The Alt-right is growing right now

Google analytics is showing that there are more people googling "alt-right" at this very moment than ever before.

More people are becoming aware of alt-right ideology. There are young white centrists watching alt-right youtube videos right now and being recruited into the ideology as we speak

Other urls found in this thread:

What is "the ideology" of the alt right?

We don't want reddit fags

Top kek. You lost normies the moment you rammed that car into all those people.


It's because you little faggots keep googling it to see if your secret little edge club is getting noticed in the news. The only people you recruit are fat beta faggots who lack social skills, and manlets who are bitter at the world.

This picture proves that mixed race girls are best

White privilege is an attack. It implies that I got to where I am today just on the color of my skin.

It implies that everything in life was handed to me. It devalues my ideas and experience based on the color of my skin.

Think of it as telling one of the top black athletes that he won his race because of "black privilege" or a black musician that he is where he is because "you were born a musician" is the same kind of thing.

Fuck normies

How can you be so sure about that user?

Because the only friends you have are e-friends on LE Donald and some LARPers on here. You lack the drive, spine, or network.

>nobody likes seeing communists mowed down by American muscle cars!

>implying an entire generation of edgelords gives a fuck about some disgusting whale getting rek't

You're an idiot if you believe this.

The news and media just made up a term to classify a set of opinions they didn't like as "Extremist". No one that believed in any of this ever called themselves "Alt right". No one ever decided "Look, you know what we should call ourselves? Alt right!". The media & news started calling you this, (for extremely fast identity-control and public perception control), and you guys just jumped on it because you're innately unaware of politics and political strategy, despite frequenting this board all the fucking time.

As more and more retards begin to identify with this - "Alt Right" - more and more retards begin to feel that when the news says something about the "Alt Right", then it's saying something about them, themselves, their "core ideology", and they believe that it's who they are or what "group " they're in.

The "Alt right" meme is just an extension of the same control - "Democrat " vs " Republican", for example. You have people give up their right to any sort of complex opinion, because they can identify with a group. This group's "ideology" is then just simply, effortlessly, and beautiful controlled by news stories, implications in pieces, etc. etc... gradually, control shifts from control of the dialectic, to real, deep, actual subconscious control of the people identifying with "Alt right".

You're an idiot, OP. Sup Forums is not Alt Right. You are not Alt Right. We are not Alt Right. Sup Forums is Sup Forums. You're being manipulated by people smarter than you, operating at levels of wealth and intelligence you couldn't even imagine. Think for yourself. Don't identify with a group just because the news starts giving it a name.

how can we lack the drive when we drive the dodge challenger?

Because all you can do is post edgy little quips on an anonymous image board. Anytime you set foot in public you get laughed at because you show just the kind of beta male virgins we all know you to be.

White identity

Richard Spencer started the alt-right website back in 2010, or 2011.

Every movement or ideology is organized by a term or name. Whether or not the Jewish media is able to strawman their opposition by labeling it "alt-right" has nothing to do with anything.

If we weren't alt-right, then we'd be "Trumpists". Or they would call us "New-right". Or just "nazis". It does not even matter.

Sup Forums does have an ideology. It is generally pro-white, anti-establishment, and anti-leftist. Those are core parts of "alt-right" politics.

Which is? Crying that you can't get laid?

If normies can forgive Muslims for ending dozens of lives every couple of months with trucks of peace, they'll forget about Charlottesville after a few dank memes.

>"hmm, who is this 'alt-right' guy cnn is warning me about?"
>Googles alt-right
>ends up here
>slowly ingests red pills
>our ranks grow
>they start the cycle of depression

Nah. The response from all the real people I know (none of whom are white nationalists): "oh how sad well get out of the street dumbass"

Wait, what


White privilege is fine, so is black privilege. The point is that you ought to have privilege in the country your ancestors built.

Spencer coined the term years ago and then proceeded to write boring articles no one ever read and host conservative conferences no one ever attended. He didn't get "big" until he started appropriating Sup Forums culture. Go back to his early work and then compare it to when he started calling people "cuck" and using our memes irl.

What's white identity? Because if you're trying to imply European identity, there's no shortage of that. I've got a great one. White is a skin color, it's not an identity to anyone with anything more to them than that.

Acknowledging there is a cultural war on white people because White Christians are literally the one thing standing in the way of globalists completing their plan to remove economic borders and then enslave humanity by employing every person in the world to work for the top 8 corporations.

