Gandhi Statue goes down

Gandhi Statue goes down..

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Reminder to blame america when this shit starts spreading everywhere

I mean he totally was, Ghandi is incredibly based.

When will blacks realize that every other race hates them for a reason?

lol kind of hard to blame that on huwhites

I've heard Marx and Che Guevara were pretty hardcore on blacks, too.
You know what to do, lefties.

Tbh Gandhi was racist towards niggers

Blame communists, not Americans.

Wew, thank you America.
At least I can rest assured people aren't going to go after all the Levski statues.

The Antifa aids started in Europe, faggot. You're patient zero in this situation.

my statues remain unvandalized

I thought idolatry was haram?

Maybe we've got a little taste of the utter destruction, chaos and misery fascism brings?
I mean the last time dictators tried instituting fascist forms of government we only lost 50 million or so people, centuries old cities destroyed, and entire peoples displaced from their homes. People have every reason to be antifascist here and absolutely 0 to be roleplaying nazi larpers like in the US.
Meanwhile your antifa are just running amock and smashing down statues that have nothing to do with fascism or anything.

Try wearing a swastika T-shirt lol

Marx was also hardcore anti-Semitic. He proposed communism as a means of destroying jews as a people and solving the Jewish question.

You copy everything we do in Europe but make it 10 times worse because your culture is sick and depraved

I remember reading he also hated Serbs for some reason.

Based poo.

Considering it was just hijacked by the jews to destroy everyone else, does that make Marx as much of a failure as Marxism?

He wouldn't really destroy them as peoples, but he'd absolutely destroy their culture. Which is still nice.

Communism was collective cultural suicide by the jews, unfortunately we had to go down with them.

Hitler saved them.

Your statues have been destroyed for decades.

Found it.

Those antifa fags sure do show how great antifacism is outside the G20!

Nah #RhodesMustFall started the process. Still safe to blame Africans.

>isolate the US prior to WW3
Just as (((planned))), just like Germany.

>my statues remain unvandalized

The few that are left.

Sit down, shitskin.

Yes I didn't mean that he wanted to kill them all. He wanted to destroy their identity as a people's, which he said was primarily money worship.

>strategy to usurp nations
Wishful thinking

You destroyed each others countries for central banking.
So many contradictions in one simple statement.

this happened a year ago

Marx was absolutely anti-jewish.

I think that was bakuin

>Until the fall of the Third Reich, Breker was a professor of visual arts in Berlin. While nearly all of his sculptures survived World War II, more than 90% of his public work was destroyed by the allies after the war.

>t.poojet rajinder.

Self hating jew. Many such cases.

I am referring to Marx's pamphlet "on the Jewish question".
Marx and Bakunin (anarchist thinker and a contemporary of Marx for those that don't know) were both anti-Semitic. Basically for the same reason.

Why is there even a statue of Gandhi in Ghana?

Being right is racist now?
Black people are lazy and violent, this is a fact.
How we are responsible for that? We should talk about it loud and teach these niggers how to live without welfare and humanitarian aid

Are uppity blacks the worst people in the world?

>Marx was also hardcore anti-Semitic

he was jewish himself

Che had to deal with the cuban niggers and then the awful shit time in the congo, yeah that would make me a racist too.

They're a product of something else, so no.


Your point? He was never a believer and he rejected his identity.

Motherfucking GANDHI ISN'T SAFE?!?

>because he was himself Jewish he must have been just playing a trick and only pretended to hate jews
Is this your implication?

Honestly yea, either that or he could be like Bobby Fisher where he's a self-loathing jew.

>the jew is the niggers best friend

some of the biggest antisemites have always been jews. self-hating jew is more common than you'd think.

The ultimate redpill is that communism is an american invention.

They are trying to destroy good art. They want shitty commie art everywhere

It wasn't though even the name wasn't derived from America, but by the French in 1777.

>He was never a believer and he rejected his identity.

one of the characteristics of the International Jew is the rejection of his identity as a jew (Nâsâ - Jewish Taqqiya) while at the same time enforcing their mission as destabilizers of host civilizations. (Jared Kushner)

The jew never stops being a Jew, in fact, the little of soul he had has been taken away by the talmudic satanism, which gives him little or no sympathy for the Goyim.

Acolytes of the Devil, they know nothing but stealing, deceiving, lying and leeching off the success of others.

