couldn't work anyway due to asocial behavior). Hence, he turned to drugs to get at least some life.

I always wondered though how he managed to get along with my mother (also neglected by parents...). She sired a stillborn boy in 1995, only being 19 years old. In 1997, me. Two years later, father run away from responsibility. You can guess how I grew up. Totally like him and I fear at some point I will too turn to drugs.

My point is that people don't become junkies because they're stupid or something. They become junkies because they're fucking broke as people.

Indians are alright, as long as you pick the correct side

Attacking and killing immigrants that only wanted a better life.

as a native american who's mostly had his family WHITED completely norweigen, some natives were backwards ass savages, and some were just people trying to live. sounds like you're fucking about with the savages.

>Deep state
Fuck off its literally just the state bureaucracy.

What Twain wrote in negative judgment, possibly in exaggerated effect of sordid comedy, was focused entirely on the superficial. Clothes and appearance. Was Twain gay?

A native off the rez is ok, but, literally half if not more of the population on rezare methed out pedo drunks

I've worked on 3 different rezs in wa for 5 years it's hell on earth

They are a good example of what happens when you allow foreigners to establish a foothold on your land.

Losing a kid can seriously fuck you up, so there's that. I've had a happy life and was about to marry my gf, she was pregnant 4th month, then she decided to get cold feet and got an abortion. Stupid bitch had to drive to the Netherlands because such shit is illegal here in Germany. I was completely against it and didn't pay for it (you have to pay depending on the head size of the fetus ffs). Almost had a son, now I don't. So I became an alcoholic to cope with the loss. Would never touch smack, lost a couple friends and even my retarded cousin thanks to that stuff, but yeah now I'm sitting here, being a drunkard and helping my brother the best I can to raise his kids. Isn't life great?

I lived in washington for 10 years of my fucking life
the entire place is shit, leave.
some of the Illinois/Missouri reservations are nice, I hear.

Na, I like the deep rainforest near forks, peaceful

My tribe.. Muscokee (creek) worship raccoons. fuck them and their scared land..

The Irony is that the Cherokee tribe apparently became a Muslim tribe hundreds of years ago after some Muslim expeditions reached America. This was a couple hundred years before Columbus.

then don't work on a reservation there. the fuck is that the washington tribes got treated better than everybody else and acted like they got it the worst.
fuck those guys, #pacificnorthwesttribalpriviledge

Erdogan made a speech about that, last year in case you didn't know that. We wuz explorers, converting native Americans to Islam lel.

Most were bad, some actually good but sadly their culture could not prevail, as it had already been dying.

Not even kidding, likes tried to convince native Americans they were one of the lost tribes of Israel

>Isn't life great?
Tough question to answer being 20y old guy with no higher education or trade, having to be a fatherly figure (that I never had...) for two six years old twin stepbrothers (dumb mother jumped on an officer's dick, ignroing my warnings... faggot beat the kids, me and her, generally destroyed everyone's psyche around and tried to rape me... they're divorced now, been married for two hellish years)...

I don't drink or smoke, but with each day I fear that I will turn to this shit a bit more than yesterday. I have no directions in life; the only thing that at least a bit satisfies me is honest talk with people (boards and Sup Forums in particular is a very good place - you are honest in there by default, anonimity... is a great thing.)

And... is the life great? Tough question.

Maybe the only group I deeply feel bad for, and I respect them.

Don't give a fuck about jews.

Blacks need to clean up their act, there's no reason 14% of the population should be committing 51% of violent crime.

Native Americans must gtfo of their reservations and integrate in with normal society. They aren't doing any good drinking and sitting on their asses at a gov funded res

I don't hate anyone based on ethnicity user. Fuck off with this shit.

As long as they're not the ghetto nigger wannabe type of native Americans I'm fine with them.

I work with a bunch of natives. Shit, even the company is owned by a native American. When natives aren't ghetto, nigger wannabe, fetal alcohol syndrome, reservation trash, they're actually pretty comparable to the white man. Although they do tend to be more quiet and reserved.

I would suggest to stay away from alcohol, it's shit tier drug and the withdrawals are driving you insane. Been there, done that, Delirium Tremens makes you want to kill yourself because it's so insufferable. That's why people just keep drinking.

Either way, please, user, try to make something out of your life. 20yo? You got your whole life ahead of you, it's not too late to grab some education or learn a trade. Don't waste your life. And yes, life is great. If you don't think so then you're always free to off yourself, but why?

I'm sorry that happened to you, senpai.

Thank you for your compassion. But what can I do? Sometimes shit happens, gotta deal with it the best you can. At least that's what I'm trying to tell myself every day. Gotta cope.

