Our social studies department wanted to try something new this semester

>our social studies department wanted to try something new this semester
>European history
>I couldn't believe a course like this could even be conceived at the high school level, especially in the U.S.
>I instantly throw my hat in volunteer
>more experienced history teacher with a degree in history is chosen instead (I was an economics/sociology dual major)
>get bummed out
>get a call 2 days later
>history teacher doesn't want to do it, offers it to me
>fuck yes
>department was still finalizing materials for the course so doing the first two weeks before census I could do prehistory
First day of school was last Monday and I went through the first week lecturing about Paleolithic societies in central Europe. In my slides, I included pictures of crude stone tools, Neanderthal vs. human skulls and primitive dwellings. By Friday I was talking about cave paintings in France and evidence of alcohol brewing in Greece. By the end of the class on Friday I alluded to the Minoans as they would be our first great European civilization to study. Or so I had thought
>get an e-mail earlier today from principal
>notified that I had completely overstepped my authority
>would probably be placed on administrative leave for the fuck-up I did
Obviously I had no idea what the hell was going on
>principal says I failed to obtain the schedule and materials from the social studies department
>appreciated my autonomy but I completely missed the point of the class
>it's not "European History" but an elective course titled "The Rise of Fascism in Europe"
>principal revealed that he thought I would be a good teacher to lecture about social justice, inequality and the evils of Nazism because of my sociology background (lol wut?)
>tfw on leave
pic related is a slide in the packet I have since obtained


Fucking shit man. I'm boiling with anger. Not sure what to ask other than why is our country being kiked so hard.

You should rat them out. Make some noise, contact news outlets that will make a scene of it.

You think so?
>Read the descriptions of the different political parties and try to place them in the correct political spectrum

ITT: things that never happened.
Post the email if that's true.

From the instructions I've read, I'm supposed to compare and contrast communism/socialism from fascism/Nazism

Also this class STARTS at the Weimar Republic, so we conveniently skip the German Revolution
>just leak private memos that only 3 people have access to on an Angolan bicycling enthusiast forum and get fired bro

I call bullshit.

>I'm not going to post it because I am a huge fucking larping gaylord.

Both Nazism and Fascism on the political compass would be very close to centrist, but slightly to the right, all the way at the top.

Fascism isn't nazism, but Nazism was inspired partly by fascism. I'm a part of the ABP (american blackshirts party) and we consider our version of fascism to be radical centrist. Racism is not a part of fascism.

I'd recommend Oswald Mosley's speeches and books to anyone interested in learning. Here is a giant list of relevant books toward fascism.

Stanley Payne A History of Fascism 1914-1945
Robert O. Paxton The Anatomy of Fascism
Walter Laqueur Fascism: Past, Present, Future
Roger Griffin Modernism and Fascism
Kevin Passmore Fascism: A very short introduction
John Pollard The Fascist Experience in Italy
Michael Mann Fascists
A. James Gregor Mussolini's Intellectuals
Daniel Woodley Fascism and Political Theory
Julius Evola Revolt Against the Modern World
Men Among the Ruins
Rene Guenon The Crisis of the Modern World
Oswald Spengler The Decline of the West
The hour of decision
Bertrand de Jouvenel On power, its nature and the history of its growth
Thomas Carlyle Heroes and Hero Worship
Gustav Le Bon The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind
José Ortega y Gasset The Revolt of the Masses
Francis Parkey Yockey Imperium: The Philosophy of History and Pltcs
Multiple authors Culture Matters: How Values Shape Human Progress
Giovanni Gentle The Philosophic Basis of Fascism
Alfredo Rocco The Political Doctrine of Fascism
Georges Sorel Reflections on Violence
Nicholo Machiavelli The Prince
Alexander Dugin The Fourth Political Theory
Sir Oswald Mosley A National Policy
Lawrence Dennis The Coming of American Fascism
Arthur J. Penty Post Industrialism
Guilds, trade and agriculture
Ezra Pound The ABC of Economics
Orthodox Fascism

>share a professional e-mail that implicates myself
>gets called fake and gay anyway
Thanks for ruining my thread fags


You ruined your own thread by not having some sort of proof ready.
Don't come on here and get all butthurt when people don't believe you cunt.

what kind of normie shit is this....

>hitler called himself fuhrer
isn't fuhrer in german literally mean leader?

>it's not "European History" but an elective course titled "The Rise of Fascism in Europe"
How you miss the topic and name of the course you are running?

Don't feed the trolls...
Anyways, did you get any kind of curriculum you were supposed to follow or did they just tell you teach European history?

hurr durr, i'm a white supremacist larper that calls anything not contributing to hating Jews normies. Fuck off dipshit.

Can i see your minoan slides or what books you used. I've always been interested in them (and not because they look like absolute cuties in murals).

You need to report this to brietbart. Theyll do all they can to help you brother

European history was just called "world history" back when I was in high school. And this seems like a fake story.

that sucks. I took an AP European History class where we were taught about how Germany was a scapegoat for WW1 and WW2 was mostly justified. We even held a mock trial for Hitler and he won.

About the only thing you can do is control the tone of the material and perhaps slip in a few red pills. I could not do it, myself. I could not lie to my students.