How can we meme a second Civil War into a reality?
How can we meme a second Civil War into a reality?
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It's already happening.
>civil war will have the exact same boundries at the last civil war
theres really no reason to think that
It would look nothing like this.
There isn't any need to. The fire has been started and it'll burn the 'kwa to the ground.
Make sure to sacrifice on the 21st for the victory of your chosen side.
Blue = China
The coasts (containing the leftist faction) would be just be immediately occupied and contained by the right leaning faction.
is that suppose to be what it will look like?
>wisconsin, ohio, pennsylvania and virginia not confederate states
>washington state a territory
>territories at all
I don't want a second Civil War. I want things to go back to like, the 1950's or something, where normal values and ideals were just unspoken, accepted, commonplace.
Where you could talk about things like crime and public safety without getting labeled as racist. And when there was no ambiguity in gender roles, and it was commonly accepted that men provided for women financially and women provided for men domestically.
Funny that the states most likely to try and leave the union are labeled as the united states.
How delusional.
Rural and military patriot bases vs urban and military loyalist bases
I think it would be divided by major city
Texas would be split in half
Yes, and us men were women's rocks, and women were our joys.
This map is not even close. Take a look at how counties vote and you'll see the battle lines.
Fuck off Soros
Why would China pick sides when they could sell weapons to both?
It isn't a desirable thing. I'd be happy to go back to that too, but you can't turn back the clock.
China already owns California
>kansas, oklahoma, and arizona wouldn't go red
this. also, once cities start losing you'll see decreasing leftist crap.
sure would have comfy livestreams when the food runs out
>meming a civil war into reality.
Nigga do you have any grasp on reality? Do you understand just how horrific a race war would be for both sides? Count on 50% of your friends and family dying. Your way of life ruined, wife blacked, and your crops poisioned.
China owns half the country.
Maybe they'd intervene to defend their stake, but would a nationalist revolutionary government be dumb enough to tell China to fuck off if it won?
It won't be so cut and dry. Even in counties that swing left or right you still have mixed populations.
Not to mention only a small minority of people in red counties would actually be willing to fight. Most Republicans are just normal working class people who want to go about their lives. Whereas the left has already proven that they can motivate minority communities to violence.
It would depend on where the federal government decided to throw their power in. And regardless of who's in office, I'm skeptical they would throw it behind the far-right, especially if the far-right is blamed for starting a Civil War.
if you're a gun guy, you know you only want your enemy to have chinese shit guns.
Just because the Chicango is blue does not mean the rest of the state is blue. Those fucks actually think electoral votes = which side of the war you'd be on
Soros shills don't care about any of this.
that's where everything is headed already, retard.
No it's not Soros. Fuck off.
Its some normie jew that didn't think about it at all. what do you expect? He is fucking retarded. It will literally be rural vs city
You mean when the U.S. was 97% white?
>the US would survive but DC wouldn't be in it
lol this is retarded
>texas would annex the south but would actually drop its name and go back to "confederacy"
the south itself would have a dindu uprising
good luck dealing with that
i would think that once opiate and meth supply lines are cut off, you might be able to conscript junkies to do your dirty work as cannon fodder though they wouldn't be reliable of course
Block food, internet and/or electricity to cities, and watch them all turn into Rhodesia in a week, except in the spic-filled ones. Those will become nigger genocide points.
Whether it's being forced or not, the Jews have done everything to destroy this nation. Economically, historically, educationally, linguistically, politcally, geographically, by class, by race, etc. I don't want it to come, but the potential of it happening is sadly rather large.
We don't need to do anything. The Left is doing it all on their own.
Fuck off Soros. There will not be a civil war.
you're just a pussy. if the left wants a civil war, we fight it. faggot.
It will be this way again after we win the race war, brother. Culturally speaking, because rampant commercialism that ended up spiraling out of control was a materialist plot implemented by Jewish money.
