Hey Sup Forums, recently I found out that Indian immigrants have both the highest IQ and the highest pay on average in the United States. But they don't run the media and industries, like Jewish people do. How come?
Hey Sup Forums...
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The Jews came in the 50s and started their work in the 60s.
They had to solidify their presence at the top over the painstakingly hard course of several decades, only then could their agenda begin rolling. You've got some time to wait Pajeet.
Too selfish and vain
T. Second generation poo, probably the lowest earning poo in America
Because kikes have an agenda ingrained into them since they are young to infiltrate in all aspects of gentile society like parasites to benefit Zionist aspirations and the state of Israel.
Indians are usually humble and modest people in comparison.
Some of them have aryan genes mixed into them as well.
does Sup Forums approve the pajeets?
hahaha jews have been in the americas since the 15th century. They were jews that came with columbus on his first trip. And jews in spain colonies->Portuguese when they were kicked out of spain. and to british conolonies when they were kicked out when spain took over portuguese lands.
read a book, faggot. Aaron lopez. Look him up. richest m
When Ford looks like Jinnah
I don't know. The higher your office is in the building, the longer it takes to go down the street to poo?
because indians/pakis are naturally docile, throughout history they've been a slave race to put it lightly, they're no better than mindless drones without innovation or inherent drive basically
>They had to solidify their presence at the top over the painstakingly hard course of several decades, only then could their agenda begin rolling. You've got some time to wait Pajeet.
Part this but also their intelligence is probably more the STEM sort than the verbal so they won't ever dominate media and politics and law the same way.
there are only two peoples that can defeat what the entire planet faces. one is a creative genius, the other can improve upon the idea without China'ing the idea in a mass ripoff. both of these peoples are on a decline and are low hanging fruit.
kerpal swims in the loo with poo; needs his own /poo/ category, and is one super bug away from mass death. if he never goes home, he is far safer, as there is no hope for his country of origin. kerpal is easily managed because of his history, his current living conditions in a nation one super bug away from the black plague, and he is making a kings fortune in the west.
They are tryhard
Not like niggers etc.
My work is majority Indians and they're the dumbest motherfuckers. You have to tell them EXACTLY what you want them to do, and even then there's a 50% chance that they'll fuck everything up and in a week or two you'll have to clean up their mess. And they NEVER get better at their jobs, either.
good one you user for keeping your company running smoothly all by yourself
*rolls eyes*
Myself and the other 100 non-Indians in the office, yeah.
The indian workers we have are useless.
Probably Indians are not as bad as niggers or spics.. Still pajeets, though.
They don't have indoctrination into believing they are a master race whose work is to subvert control destroy and enslave all non Indians.
There is nothing more insecure than poor white people in Anglo countries. Their entire lives they've been fed lies that they're some classy, intelligent, hyper-civilized master race of people, to cover up the black hole of ugly barbarism and savagery that is their history. So when these people all work at Walmart or Best Buy, incapable of excelling beyond minimum wage, while their crushes all sleep with black people, it's because they're being held back by political correctness and affirmative action.
Dude, you are obviously white trash. The average Indian in America makes over twice as much as the average white american, and in the south I'm sure the difference is even steeper. Your local Walmart aisle is not a fucking office.
because all jews are ethnonationalists by default and they all work hard subconsciously or otherwise to uphold zionist ideals. no jew comes here without knowing about the ADL or what it means to be a jew in america. indians just emigrate somewhere and want to be a part of that nation. i get along with indians.
I'm asian you disgusting street shitter
Uh huh. I know exactly how much they make, since workplaces are obligated to post up their H1B applications.
Your trolling needs work.
Convenient lie, Michael Shartington. Asians hate white trash, "alt-right" welfare monkeys even more than we do.
Yeah we dislike white people, but they're far more preferable to disgusting street shitter poojeets.
