Anyone else

a Jewish Supremacist?

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Please kill yourself


When looking at this and society in general we must remember they are 1-2% of the population. Only when looking at the sheer odds can we understand the level of subversion and nepotism.

>One Jew.. 1:50
>Two Jews in row.. 1:2500
>Three Jews in a row.. 1:125,000
>Four Jews in a row.. 1:6,250,000
>Five Jews in a row.. 1:312,500,000
>Six Jews in a row.. 1:15,625,000,000
>Seven Jews in a row.. 1:781,250,000,000

Israel destroyed the chosen race myth.

Jew girls are very qt

>muh nepotism
you DO realize that inheritance itself is nepotism right?
Stop using libtard arguments
Also, Ashkenazi Jews is what I'm talking about. Israel Jews are literally Shitskin-tier. Ashkenazim converted to judaism as a means to unify their ethnicity.

I'm not going to deny that a tribe of people in deep communion with nefarious, inter-dimensional demons are gifted by those demons with unnatural worldly powers and abilities. We do not resist them because they are inferior. If they were inferior, why would we need to resist them?

We resist them because they destroyed the world that Western civilization created, and are now intent on destroying the white race that created Western civilization.

Now pls.

Me. They already won. I bow down to my financial lords.
An organized minority will always prevail confronted with an unorganized majority.

Welcome back aboaaaarrrd!

you can just say Jew. Supremacist is implied you fucking kike.

go outside, fagget

actually, by definition a minority will always prevail because the bell curve ends tend to be smaller than the bell curve center.

this is now a WORLD WAR RISK thread


My allegiances (and ideas of supremacies) go:
1) American
2) Jewish
3) White
4) Western

>Jewish Supremacist

Kinda redundant since their religion asserts that they are God's chosen people who are meant to rule over the gentile cattle.

The 'Chosen People' part sounds elitist, but Judaism is way harder on Jews than non-Jews.

'Chosen' means held to a higher standard. More rules and more chances to slip.

muslims are going to destroy israel. haha then we will gas you fleeing. good luck with your future kike

you are disgusting.

we will kill you kike

haha stufu you kike.


>one country vs 12
>a billion dollars of aid a year
>against oil tycoon countries with militant youth
>still manage to gain territory

mfw whites still think we're going away

>'Chosen' means held to a higher standard.

Exactly, a higher standard because they think they're superior. Only people who think highly of themselves hold themselves to high standards.

trip 7's beat 99's
get ready to be cucked by our Big Jewish Brains

ironically, white liberals hold whites to a higher standard than they hold Brown People too. Brown People are like lowly pets, it's the owner of the pet who's at fault, not the pet.
I actually agree lol

Says some paki in canada.

It's called loxism.

Jews are physically inferior

Here's my take on the Jews:
>Promised people of God
>probably not going anywhere via violent means
Being that planet Earth is a melting pot of races, and that Jews make up a tiny portion, they'll be mixed in fairly soon.
Unless they pull a Sup Forums and drop a "no racemixing" meme.

>being that planet Earth is a melting pot of races, and that Jews make up a tiny portion, they'll be mixed in fairly soon.
>Unless they pull a Sup Forums and drop a "no racemixing" meme.

Oh my kek. Hey boys, looks like we got a new one who drifted in from twitter. Anyone got some ready made redpills on Jews and their precious ethnostate?

Yes, because I am Jewish. However, I hate most of the other Jews I see because they're way too liberal. I once tried going to the local synagogue but it was a "reform" one where the "Rabbi" was a lesbian woman.

Hopefully Israeli Jews are better, I don't know. I'm still a supremacist though because we're very successful and are good at setting our enemies against each other instead of getting involved in fights/disputes, whether wars or culture wars or any other problem.

This it's why Einstein was a faggot and we'd all be better off if he never existed. It's also why Black People are better than whites.

here senpai
>how can goyim even compete?

Also, I believe in it because it benefits me. I have been offered jobs simply for being Jewish.

>The offers never come from Jews though, only Chinese

Jews are to whites as whites are to blacks.

1488 is BLM tier.

>My son, you can own the house you grew up in
>Three chosen-ites found Twentieth Century Fox, no conflict of interest
false equivalency

I wouldn't say they are superior but they are intelligent & formidable adversaries that act as parasites and leech upon their host societies in a subversive takeover. They do not work or fight for themselves, they fool and lie the world into working for them and their satanic agenda to bring the world into chaos so that they can rule over us. They must be dethroned for all of us to follow through our own destinies.

>a Jewish Supremacist?

It doesn't matter if a people is superior or inferior to my people. What matters if whether or not they are harmful to my nation and country.

>This it's why Einstein was a faggot and we'd all be better off if he never existed. It's also why Black People are better than whites.

