Will fascism ever succeed?

Will fascism ever succeed?

>National Socialist Part
>Imperial Japan
Asiatic Sphere of Influence that wants to include ALL asian races together. Very socialist.
The fuck?

And that's my extent of history

fascism is just a stepping stone to socialism and authoritarianism so no

>Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy
They were destroyed by war. Prior to them getting obliterated, which took the entire west and the USSR working together to do, they were quite prosperous and strong.
>Imperial Japan
Not even really fascist, considering economic and political systems strayed very far away from fascism.
Why the hell are they here? They were definitely never fascist and they still exit on Taiwan.
Again, never really fascist. Franco was as much a fascist as Hindenburg was a democrat. They went along with whatever they could, but both were much more in favor of a monarchy. Even if they were, the fascists there weren't toppled they simply decided to stop existing.
Not even fascist. In fact they leaned towards the British in the war.
Same as Spain, although backed by the US.
They were never in power if I recall correctly.

it worked here, lol

I'm curious as to how Spain and Portugal failed

forgot to use geolocation



Fascism never failed it was beaten through war.

>real facism hasn't been tried yet
>and germany worked well judging by less then 10 years of advancment (ussr worked 70, just pick a good decade and claim the same shit)

wew nazis are as bad as commies when iit comes to arguing for their failed system

Taiwan's KMT is regarded as han-supremist fascist for those who bothered to read about what they actually did other than spouting taiwan numbuh 1 memes
The party is now on its way to extinction with 2 other parties coming into the play

salazar did nothing wrong

Fascism is the response to socialism, but why is fascism emerging now again? Where is the socialism, the threat?
This phenomenon has to be studied, whether socialism has evolved to be misunderstud or fascism has overreacted without apparent threat to the status quo.

Socialism is as dangerous as fascism. That's why both are counterproductive to each other.
This unkown kown can bring us to war.

Portugal, Spain and chile were all at their strongest under those regime's.

Maybe latins need roman law to be the master race...?

wtf is with taiwan?!

Yarrr, do not be respondin' to teh poirite

>capitalism is a stepping stone to socialism

It's not funny when you really are being replaced

>Where is the socialism
>that flag

>expecting something inspired by socialism to succeed
Of course not, retard

portugal has been better off, frankly
but given the situation the estado novo did very well

It will succeed, but we need to see it happen before it.

I know Venezuela is fucking socialist but, are we an imminent threat to the US?
Why hasn't the US intervened us yet?

great ideology matey

It didn't really fail. Like, you can say communism failed because the countries who tried it collapsed from the inside, but if a fascist country is defeated in a world war that doesn't really say much about fascism.


>inspired by socialism
>is capitalism

wtf nigga you smoke crack AIB was never in power in brazil

>Integralist flag
>New State time span
Vargas betrayed the integralists before they even got into power.

Also, how can someone say the New State was a facist period in Brazil when we fought for the allies in WW2?


>t. Maduro

>parasites are inferior
>parasites can kill the host
epic conclusion

>why is fascism emerging now again?
Well, no.

Even if you consider Vargas' Estado Novo to be fascist instead of pragmatist down here in brazil, it didn't fail at all.

Vargas ended Estado Novo largely out of his own will by getting rid of censorship and letting the peaceful protests and opposition go on. He was deposed but he knew it was time for the country to align with the newly professed US post-war liberalism (again very pragmatic), and to do that Estado Novo had to end. It all happened peacefully. He left the office with a huge popularity, going on to win the democratic elections in 1950

Also, Estado Novo established the economic foundations that would allow us to climb to the top of the world economies (a project that was finished by the Military Dictatorship in the 70's).

Pic related.

confirmed for no historical context

>the strong are those who win
>but they are inferior by ((other)) standards

epic ideology

It has in four of those cases: Spain, Portugal, Chile, and Taiwan. In all four cases, affluence generated by those systems evolved into freer and more democratic systems. I would add in the case of Portugal, opposition to the regime was not philosophical but rooted in anti-war stance. As for Germany, the dissolution of their regime was externally imposed, and they likely would've vanquished their primary enemy if the Soviets hadn't received so much external support. I don't know that Japan can properly be defined as fascist, given that fascism is a republican mode of governance, and Italy was led by an imbecile. Considering how healthy and active the Italian far right remains even to this day, it's dubious whether Italian fascism was ever actually defeated.

Fascism isn't a state of permanence. It's a transitory holding state meant to create the conditions for functional classical liberalism, primarily by eliminating the primary threat to liberal democratic orders: Marxism. It's part of a developmental cycle: good times create weak men, etc. You know the drill.

I would add if Taiwan is included on that list because of the KMT, South Korea would have to be as well, especially under Park.

republic of china is doing fine senpai.

They allege that taiwan is fascist. Its doing just fine.

>fascism is a republican mode of governance, and Italy was led by an imbecile

Then according to your own logic, Spain was never really "fascist" either. Francisco Franco was just another idiot. Honestly how was that any different from Miklos Horthy's regency of Hungary during the Interwar Period? All three were basically strongmen who claimed to rule in place for a monarchy while being authoritarian right-wing rulers.

If this is what failire looks like, I hope I never suceed

>hurr durr that wasn't real Fascism!
Top fucking kek. Nice try, cuckold.

Japan was not fascist

at least use the nazbol emblem

>Japan = Fascist

Japan was mostly statist not fascist you dumb fuck. Seen that and immediately lost all credibility.


statism is a prerequisite for fascism

Yes it is, but still isn't fascism.

Boomer capitism has failed the youth of today and we are seeing more and more people enamoured with the extreme politics of each side.

i know


The most prominent fascist states were attacked from the outside, and they were also in constant strife against the commies. Though compared to the commies their genocide ratio is pretty much non existent. And fascists do not exactly have a beef against all of capitalism as the commies do either.

Unlike communism, one can easily say that popular fascism has never really been tried on mass. And when it was, like in natsoc germany, it did fucking awesome. Great revival of industry, great role models, physical health and morals that actually gave rise to soldiers that were mentally and physically superior to the commies (even if their gear was shittier in the early stages)

We need many more test cases of this. Also lots of removal of jew and hostile races! REAL FASCISM HAS NEVER BEEN TRIED BEFORE.

>B-but that wasn't REAL fascism

So you're all just bizarro commies, essentially...