>Their entire lives they've been fed lies that they're some classy, intelligent, hyper-civilized master race of people
lmao do you unironically believe this?
it's typical of street shitters to put on a false bravado online
everyone knows them for what they are in real life
Yeah, sorry, this isn't convincing. You're obviously a self-shitter. Typical shart tactic to make me turn on someone more human than yourself.
I don't need to troll you. Life has trolled you enough. I've lived in this country long enough to see the fat, hideous, worthless blobs of shart that you and other Sup Forumstards are. Within 10 years, your "office" job will belong to AI - not that your genes haven't already involuntarily been removed from the gene pool.
India has a VICIOUS caste system.
The upper class indians NEVER reproduce with the poor poo in loo indians. The result? While most indians have an iq around 84, the upper caste (upper class) indians have an iq around 110. And most of the indians who get to america are from the upper caste. So indians who live in america have a 110 avg iq. If you took the same upper class segment of white american or german populations, the iq would be far higher than 110.
So there you have it. The very top of a pile of poo tastes not that bad, but its still a pile of poo.
Cause fuck your media. We run corporations as CEOs and the most valuable worker units. We're also fine with whites running society; they are better at it. We are content as long as our families are safe, happy, and full of yummy curries.
Don't piss us off, or we'll show you the difference between LARPing snow niggers and real Aryans.
>the highest IQ and the highest pay
Must be the ones who "Poo in the Loo" and not "sheet in the street"
they run the entire hotel and kwik-e-mart industry instead.
Wrong. The best white cannot compete against the eugenically engineered Aryan Hindu warrior. It's actually quite sad, because high caste Indians simply fucking dominate standardized tests like the SAT, ACT, MCAT, LSAT, GMAT, etc. It's ok though, we will protect our autistic little brothers.
moar indian vs white
It's ok because we will save the United States
>he never realized the reason California and New York sucked is they're full of mongoloid coin slot eyes, whereas based Texas is filled with master-mentality Aryan Hindus.
This is among the numerous self-consolations white racialists conjure, based solely on Richard Lynn's (another subhuman) """"research"""", which consists of guesses and sharting onto his papers. The truth is the majority of Indian Americans are not upper caste; they just have access to education and dietary protein, iodine, etc, which most Indians are deficient in, in India. Someone living in a village, who has no formal education, obviously is not going to become Einstein. That's not how the world works.
50s? Bong you're retarded.
They tend to go into either the medical field or tech.
This; growing up there were about 25%/25%/50% vaishya, kshatriya, brahmin castes, which is nowhere near the Indian population nor is it exclusively brahmin. The only castes with low representation are untouchables and extremely low caste shudras.
t. Kshatriya
The new generations are venturing into business, particularly finance, and law.
Why don't the smart indians just give food to the dumb indians then. Surely, they are smart enough to see how a nation of smart people is more beneficial to them, than a nation of hungry idiots.
No. They are low caste for a reason, and gibs will not solve that. That's why even low caste indians are more tolerable than entitled niggers.
>med/tech focus
This is also true of jews. Israel has the most doctors per capita in the world.
It's because doctors are the highest paid salaried position; to make more money than that you have to risk your own capital as a businessman.
This is true, although most Indian immigrants tended to be relatively high caste (though not Brahmin I believe).
India is a model for a 'soft eugenics' program, since most mid-high caste Indians have white levels of iq. If only the Dalits/muslims stop reproducing then Indians can finally poo in loo.
Yes, but then who will shine our shoes and deliver the lunchboxes? We need the low castes.
because they keep to themselves
The average Indian iq should increase over time is century with the Flynn effect to around the 90s. Somewhere around Greece's level. Obviously this would be contingent on the proportion of low castes/muslims. Unfortunately as iq has a negatively correlation with birth rates, India may have a tough time with this
Look at the country they are in charge of and inhabit in large numbers.
>tfw US will be recaptured again by Indians
Indians are a slave race, they've been conquered by europeans, Iranians and Turkics throughout the majority of their history. Half of all Indian peoples (pakis, indians, bengalis) are also muslims too which just shows how cucked they are.