Instead of keeping up with the Jones' and trying to get to the top, society will be organized horizontally rather than vertically. Unions will be redefined into things like Mussolini's corporations, where you fit into society with others in your field and fields like yours. Endless possibility to climb within your field, at the cost of less horizontal mobility the higher you climb. With this model, the poor won't be under the heel of the rich, it will be more like the less experienced (or the younger) will be under the tutelage of the experienced (or the older), and advancement within society means perfecting the quality and efficiency of your work. In some ways, more like a better developed Medieval guild system.
That's true fascism.
Fuck you Soros cunt. You ain't fighting shit you fat fuck keyboard warrior.
No. There would be hired mercenary forces from everywhere. Then the people from Canada coming to fight. I'm pretty sure the losses wouldn't be 50% more like 35% and this time the south would win.
nah, the military would put the southern nazis down and the remaining idiots would run
keep spamming non-existent nazi rallies on twitter, watch leftist show up and fight each other.
lol we set fire to cities and shoot anyone that tries to escape. Anyone who happens to escape the hundreds of burning buildings and thousands of burning houses will run into niggers chimping and anyone that tries to leave cities altogether gets shot dead by the ring of snipers w put in place. There's no war bro. There's just burning urban centres and a few corpses littering the perimeter thereof.
You're retarded, my dude.
You are crazy yes they would
All the pieces are in place. We're just waiting for someone to make a big enough move
>Count on 50% of your friends and family dying
I already told my lefty father that, in a civil war scenario, I'd hang his ass from a lamp post.
>putin slams soros
thanks russia
at least i wouldnt have to go to school if there was a civil war
t. Faggot
What happens when snipers and the army doesn't come to work.
t. civnat bitchboy who thinks there's still national consensus
We'll build a new border wall around centersville and concede the lower part to Mexico in order to gain their assistance in the war effort
It would be rural folks who fired guns all their lives versus city liberals who can't tell which bathrooms to use.
So it would be a bloodbath.
I think you fail to factor in how advanced the US gorvernments weaponry is now. It is painfully obvious who they'd side with currently. My SCAR ain't shit to a Hellfire missle
>Be me
>Moved with mum to America from Russia
>grandpa died during the siege of Leningrad
>three family members died during a car crash that I whitnessed
I'm used to this shit, let's kill some non Stalinist commies
There will be. And when it does, rushing Jewish enclaves should be priority number 1.
I wish a nigga would. The flyover states would btfo of california and reclaim that shit.
>tfw haven't spoken to my parents in California since Charlottesville
I've been telling them to get out for years but they won't listen.
That seems incredibly optimistic.
This author doesn't have a clue about many realities in the United States.
One of the single largest factors is the complete dependency a massive percentage of the population has on the government, whether state, Federal, or a combination thereof.
When I say dependency, I don't simply mean gibs. The psychological dependency on the concept of the government is often just as powerful.
One famous example (I can't find the clip) occurred during Hurricane Katrina (itself a staggering example of governmental depending): a ghetto black single mother was standing in flood water, demanding to know "where the social workers at?!" as the apocylapse fell around her. It was surreal.
Before anyone here gets too high up on their horses, there are massive amounts of whites rich and poor with similar dependcies. Take the opiate "epidemic": the government needs to do something reeeee! What realistically can the government do? Arrest people, that's about it. (I agree obama likely brought heroin in, saw a certain irony in getting whites hooked. The normies screaming don't know that though).
>implying you own a scar
This fact that he thinks this time around Iowa would stand with assholes in NYC is just an example of someone being over-imaginative.
Read this. It won't be so easy as we might think it is.
>Count on 50% of your friends and family dying.
A lot of people I know dying wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing. My close friends are gun enthusiasts.
>Your way of life ruined, wife blacked, and your crops poisioned.
I thrive on chaos without rules. Rules only bind you. I also don't have a wife, and a wife coincidentally also binds you.