>it's not too late to grab some education or learn a trade.
Yeah, same thoughts. I wasted two shots at uni (chemistry, then oils) because of highly asocial behavior. Couldn't live at campus... never washed clothed because of fear of intercating with random people - strange shit, now it's much better. That moment when you're late end enter the room and everyone looks at you... this shit breaks me for some reason. Or did, rather.

I think i will try to become lawyer (probably too dumb for chemistry (naturally been good at it) or other presice sciences), as I'm quite good with logic, memory and such things. If not, I'll get a trade. That's the best scenario I see.

Thank you for your time, it's been great. All the good to you.

Plains niggers.

You're all wrong. These are the post YD Archaic neomongloids. The First Nations were Europoid Iberians on the East coast not Alaska. Most were killed with the mega-fauna. Lead Anthropologists at the Smithsonian Institute support the Solutrean Hypothesis as First Nations. Turtle Island is just a 1974 Soviet cult. Just like 1971 NCSA invented the terms native and indigenous. Communism pushes the whole We were first, Red Pride, NODAPL over the native oilfields pipelines, timber and fisheries in Alaska. Which are mostly owned by Russian Yupik families. No race is native, there was no genocide of millions. 500 years of war is just war.


Studying law is mostly memorizing shit, so give it a try. Pretty tough though, at least over here (the exams). As for me I'm a software dev when I'm not drunk as fuck.

When I was a kid, my father, mother, sister and I drove through a large Southwest reservation. We stopped at a gas station to fill up at sundown. A pick-up full of drunken indians pulled in, leered and passed comments about my teenage sister, tried to get money from my Mom, and proceeded to follow us down the highway for a while, close to our bumper. In conclusion, all those fucking subhuman need to fucking die. Read about white women abducted by indian tribes were really treated by the cannibalistic retards.

Coding, yeah. Might give a try too, i'm pretty decent with languages (learned english purely through interacting with foreigners on internet).

The only thing I need is dedication, and it's hard to come by. I only work now to eat and maintain my PC... that's pretty depressing, but I'll change that.


Well the dedication needs to come from within yourself, you know? If you want to make more out of your life than just eating sleeping and shit posting here the only person who can help you is you. Stay safe, Boris.

Interesting how totally different it is between Canada/US the native situation.

In the US the natives actively tried to genocide the early settlers, like showing up pretending to be friendly and then stabbing every settler (and their kids) they could in hopes of murdering all of them. This was a common Indian tactic, and usually the tribe who got blown out in this way packed up and left. However the white man did not leave, and instead led an absolute brutal payback campaign attacking the Indian's crops and food storage in hopes of starving them out. As the Indians left to get more food, they jacked their land as all is fair in war.

Later this became an all out war and early Americans blew them out completely, then agreed to a peace treaty which was basically just unconditional surrender but you can keep some of this land. Then a large contingent of northern Indians along the Canadian border turned traitor and tried to murder an advancing revolutionary American force who after securing independence from Britain tried to take Canada too.

As payment the Brits in control of Canada granted them vast land reserves, which they steadily weasled from them over the decades until most of it was just stolen. Today, the natives in Canada have to navigate the ancient Indian act, written hundreds of years ago, in order to get anything done like land claims and running a casino. It's near impossible for them to handle any of their shit now because of this situation.

Meanwhile the US Indians have no such ancient act and can freely do whatever the fuck they want, and are much, much better off as a people than up here (except for certain regions, like Nunavut or the Niska land claims).

Canada still weasles them all the time, even Jewdeau lied through his teeth during election he'd help them and never did of course

Yes. There are only two ways from there, and I don't intend to anhero. I'll get through.

It's Kirill by the way. And you too, stay safe.

>even Jewdeau lied through his teeth during election he'd help them and never did of course
his first act as PM was to make auditing Indian band chiefs illegal. I can't believe anyone let him fucking get away with that, it's completely disgusting when you know how much money they steal when it was legal to check, let alone now that no one will ever know

They were extremely pissed to discover the Chief of that one tribe was getting like $5 million a year and pretending the feds only gave him $1 million, just outright stealing the rest so he could buy a bunch of junk and build a mansion. Indians are so cucked by their Chiefs.

The best Tribe are the Nis'ga in Canada, BC made a full land claim with them and cut ties forever. Now they are one of the very few Indians that can actually own their own private land, instead of it being 'communally' owned preventing Indians from obtaining personal loans for education or transferring wealth. nisgaanation.ca/

Should do that will all of them, just figure this shit out and make them independent and responsible for their own shit. No more sitting around getting high all day because a guaranteed check is coming in