>education cost doesn't risk capital
Very true. But there will always be a Muslim population at 15-20% (I.e. Mostly low caste converts). But India needs to encourage birth rates amongst Brahmins and other higher castes.
its not that easy we don't control the political structure of the country.
Lower caste often end up electing their dear leader to the position,South is comparatively better because of the IT and more people indulging in governance.
Whitewashing of poos is a Jewish operation to reduce the average wage of business critical industries that have spawned from recent advancements, tech industry being the prime example
All hard work and all A+ in school make Pajeet a very avg iq boy...
Phonefag, ignore autocorrect cuckig
Indians really can't manipulate people like Jews can. They're willing to pay a lot of money for their children's education and are clannish in taking over positions and areas but ultimately they're not that socially clever.
Family planning and the normal demographic transition may never happen in India; local politics is extremely caste/family driven where having sons (many) is incredibly useful, and the soviets and Indira Gandhi really fucked up family planning because there was a program of forced sterilization which was extremely unpopular.
That's a fast way of discounting a country with literally 25 times the amount of history the USA has.
>if US whites are so fucking great, why did they even import niggers in the first place? Why didn't they just kill all the niggers when they became obsolete farm technology?
It's not really in our interest nor our goal to "capture" the USA, if I can speak on behalf of American Indians. In fact, I'm pretty sure we objectively have the LOWEST group solidarity as a nation, because Indians always firstly compete with other Indians and only secondarily with other races, e.g. it's more important that my son be better (make more money/As) than the other indian families kids than that he become president. Pride is the #1 sin of Indians, especially Hindus.
You are essentially the same race as 1 billion shitskins with a lower iq than black americans. Smashing pumpkins would call that an infinite sadness...
Indians are a trashpile of genetics. There are the same amount of dirt poor chinese ppl as dirt poor indians and the chinese avg iq is 20 MOTHERFUCKING POINTS HIGHER.
let that percolate for a bit jackass
Could you be any more desperate? You're not triggering anyone with your high-school dropout education.
86%+ of Indians are Hindu, Jain, Buddhist, or Sikh. 100% of Europeans are of Christian or Muslim background. Your people are 100% cuck, and that (rightly) brought your Nazi heroes a lot of shame.
>do milk
>300k down the drain for a Harvard MBA or undergraduate degree
Money well spent! Now he'll be taken seriously, and command a heftier dowry!
>300k to start a gas station/motel
Everybody needs gas/motels! My friend did this and he made a lot of money, this is low risk.
>300k to start a website
You're fucking nuts, son. Study hard and be a good MD like your "friends".
There are too many muslims but they need to go through a reformation period like Christianity did. Right now they are exactly the same as Christians circa 13th century - mindless nutcase religious extremists.
Tell that to my 180 LSAT score.
Indians are the ugliest mother fuckers in the world.
I'm truly disgusted that my superior Middle eastern race gets confused for being the same as these poos once in a while.
>Indian American : $107,390
>Jewish American : $97,500
>Taiwanese American : $85,566
>Filipino American : $82,389
>Australian American : $81,452
>Israeli American : $79,736
>Average White American:59,698
The fact that Australians are so high suggests that there is enourmous selection bias in who gets to immigrate, since only highly skilled australians move to the US so they have higher salaries. An average australian would have similar salaries as an average white american.
Just because it's encouraged doesn't mean it will pay off. What percent of med students that commit to 300k and 12 years of extra schooling actually become doctors, and what percent kill themselves?
I realize you're a not a very smart guy, but your sole source of information is Richard Lynn, who is a massive dumb faggot just like yourself. You have nothing to offer in this thread. Fuck off back to your trailer, self-shitter.
I am an Indian and I am ashamed to be one. Who else /feels/? NO NEED TO PRETEND!