That's how I found "pastor anderson". The media was flipping the fuck out because he was saying that all faggots should die and France deserved the battaclan shootings.

I thought he was insane at first, but watched a couple videos because I thought it was funny. Then I realized I agree with 80% of what he says, and now I am a huge fan.

The media can be their worst enemy when they try to go on these hate campaigns.

actually i barely ever post, i mostly lurk, as for that i do not hear laughter at all and seem to have a pretty stable salary going for me. however you must know all about being a beta male virgin please teach us master baiter how do we act as beta male virgins i am afraid i will get killed if i am not a beta male virgin

I'm sure that $35k salary is going great, dude.

That's true.

But what is your point? Who cares what the media calls it, or what we call it? If it weren't "Alt-right" then it would be something else, and the media would still be strawmanning it and calling us racist KKK members.

But user, normies love Muslims even though they have the car ramming high score.

Whites need to unite under their skin color before their descendants don't even have that much.


Oh so you actually believe the boogeyman created on here....

Stop looking at cherry picked left wing crazies as representative of society. They, like the morons on here, just have an outlet for their stupidity, they don't represent the norm.

Just keep doing what you're doing.

Reddit user here. I was told to come here for expressing my civic nationalist views. If I am not welcome here where do I go?

and after they search for "anime porn" so what point are you trying to make?

opposite of the alt-left of course

goddammit op i've already fapped twice today

Your picture looks like a nigger.

Wait I thought you guys aren't alt right and it's just a term made by the media?

How about googling Alt-left? Anyone googling that?

I mean, classical liberals are not the same as neo-liberals ? Yes?

Of course I believe it, I've seen it with my own eyes. Whites are a global minority yet the rest of the world is flooding into their countries.

The hardware store to buy a stool and some rope

but i have sex like almost daily how can i stop?


Cassidy Banks... pornstar ;)

I really don't understand the problem with the term "Alt-right".

It's an unbrella term for Trumpists, right-leaning libertarians, white nationalists, and people like that.

Please never stop making such pristine and insightful posts, you are truly the greatest contributor to this site all around. Thanks for the enlightenment, master.

Yeah actually it looks like they are

Just like alt-left is an umbrella term which encompasses Antifa, communists, militant LGBT activists, Black Lives Matter, labor unionists, and the Democrats.

>you rammed that car
I've never done anything like that. No one I know has either.


What's wrong with that?

>people are trying to move to the most advanced and best quality of life locations

I wonder why, fucking Sherlock.

>how will we ever recover

>implying that we're a unified group which plans terrorist attacks

Centrist here.

I agree.

>White is a skin color,
Race isn't skin color, dingus. And your skin isn't white, it's pink.

>Tfw young white millenials watching jared taylor and murdoch murdoch
sound too good to be true

The alt-right is a political movement of peace.

The problem is that they're being allowed to pour in without limit. The immigration faucet needs to be turned off asap.

Personally I just want everything to be fair, no leg ups for people for being a certain race or sex, people act the same way towards eachother in a civilised way.

You guys are a joke.

get older

Like radiation, once you're exposed to rEddit, nothing can be done.

White is a broad, ambiguous term that includes everything from Nordic to Middle Eastern, to Anglo, to North African. It's not a hard and fast definition.

There's caps in every area save Germany and Sweden, and they're also pulling back anyway...

Your entire country is irrelevant.

Alt-right its pretty much a new anonymous, i doubt any libertarian or national socialists here call themselves alt-right.

Kekistan and the self called alt-right are just neoliberals that hate niggers and larp as religious fanatics.

But why do you hate Muslims so much? Quran is similar on so many subjects but here I seen hatred against God-worshipping people.

>and they're also pulling back anyway...

Last week, I saw a recent video of a boat filled with a bunch of Africans "dock" on a Spanish beach and they just run into Spain unimpeded.

centrist here as well.

I honestly find the Nazi LARPers really vile in concept.

I find that the "National Socialist" here are disgusting and help assist ShareBlue in D&C tactics.

However, I am very, very unnerved by how racially hateful "main stream" personalities have been towards "white people".

Basically they put me in the same box and call me a "Nazi" because I am proud of my European and American heritage and what the races of Europe ( my ancestors ) have accomplished.

I'm part of and proud of what "White America" is, has done and will do.

