In this thread i summon the ultimate leaf

in this thread i summon the ultimate leaf


Die you fucking Barneyfag

neck yourself faggot

gas yoursefl

Get beaten to death

get necked, fucking faggot

oh shit what up

Is it a bot? Is it an autist? Is it a FUCKING LEAF? Could it be all three? If we could only harness its power Sup Forums would be unstoppable!

fucking die, fucker

Thread by thread stitching stars of David. Hook and eye, I want all Hebrews to die.

gr15 was a mistake


hang yourself

get fucking beaten to death

just stop posting Lee

>someone posts one of your first bits of oc you made years before even caring about politics and just thought it was funny
Thanks for the memories op

die, fuck

The day of the rake will come

literally fucking die, fucker

Is it weird if in my teenage years I ran a cable underneath my house into a crawl space with one of those mini tvs so I could watch Dragon tales in the crawlspace swaddled in a sleeping bag ontop of a tarp?


never change leaf, you are the hero the world needs but doesn't deserve

die already fucking fag

Defending a leaf, I wonder who could be behind this post?

Thanks for attracting him to Sup Forums so /ck/ can have a few hours of peace and quiet.


No problem, he's up there with Autism as bad as Chris Chan