Because indians have morals, and aren't obnoxious as fuck. Unlike the jews
yes but this isnt about the average this is about who they let come to america.
oddly there still seems to be a potty training issue that must make some indians want to pretend to be from brazil or newzealand though that accent is trademarked
not gonna lie, I know many self hating indians irl
they also have a culture of feeling inferior to lighter skinned people
I remember a poo girl from highschool bringing an umbrella to school so she wouldn't get darker, she was already brown basically anyway kek
I'm not Indian, I don't know what hurt you so much.
Show your real flag fag
>same amount of dirt poor
>chinks are supposed to be smarter
This goes against your narrative, senpai. It means a high IQ society doesn't necessarily have less poor people, or alternatively that having high IQ people does not automatically reduce the % of people in poverty.
>implying poverty is a bad thing
Yes, we should give gibs to niggers and other low IQ populations so they can be rich and successful - oh wait, they're still niggers and nothing changes.
>trash pile of genetics
Where exactly are you from, friend?
>smashing pumpkins
>lower IQ than niggers
Because black americans have spent years feasting like kings on gibs and American nutrition. When India completes it's agricultural and industrial revolution, the average IQ of the low castes will rise as it has in every other country that went through industrialization. The high castes have always been able to compete with the contemporary world, see Ramanujan.
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
> t. Billy McShartson
Fake as fuck.
>thread about Indians
>Indian diaspora immediately flood it >respond to every observation of Indian culture by non-Indians by calling them jealous, poor, and uneducated
Like clockwork. Are you aware of how insecure you all seem? Most Indian flag posters realize it's mostly banter
>highest IQ
Average IQ in india: 85
Poo doesn't count as IQ, Pajeet. It just doesn't work like that.
Too bad they're pro-jews/israel. Look it up.
They've been jewed or do you think the entire India vs Pakistan arose naturally?
>Make fun of poos
>Call yourselves Aryans
>Bitch about destruction of families, degenerates, idiots who destroy society, the family and morality
>See your own people turn against you so you pussy out
>The Jews came in the 50s and started their work in the 60s.
They have controlled US media for a century, and run the banks since Wilson
From what I've seen in my high school friend group, about 80% have completed their MD and are in residency, and the other 20%, myself included, had already expressed other interests and have no completed their JD and/or MBA. I'm actually the black sheep because I went to UT and not an Ivy League school, but I operate a start-up and don't want to waste money to be popular with Jews.
I don't know how many commit suicide, but I'd never even considered that before you raised the question. We are not weak-willed gooks, we are prideful and competitive.
You'll grow out of your coconut phase, friend. If you don't, just know we're all staring because we're wondering how you could have sunk so low.
Checked; so since you're 56% white what is the other 44%? Nigger?
STARING!! lol, i hate how indian FOB fuckers stare! FUCK OFF!!
>Kek, This thread
The Indians that come over are
a) all liars. Their resumes are all bullshit
b) uneducated. Their degree from the university of of rajisistanistanpoo doesn't mean jack shit.
c) lazy as fuck. They have no willpower to work
The only good thing about them is that they are friendly, if you can stand looking at the colour of shit all day.
t. whiteman living among the poos of Toronto
It's ok pajeet we'll have white sharia soon.
Don't talk shit about Indian immigrants. You don't want to get your Coffee to get spit-on the next time you go to Dunkin Donut
Whewww lad don't go there. You're personally probably about 60% Dravidian, i.e. literal cave people
Jews came earlier desu, they sneaked in with the Italians, Irish etc. I.e. The non "old-stock immigrants"
Initially the us was under the control of the WASPs, but the Jews began to increase their power levels as they moved up the social ladder. Although there was still opposition in the 20s by the KKK and people like Henry Ford, they began to accumulate more power. And it was the 60s when they truly revealed it. The civil rights era was the perfect time to (((act)))
Don't fall for it. This board is 99.9% circlejerking sharties.
Fucking coconut; they're staring because you are fucking confusing to them. Do you not stare at well-dressed niggers in suits that speak with proper pronunciation and enunciation? It's the same thing.
>Dunkin Donut
How/Why does this place still exist? It's the breakfast RadioShack
>are you aware of how insecure you seem?