Dare I say... He is /ourguy/ again?

Dare I say... He is /ourguy/ again?

I think he copied it from another guy.
Anyways, pedo or not, he run away scared. I may tolerate gay people, but no faggots.

>milquetoast fat joke
Call me when he's roasting that dead whale

He'll make a comeback. That fucking faggot.


Whoever made it... they are a genious

holy checked

Steal it away from Milo. That's the right thing to do.


I don't mind the fact that he's gay and fucks black dudes.

I mind the fact that he immediately backed down and pussied out as soon as the Left started to target him.

>faggots btfo

this guy is a bargain bin Douglas Murray

>I think he copied it from another guy.
that's what I automatically think when I see shit like this. people can pretend to be funny, creative and educated online, when in fact they're just copying shit.

No, fuck off.

Douglas Murray is a bargain bin Christopher Hitchens

This. I was really glad he was showing the normies who the left really was. I got many degenerate blue pilled normies to start taking small doses of redpills by showing them early Milo clips.

It makes normies confused when they are watching black lives matter scream at a funny and intelligent gay guy who is only advocating free speech and ttruth about Muslims.

Christopher hitchens was a bluepilled feminist loser

where's your Kek god now Sup Forums?

Didn't know Milo browses the Mgtow subreddit.
Shit was posted word for word like 12hrs ago.

he was so good to watch on tv thats why the media smashed him when he slipped up but now we got american fags like unite the right ruining shit

Milo has been my favorite columnist/satirist he enflames the left with hilarious grace, plus his interview with Alex Jones was awesome.
Have you read his book, he is our guy.

fuckin burned




Viva EspaƱa!

Holy kek this must be a sign

Checked and keked