White men are going extinct

White men are going extinct.

Your women are breeding black brothas to further our cause.

How dis make you feel white boy?

Other urls found in this thread:


it will raise the average IQ of both races



Stop LARPing as black, Sup Forumsack.

Fine by me desu. As Sup Forums loves to say, we greeks are not white. Well done alienating yourselves from possible alies nordcucks. Let the racemixing begin

>How dis make you feel white boy?
Extremely horny.

cuck porn is my guilty pleasure

u gross nigger

White births are the majority in the US again.


You aren't white but we still see you as allies. Why do you deny reality and try to be something you are not. Just accept being brown.

You aren't white. The ancient Greeks who were descended from the more ancient Atlantians were not just white, but the progenitors of the white race and had golden eyes.

You're just a middle eastern persian rape baby I am afraid. This explains both your hypersexuality and pedo tendencies.

You know there will be no more white women either then, right?

but you too will become extinct
race mixing is a 2 way street

Have fun with our bottom 10% disgusting slobs Tyrone.


This. CanĀ“t wait for it all to just be over. Thanks OP bro.

Good, whites will become more rare.
Regardless of how rare we will become, no nigger will ever rule over anything important.

You're getting bleached and bragging
>o aye aum laffin

Like saging your shit bait thread.

Any faggot christcucks that say anything against abortion are anti-white, this culling of niggers is a godsend.

Porn aside(degenerates), you rarely see attractive white women with a black man. In rare cases, tell shack up with a mixed race Uncle Tom. I am not worried in the least. Live in reality. Im sure if you polled the world's populace, a good 90% of women would agree that white, blue eyed males were the most desired.

More of them.

Once you go black we don't want you back

its like the same guy posting this over and over lol