If (((someone))) tries to do this shit here he is going to have his ass kicked so hard he will have his buttcheecks on his face.

His actions and other writings contradict your conspiracy theory.
Marx wanted to completely sever human history to build a new world. To do so required the destruction of every identity. His only allegiance was to communism. Jews posed a particular problem to his vision because of their financial power and ethnocentrism, that's why he wrote about them specifically.

Nobody likes niggers.

Fuck ghandi

Paul the Apostle was another one. The Jews refused to worship his Jesus, so he preached to gentiles instead. He also said they were liars, killers of prophets, and hoped those who circumcised themselves cut off their dicks.

Nah, some uppity niggers tried it here with Oxford and their Rhodes must fall campaign. It fell apart pretty quickly, particularly after everyone found out the lead nigger was here as a Rhodes Scholar. Anyway they never got anywhere.

Yes, they both hated fags and niggers, someone should notice that to antifa.

I'm only interested in what is real and factual. Your rambling is neither of those things.

Even Gandhi hated blacks.

They cannot be vandalized now if they were already destroyed after WW2, Hans.

>Antifa aids started in Germany, faggot.

It's only a matter of time

Not because he was A PEDOPHILE?


This campaign was a thing long before ANTIFA started hating old statues

interesting that some of the rest still survive even now, hidden away
this is a pretty interesting documentary if you like german art
watch the first couple of minutes where he uncovers some of the old nazi statues that are in some warehouse gathering dust

Well Ghandi hated niggers just like any other reasonable person

This is bullshit. We were pulling down monuments before it was trendy. where the fucks our international news coverage? When will Sweden send girs to such our dicks due to how tolerant we are?

ahahhahaha. I sort of like where this whole removing statues is going now.

marx wasn't even his real name, you gullible goy

Tear down statues dedicated to niggers.

didn't he picked up poos of niggers from train when he was in South Africa?
Just imagine a poo in loo picking of poo of niggers.

>all jews are le super all power and lying about everything they say
That was his real name. Though he also had a middle name.
There are facts supporting my position, there is only delusional paranoia supporting yours. I'll know which one I'll go with.

he was in natal africa as well as a wife beater.

Gandhi was a nationalist. RIP

Blame Germany for letting the jews from the Frankfurt School come here instead of killing them.

tourist or actual ghanaian?

Gandhi tried to destroy france with nuclear weapons



i can't wait until someone finds out nelson mandela hated transgenders or something like that

Actual. I go to that University

Everyone is too brainwashed unfortunately. No one wants to speak out against it for fear of being labeled racist and losing their jobs.

This doesn't actually have anything to do with the current American race war.
Skilled African workers and students are getting murdered by mobs in India and a lot of west African countries are getting pissy about it threatening to kick out the Indian diaspora living there.
The violence doesn't go both ways either despite the large amount of Indians that live in African countries so it's pretty bizarre.

once theyve torn down the easy target they'll have to move onto harder ones. Then they'll start alienating principled normies. The left eats itself after its eaten everything else.

Hmm I agree but I also think that above all most are too unintelligent/young to even know about Gandhi in the first place. So what happens is that the first they ever hear about him is that he's apparently a racist and that's the end of discussion for them: he has to come down.

Or a little bit of both I dunno. I'm just glad I'm not a psycho like those leftards

This could be our diamond in the rough boys.
This is our chance. Expose the Left.

how do i get in touch with the junk merchants from Agbogbloshie, i want to sell them some electronic goods

When everyone hates blacks it's obviously everyone's fault except the blacks.

>principled normies
They don't exist anymore, or at least not in large enough numbers. Again... You don't understand how brainwashed and misinformed the general public is. Race realism is dead.

They're too afraid. They're accepting their new reality at this point.

wow I mean yeah it's like pretty much exactly how what they say about the Jews

A statue of fucking Gandhi?! How retarded do people have to be to see liberals have no limitations and must be exterminated?

You don't. Just dump your electronics in your trash. They'll find their way here somehow

Those are not liberals. They're African nationalists.

And I point out those LGBT figures to show just how quick and effective the brainwashing was under Obama, and they extend over to race as well. No one wants to come out and be seen as racist.

It's over. It's done.

>African nationals in India
what group do they belong to? Are they even a group?