I'm not being a Soros shill dipshit. George Washington warned us about this division and its destructive power in government. We did not heed his warnings and it's because of this that it COULD lead to disaster. I understand where you're coming from, you don't want to watch your nation fall and it hurts even picturing the horrors that can happen. I've been there, I am just pointing out a fact that Jews have us by the balls right now and it is important that we don't let them get to us.
It's the fascist ideal. I think that it's a very realistic one compared to other utopias, though.
The thing that right-wing groups need to be ready for is to fill the void. Someone was already suggesting doing so in areas abandoned by neoliberalism, but it'll be even more important when it's not just money that's gone but the state. Civil war doesn't just mean burning cities and hanging elites, it means establishing law and order in the absence of the feds.
This is hilarious. Military and police all heavily lean towards conservative, white American pride. With Trump at the helm, both coasts would get wrecked real quick. Middle American would be a clean sweep. It's easy when 90% of liberal scum congregate together in a few big cities.
You new here?
>I'd hang his ass from a lamp post.
no you won't
your father will burn to death like everyone else in his city
>new mexico territory
lol try get past all the gun owners faggot
read it
at least skim it you faggot
get rdy
A lot of these LARP'ers don't realize this. A Civil War (which would partially turn into a race war) would permanently devastate America as a world superpower and its economy and quality of life.
> Radical blacks would turn on liberal whites
> Hispanics (and probably Mexico) would begin claiming southern states and funding cartel militias to engage within the fight.
> Whites (which are already probably a minority without skewed polls in place) would be targeted by every somewhat liberally indoctrinated group.
> Christians would be targeted by liberals
> Muslim jihadist groups would arise
> Russia, China, Europe, etc. would all probably start backing sides to gain a small sliver of power over here within the west.
> etc.
I just lol @ people thinking that all white people are automatically going to start banding together and just begin wiping out all non-whites. Most Anons on here have seen white conservatives who hate the idea of going back to an all white nation because it's "bigoted". If something like this were to actually go down, it would be the end of the white man in the Americas most likely.
The leadership doesn't. And as we've seen the police will follow the leader- what remains to be seen is if the military will.
I think what's likely to happen is that the military will openly declare to be interested in restoring order, but different factions of the military will do different things in service of that goal. Maybe one command thinks restoring order means marching with brownshirts. Maybe one thinks it's better to go door to door massacring whitey. And, of course, all the military's nice shiny playthings will leak out to various rebel factions through intentional distribution or through capture.
Implying that the rednecks inside the military won't rebel.
That is a map of the actual civil war. The one in the 19th century.
American Union State > Combined Syndicates of America > New England > democratic USA > autocratic USA > PSA
wtf i love mexican gangs now
You can't attack them without getting murdered by the rest of the world, at best the US would be divided into an old US and a bunch of city-states.
>Dakota territory
No, go fuck yourself, I dare the fucking dakota faggots to try and pass into Montana and claim it was their own. I'll feast on their flesh and they scramble to survive.
Who's going to invade? All the relevant countries are across the ocean and Mexico will probably try to take the Southwest back no matter what.
I served for many years. People don't realize all the guys with the keys to the weapons are redneck as fuck. They choose those jobs becuase it suits their personality. You think they aren't gonna grab every piece of hardware not tied down.
this map needs to stop getting posted, it's incorrect
Probably the most level-headed point made in this entire thread.
It's actually funny how fucking retarded that map is
The fags in Kansas City would try something. Wouldn't work, though. Too many guys with a hard on for John Moses Browning for that too happen.
rural people would just allow city people to starve to death, and kill any who try to escape.
>Indiana not viewing itself as a Southern US in the Midwest
they're dumb enough to nazi salute, they're dumb enough to obey orders
u wot m8
50% of Zero is Zero.
Always trips me out, no further south than chicago and a thicker accent than tennekee
Deus Fucking Vult brother!
You're kinda fucked.
What world do you live in?
I really really hope I get to work a blockade.
>hitting the gas button when a bugman tries to leave through the checkpoint
>watching the artillery bombard whatever pozzed shithole we're sitting out
Comfy as fuck desu