Einstein was a hypocrite who dispised nationalism except for Jews, since he was also a Zionist. Thus harmful to America. That is all that matters.

Lohamei Herut Yisrael !!

>thinks jews are holding a gun to his head forcing him to drink tap water instead of zippy water
Yeah, I've been seeing too many fellow jews eat the medicine we're selling wtf
i thought for a second that was a torah burning and got excited at the increase in demand
this. have you ever tried to debate with an average White Person? They're literally niggers without the athletic ability.
wanting to control free markets because too stupid to compete without a handicap
typical White Person
Yeah, bro, e=mc2 is a parasitic idea
>harmful to my community
ok, that's actually a good argument. Thank you.
You're right. I hate hypocrisy more than indians.

>with jews you win
Nevertheless, dilemma for once is wrong since jews are only morally inferior which is inferior in a just society that we don't have right now.

I don't think you understand how Judaism works in practice.

There are numerous congregations, but in general you will have the Orthodox, who will be either modernists or haredim; the former believes in some integration with society, the latter believes in the absolute minimum. Then you would have your conservatives and traditionalists; essentially, rabbinic laws come up for review more often and rabbis can negate or curb certain restrictions. Then you have your reform and liberal movements, which are essentially Jews: The Club.

>So what?
Reform/Liberal are the most likely to marry out, but they also are the least considered Jewish, and most convert. They're considered soft Christians by a large portion of other Jews. Conservatives are dying out in general; they've taken a Milquetoast stance on a lot of issues, and thus have lost a lot of their tradition.

So, you have the Orthodox. The Orthodox do not marry out. Think 95%+ marriage rates to other Jews. They also tend to have 5+ children per family; it's not uncommon to meet a Haredim rabbi with a dozen children.

>So what?
The Orthodox aren't afraid. They see the other splits through a historical lens; when Jews change their laws, they become assimilated or die out. So, they look at all the Jews that are race mixing as doomed brothers whereas they will be the real inheritors of the mantle of Judaism.

You're in a liberal synagogue you fucking idiot.

Go to an Orthodox shul.

>Double chin on the anglo
10/10, Moysha

No, Torahs must be buried. Korans belong in flames.

My cousin sells torah's we should get anti-israelites to start a meme of burning torahs so he can make more money

I'm conservative but I'm not sure where I would fit in, I'm half Persian and half white. I don't think there's any Mizrahi or Sephardi Shuls around me, only Ashkenazim.

I feel we're close to aglobal collapse, where we undergo a genetic bottleneck event, and we may finally be capable of breeding a truly elite race

props on the NBs bro
any NB's you'd recommend ?

>Go to a reform temple
>Not Ashkenazim

Uh... do you mean you're conservative in politics or in religious practice?

Soon, brother.

Okay e=mc2 whatever. Let's not point out that (((Einstein))) worked at a patent office and stole most of his ideas. So what the guy was smart, but he is not the fucking archetype genius. Fuck Einstein.

>patenting an equation

Both. The only temple close to me is Reform, so that's out of the question. I want a conservative Sephardi temple but don't think there are any around.

Well, actual Conservative Sephardi are rare. Sort of unicorns. If you're determined to find a Conservative shul, go for it, but they are very much a dying breed.

If you're looking for a more conservative outlook, you're probably better off finding an outreach program for Orthodox. Chabad also works, but Chabad is a bit interesting of a sect.

How do you feel about antisemitism?

I think my surname is Jewish and that's why I've been treated so badly here in Finland. I got it from my father yet he has never been here for me. Wonder why.

Just started Jewish Supremacism by David Duke. Truman show effect

Alright that's sad to hear. I feel like those are a little too extreme for me, I don't want Judaism to be the only important thing in my life. I still need to be able to blend in with the goyim, and some of their restrictions are a little harsh. It could work if you live in a Jewish community, but I don't and it hinders business, not helps.

I only experienced it from Mexicans in middle school who asked me why I killed Jesus etc. Mexican kids get ALL of their information about Jews from Cartman on South Park, and they mimic him. But it's nonexistent as far as I have seen. I laugh when I see news articles about crying holocaust survivors saying "oy vey it could happen America." Fucking wannabe martyrs.

Jewish humor is usually self-deprecating so do that and fit in, don't be a hypersensitive snowflake and you'll be fine.

Well, the problem is that Sephardi didn't really have religious reformation; they never became "citizens" in the same way the Ashkenazim did.

So, you can honestly go to any shul you please, but you won't find Sephardim in any non-Orthodox shul for the most part.

Also, Sephardim/Mizrahi/Israeli Jews have a bit of a third category; Masortim.

I.e., those that keep traditions for the sake of keeping traditions. Think, not diehard fanatics, but believers that traditions are the binding fabric of society.