I have an 15 yr old son. He just came out a transgender. How can i disown him without facing severe legal sanctions.
>inb4 i failed as a parent
I could always try again...
I have an 15 yr old son. He just came out a transgender. How can i disown him without facing severe legal sanctions.
>inb4 i failed as a parent
I could always try again...
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Dude that is terrible...how did you not notice anything wrong though? Perhaps it's not too late to save your kid.
As far as legal/social ramifications, you need to talk to a lawyer, not someone on fucking POL.
Your son isn't transgender. He was probably brainwashed by his peers or outside media influence that compelled him to do so. Sit down and talk with him and tell him hes going through a stage much like puberty and gender dysphoria. Every teenage ends up doing stupid shit by trend and media. Once they grow older they'll realize how stupid they were.
Don't disown until he's older and still feels that way. However, don't indulge his fantasies medically. Chances are he'll grow out of it.
Always make sure your wife has healthy hormone levels before conceiving.
this, OP
You should of thought the lesson to him that sexuality is on a spectrum, but gender, what you are born as, stays solid because people either have xx or xy chromosomes.
It's not too late to teach him its fine if he wants to wear womens clothes, since they are just clothes afterall, but that the identity of transgender is a term for those who feel ashamed of who they are and are so broken and desperate as people that they are willing to do anything in an attempt to find happiness, even something that has a 50% suicide rate.
Be honest with the boy MAN UP AND BE A FUCKING FATHER ALREADY. Fucker.
And if they're still into it, it's due to the hormones in the womb. Just a warning, they may turn out gay instead.
>but gender, what you are born as, stays solid because people either have xx or xy chromosomes.
>people either have xx or xy chromosomes
rubbish lmao
Give it up for adoption. Whats the cutoff age for this? Seriously, it will rat you out to the coming communist government.
Wait till hes 18 and kick him out then try again.
Get him on super male vitality right away
Good post.
Tell him about the seriousness of what he plans to do, and the regrets that most of these people have when they transition. Tell him to think this over very hard and to research thoroughly (and not just on those psycho faggots site where they pretend it's great before killing themselves) before he does anything.
15 is far too young for such a big decision, and he's most likely just jumping on the bandwagon because of those dishonest cunts pretending it's not a big deal.
Put him in cps
If you have a transgender kid you're a failure as a parent
it's a world wind user... maybe it was the public school education. But, he's always been a bit flamboyant. I just don't know...
I would recommend changing schools. It may get him away from the sources of indoctrination that have taken him over.
Give him a healthy diet first. Look up the weston price foundation.
You could sen him to see a trained gender dysphoria doctor.
Oh wait, no, the leafs shut him down.
Weren't you fags super upset about that dude who disowned his son for being a nazi last week?
Why is this different?
this is proly the best advice, taking hormones or getting your dick chopped off is a lot harder to recover from than sucking a guys dick or going around in drag, if he reaallllllllyyyyyy is transgender than he'd have to go to psychologists anyway to prove he isn't crazy before they even let him do anything. Confront him with reality and be somewhat okay with him willing to be sexually curios as long as he realizes your basics of sex education.
Gr8 b8 m8 r8 an 8
Bite the bullet for the next 3 years then kick him out on his 18th birthday. He'll wind up doing porn at best, sucking dick for crack at worst.
>not seeing the difference between a political view and a mental illness
gr8 b8 m8 10/10
Grab a beer and tell the little faggit he's no son of yours. Tell him to pack his shit and go live in queersville with all the other freaks. You'd be doing a favor in the long run.
Because one wants to become a better man by doing meth and going to jail while the other one wants to cut his penis off and inject silicone into his balls.
>mfw people let their kids watch steven jewniverse
>mfw people let their kids drink from plastic bottles/soda cans
>mfw people feed their kids processed shit containing soy
>mfw people don't send their kids to summer camp
you cannot complain retard you practically asked for this
Digits for OP is the 15 y/o
cartoon network only play teen titans go and gumball tho...