Basically being white while not a cuck = NAZI

I feel like the time is coming soon where we must hang together or we will hang separately.


And then the video ends... And then Spanish immigration authorities come. And they catalog and document the people, sending some back due to not meeting criteria. Others get sent back for crime. It's not tag, dude. They don't yell "safe" and get citizenship... They get deported if they fuck up.

>that pic

What the fuck does women resisting societies pressure to remove their natural armpit hair have to do with marxism.

>And then Spanish immigration authorities come. And they catalog and document the people, sending some back due to not meeting criteria.

That's the ideal scenario. What really happens is they spread out like cockroachs, a few get caught, the rest sneak their way into Germany.

Because Marxism tells people that societal pressure is not important. That's how they Marxists destroy everything, by removing importance.

The term existed long before the election but wasn't very popular and generally referred to something between white-nationalism and conservatism. The reason it blew up like this is because Hillary used it, which should be a huge red flag.

The big problem is that the left is using the term AltRight as if it's an actual (neo-nazi) organization with Richard Spencer at the top, this means anything anyone associated with the group does can be projected back onto the whole group. This is huge because as we saw last week, people in power are just waiting to shutdown anyone guilty of wrong-think.

Yeah, but alt right content is being erased off the Internet. Murdock is dead. So is daily stormer. TRS is too much blackpill, but they will soon die as well

No. That is happening. Obviously some slip through cracks. But why do you think Spain rounded up and shot a few others after that terror attack? Same with the one in Germany. And in France. They're tracking the threats and knew of a few they needed to clean before they got out. You just can't catch every lunatic with a car.

its time we redpill them about yurop

Thats retarded, social pressure is one of the modt important things in marxism

Kikes must die
Pretty much all you need to know


How many terror attacks in Poland?

>Sup Forums is Sup Forums
I like this. Always thought alt right was a meme, even if we have always had stormer here

Marxists use societal pressure to get others to conform to their ideals

Removing importance? What does that even mean.

Black men don't give a shit, show them tits and they'll grab it. Can't wait to see how Femen handles that sort of attention in the future.

How many Muslims lived in Poland before? There's 0 point to attack Poland as ISIS. It doesn't further any of their goals. France has Muslims already. So does Germany. Enough for there to be a poor, second generation youth with frustrations about being poor. Their goal is to spread disdain for all Muslims and push the more right wing ones into brainwashing and radicalization.

Its exactly what they want you nog

It's almost like those Muslims shouldn't be there in the first place.

Your cozy life will come tumbling down if something happens to whites buddy. This hurts the world.

because alt-right is a made up term by clinton that dosnt mean anything and all of suddent the media are talking about it since dick specer ans cville happened

All the more reason to remove every single one of them from white countries. They will never integrate into the societies that so graciously took them in. They don't belong there; never have, never will.

That's not an argument, faggot. Your animosity towards all Muslims is what they want. Focus on the actual issues: Wahhabism and fundamentalist Islam. Secular Muslims are the same as holiday Christians. They don't give a fuck about the holidays or religion.

I've lived in ethnically diverse places, and rural redneck places. No difference if the person is from wherever. American culture consumes all.


Ask CNN?

Curious, when elections come around again how are cuckservatives gonna get elected? They push the same old they will get destroyed. I'm guessing this will happen first election cycle then they will get extremely edgy. The AltRight has pushed it very extreme. Normies are getting red pilled faster then before. I dare say America will have a Reich.

the alt-left doesn't exist, they're called SJWs

Thank you for asking, thats a great question.

It goes against her heritage / tradition and culture.

Obviously you are going to give me some spiel about how its her right, and freedom etc...

That is when we need to talk about Ideological Subversion.

Societies survive because they have a common culture that exist outside of the "letter of the law".

Do I want the "letter of the law" to illegalize a woman not shaving her armpits? No, of course not.

Do I want some foreign agents or ((( Globalist ))) influencing young girls to act in weird, anti-cultural, anti-societal ways that will destabilize my culture and civilization? No, I want those people hanged.

These people seeking to destabilize American / European culture are doing so in order to install their own culture and then install their own laws based on that culture.

This is how a Soviet Style Communist Government takes power.

Here is a interview with Yuri Bezmenov, a KGB propagandist who defected to the USA.

He goes though all the steps need to tear down a society so that authoritarian communism may be installed.