Sup Forums says hi and that network tv is dead....
This. White people are literally not self aware, which will be our downfall.
I had to post this
No. The argument last week was that you never disown your children. Don't change it to "never disown your children unless..." all of a sudden.
Boy you must have some shit genes to create a child that is mentally ill.
honestly dude this is your fucking fault..
1. stop talking to him completely
2. replace clothing with manly carhartt and cabelas shit
3. only gift manly things i.e. tools, hunting knives, manly cologne, straight porn, large packages of butcher shop bacon
4. save up a bunch of money and hire a really high end prostitute like an 11/10 to seduce him
5. force him to hunt and field dress animals
6. pay a trustworthy teenager to kick the shit out of his bfs
If you disown your child over something like that, you're an utter piece of shit. They may be making a mistake, but they aren't your fucking property, you narcissistic twat. Be a man and fucking talk to them about it.
Just drive him out to the middle of the country on a long lonesome road with nothing but nature in sight and set him free.
Just clean your hands of everything and let mother nature adopt him into a better life.
Nice larping faggot. As if someone of 30+ age would sit on this forum for edgy teens
Give him the shock treatment, it that doesn't work just murder him and get rid of the body, then try again.
this, also take him hunting or something
get some testosterone in his veins
I live in the 21 century at the end of western civilization... It feels bad man
You know what to do OP
You just got in from your local lgbt blm antifa faggits for Islam rage march?
Explain to him what happens when he chops his dick off and turns it into an axe wound "vagina" that must be dilated a few times every day to stop it from closing.
Shut up queer
>ctrl+f "Pimozide"
>0 of 0
Pump that little faggot with Pimozide and the tranny shit will stop.
I feel like a lot of people are really shit at talking to people including their own family.
Just put him up for adoption
Not every tranny wants their dick chopped off son.
ship his ass off to military school. they will set him straight.
By kicking him out of your house.
Home school and teach him the truth about transgenders
Link here
If you want here's a website for transgender who have regretted their sex change operations and some story and facts
Long-Term Follow-Up of Transsexual Persons Undergoing Sex Reassignment Surgery: Cohort Study in Sweden
Transgender is 'Mental Disorder;' Sex Change 'Biologically Impossible'
Transgender People Face Alarmingly High Risk of Suicide
Transgender Surgery Isn't the Solution
Transgenderism is a Psychiatric Disorder: Its Sufferers Need Therapy, Not Surgery
Don't give up on him, don't reject this idea too strongly, and absolutely do not encourage it.
All teenagers get confused about their identity. Some think they must be aliens, some that they were born in the wrong century, some that they are otherkin. The ones who get social encouragement for these false beliefs are the ones that stick with them. That's why you find grown-up furries but not grown-up "time travelers" or "aliens."
Everyone wants to feel special, teenagers most of all. Changing schools is definitely a good idea, but be careful that he doesn't end up introducing himself to the new social environment as "that transgender kid," which will only reinforce this.
Strongly consider military school, but make absolutely sure he doesn't see it as a punishment. He wants to develop his sense of self-worth and identity? No better place than the military.
At the bare minimum, get him to a psychotherapist. Say you are worried about depression and being shunned at school.
The longer you wait, the worse it will get.
>kekistan flag
checks out as a faggot
be a man and tell him to stop being a faggot,that a relationship is only possible between a man and a woman,and that he will never get pregnant.
You could also dress as a woman all day everyday, pick him up from school, go everywhere with him dressed as a woman, he may think twice about it
>they will set him straight.
The military is gay as fuck dude. That would have worked like 30 years ago, not these days.
everyone telling you that someone can be indoctrinated into transitioning is an idiot
no one who enjoys being male is going to voluntarily castrate themselves, just because its ""cool""
being transgender is fucking miserable, it adds so much shit to your life...literally no one CHOOSES this
I only started hormones because I was going to kill myself if I had to keep living how I was
>Mfw realize that this is how teenagers will rebel nowadays
I have a 4 year old boy.
Shit better get better in the next decade.
If my son gets into antifa or tells me he is trans, they just may be a tragic hunting "accident" in our future.
OP, fight this shit tooth and nail.
Redpill your boy on the bullshit that is the trans epidemic.
Think again.
this OP, you'll spend your whole life regretting not saying more if you find out he goes full post operation and kills himself. Or you could accept him as the daughter you never knew you had? maybe? just a little love?
Tell him to stop buying into liberal bullshit
>I only started hormones because I was going to kill myself if I had to keep living how I was
Statistically you're still going to kill yourself - You just have to waste our tax money first. The stats are already there, you're not special..you're going to do the same exact thing as all the rest.
make him read pic related
prove God exists then tell him he will go to hell
also tell him about SRS and suicide rates
don't completely disown him, but tell him he can't buy any of those damn meds or girly clothes
What does that have to do with larping as a woman? Gay might fly, but cross dressing gets beatings.
put headphones on him during the night and quietly play "trans people are the scum of the earth"
give him hormones and make him into a nice qt trap
then fuck him
Monitor social media usage. Check facebook groups, tumblr accounts, youtube subscriptions, etc. Limit time online since hes only 15 for christs sake. Have a talk about cultural marxism in a way he can understand. Take him on a camping trip to the woods and do manly shit for a week or two. Do not blow it out of proportion or it will only feed his rebellion and make you look worthy of his disrepsect. You can turn this around, trust me, my ex came out as trans and literally dismissed it all together after a few weeks of subtle redpilling on gender and sex. Learn up and then correct the mental errors! He needs you now more than ever. Godspeed.
Don't disown him just yet. There is a chance to save him.
1. Take him away from home for a while if you can, away from outside influence, camping is good. If you can't take him away from modern society remove his phone, computer, any sort of games console.
2. Force him to exercise one way or another. Get him to play a real sport like rugby (not one of your pansy american sports) and/or get him to work out every day.
3. Enforce his diet. Make sure he eats a lot of meat, vegetables, rice etc. and don't allow him to eat processed foods or drink anything but water.
4. Change his attitude about life, encourage him to be positive about being masculine and to not be a faggot.
5. Do this for a few months and watch as he disassociates with other faggots and realises he is a man after all.
couple things; there is a decent chance he's not even transgender or gay. schools and media brain-wash kids to act fucking stupid to attention.
do you actually give a fuck as a parent? or do you just want revenge? if you actually care, do not give him negative or positive attention about his choices. you honestly sound like a total prick and that is 90% of the reason he is doing this.
do not positively or negatively acknowledge his "transgender" bullshit etc. but legally speaking, you can not kick him out of the house before 18 unless he has committed a bunch of violent crimes. you can get him committed to a hospital but good luck with that. no one is willing to say transgender or gay people are ill. kicking your son out of the house before he is 18 can land you in prison, do NOT do it.
i'm willing to bet if you respond correctly to this, he will phase out of it. if you act like hitler or some fag-basher he will push it even harder. your choice.
Cure him.
Don't give up on him.
>op feels like he fails as a parent
>want to make him fail more
You'd punch your way into getting a date, wouldn't you, you autistic lardlord
Get in a car accident and hope you make it
this, when doing manly shit make sure eh participates
user, don't freak out. As the pic says, he'll lose these feelings. If not, it's time for hard labour. Whip his ass into shape, take him to the gym, camping, hunting, shooting guns. Make him a man.
Shit dude, has he done anything to his body yet? Like hormone pills? If he's started any of that shit at all, he's a lost cause and I understand you disowning him. However, if he hasn't, try to save him. Get him out of the lefty propaganda and feminization.
worst case scenario if it doesn't work?
And dont forget to tell him how all the transgenders regret their decision and that no woman would want him then.
Shoot that motherfucker up with testosterone, a sustanon blend preferably, if he still wants to wear a dress just write it off as a loss, but he probably won't
I know that feel
dont disown him for now. hes probably just a fucking scrawny faggot(your fault) or hasnt gone through puberty and thinks hes a little bitch, this in tandem with current social climate is making him think "o im one of those guys thats a girl" but in reality if you help him with his diet his body will turn into a mans in a couple years.
This is your fault and responsibility. Your responsibility in particular is to provide for him until 18 and make sure that he can provide for himself afterwards. If you do not understand that, you should, unironically, not try again.
Begin psychiatric treatment for a fake plausible condition , then Contact child services.
You could always try an intervention, get the whole family involved.
Demand that he pull down his trousers and pants (make it clear this is not for a sexual purpose or it might sound abusive) to show the entire family his penis. once it is in full view say "son, do you know what that is?" and point at it.
He will probably answer that it is his willy or something to which you respond:
"Girls don't have willies."
If he remains unconvinced get his gran or someone safe to disrobe and prove it (you may find it best to use a laser pointer at this stage to draw attention to the wendy hole that women have instead of a willly).
Calmly explain to him that if he wants to be transgender a doctor will have to cut off his willy and cut open his scrotum down the seam. it will hurt and sting when he pees for the rest of his life on top of that. But even then he won't be a real woman because he won't have a womb and his big skin fake minge won't produce moisture so sex will be out of the question.
Tell him to pull himself together and that if he fancies men he is probably just a gay, not a woman, because he has a willy.
That should sort him out.
This, and don't be an asshole about it. I'm not saying be okay with it, but don't be condescending, all you'll do is push him further towards it. Try to talk with him through it, figure out how this started, what exactly his feelings are, if he could be rid of it, would he?
Without coming off as harsh, try to explain to him that he'll always be a man, and he'll never truly convince himself or anyone else otherwise, and that he'll probably just commit suicide if he doesn't just try to fix the problem instead of making it worse.
>being so badly brainwashed by an anime websites politics board you don't try your best to help your 15 year old son and just give up
do NOT do this. it would likely turn him into a fucking serial killer who plays with dolls.
wait a sec, how come no one talks about this shit normally, americans really are retarded and dont protect themselves, ive been telling people to stop chemically fucking themselves for years now.
you are all so retarded it blows my mind
you really believe that YOU could have been made to wish you were female? you could have been "indoctrinated" into castrating yourself?
if you hadn't been raised to do manly things, you'd want to take hormones?
is anyone here capable of thought beyond typical surface-level Sup Forums analysis of things?
Fuck, most nonwhite girls don't get me hard but this girl is my fucking kryptonite
It could be a phase. Our schools are brain washing children. If we doesn't snap out of it before he is 25 then he is lost forever.
bro i have a degree in sharia nigga
dont listen to that plebbit fa66ot
ill kill ur kid
i also want access to ur jew database
if you shoot him up with small doses of test there is no way he would want to wear dresses. problem is you would have to find a doctor willing to do it. shouldn't be a huge problem.
okay mate, let me begin
I'm 21 and grew up on the cusp of what we would now call the internet.
Your son is just victim to the media that has been presented to him.
He is 15, you allowed your children to use the internet and thus the result.
I grew up most of my adolescents believing that I was gay. It was not until I matured in some sense that I understood sexuality is not linear and I am attracted to both sexes.
The worse thing you can do is alienate your own son, he will grow up so much worse for it. I get it, its scary and uncomfortable, but trust me your kid is 100x more fucking scared than you.
If you do not handle this, you will ruin his life.
He will turn to drugs to find happiness. He is your blood, treat him as such. Do. Not. Alienate. Him.
>world wind
i think i found your problem
Definitely look into foods that boost T. Convince him that the gender spectrum is a delusion, using facts, and that its disrespectful as fuck to women to parade around pretending he'll ever actually be one. Sign him up for extracurriculurs that will keep him off the internet, its cancer for young brains. What are the women in his life like? Do they support or encourage this?
Have one, very serious conversation with said son. If he doesnt change, disown. And then try again.
I for one, would not let an entitled little faggot boy as my prodigy.