How do I counter this argument fellow magapedes?
How do I counter this argument fellow magapedes?
Other urls found in this thread:
300 based kekistani > 7000 brony
How many of those men would go if they weren't allowed to cover their faces like the insecure degenerate scum they are?
Shillary had more votes, but still... Trump is still the POTUS or won or whatever
Fuck spencer, but still Sage
Call him a cuck
300 you say?
it should not be defended nazis are a joke and a thing of the past the real threat are the commie scum anti-fa
little did they know...
Who the fuck knows what BronyCon is, and how many men went to it?
Spencer had under 20 comments on his think tank blog throughout its existence. Almost no views on his channel. Alt right was completely nothing until Milo decided to use it as a 'trolling, anti political correctness, anti SJW' ideology.
Spencer only became a thing because he embraced Hillary's description of it and went on a 100+ MSM platform speaking tour. The result? The complete affirmation of every liberal talking point.
>men dressed as ponies
There were no men there
>leaf making a cuckpost
What a suprise
I would talk 300 men vs 7000 bronies.
Come to and get away from the shills, Reddit and other shit destroying Sup Forums come to freedom!
Don't this is a good thing, Antifa's objective is to create anarchy/civil war (Soro's motives), Since they don't have Alt-Right people showing up they start cannibalizing their own or even BLM. So Soro's is burning money fighting himself.
fuck off nigger thats a secret
shouldn't that tell them that not everyone they attack is a FUCKING NAZI!
meme flag making a bait post.
(You) , for you.
>Richard 'Zionist' Spencer
also hi user
You don't.
hey anon27
discord gg 3e76RcU
We must keep the page a secret dumbass
Never forget, guys.
Hello anon27
It's a testament to how pacified our generation has become.
>rape the man who did this
Anyone on that discord is not a man.
>fuck anon27
anon27 is a stupid fucking cuck anyways
Hanz should of gotten him banned for good.
>politics is less popular than degenerate sex
Wow thanks for that captain obvious
lmao of course someone who likes worst princess is a faggot.
>organizing your shilling on discord
How fucking pathetic are you people? Christ, find a real job, exercise, eat right, get a healthy physically demanding hobby, stop taking your anti-psychotic/anti-depression medication and grow the fuck up.
No one beats bronies with bike locks and pipes even though they should
Are you some kind of faggot?
hi anon27
By reminding him Bronys and MAGA bros are the same people.
t. a gay nazi furry
>ha ha wow there are so few nazis ha ha we totally need to enact totalitarian laws to restrict their speech and field hundreds of guerrillas to disrupt and occupy cities where the politicians aren't kowtowing to our tolerant ideology though right comrades
you ignore it, ally yourself with black lives matter, respect their right to identify as black, spread the antifa video of antifa attacking BLM
and start dropping redpills
isolate these cunts
trying to disguise yourself, anon27
might I ask what he's done to you to deserve this?
200-300 in shape, passionate, fighting age men standing against the entire political establishment of a nation vs 7000 homosexual faggots being cheered on by the same political establishment
here we go
200 votes from politically active ppl
7000 votes from furries.
Yep, that's democracy for you
OP raises a good question...bumping
There are far more weaker groups than strong individuals in this country.
get scared, anon27
Quality over quantity
It means there's going to be a surplus of soap when the oven fire up.
Trump had +60,000,000 votes.
post more anatomically correct horse pussy.
what the fuck has you so anally annihilated about him?
Reminder that you have 15k people bitching and moaning in Boston about literally nothing by your own admission
ask yourself
more horse pussy
i don't know
maybe try telling me
oink cunts , ,more horse pussy
I like the path this thread took.
Remember: Fucking mares is the only way to save the white race.
i leik horses
Spencer is anti-white and anti-Nationalist and was called /our/ guy by Hillary and no one else.
Then the shitstorm of Spencer defenders appeared
Aight, sort your community out, and don't bring it back here until it is sorted out.
Oh and BLM flag nigger. If you have a grudge then don't air it on Sup Forums, face the person like a man, stop being a fucken snake.
You don't, it's a good reason to remind leftists that nazis aren't taking over america and use the occasion to grow the right without nazi imagery that will scare normies.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand My little pony. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Twilights optimistic outlook, which is deftly woven into her characterisation - her personal philosophy draws heavily from Republican literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike My little pony truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Twilights existencial catchphrase "Friendship is magic" which itself is a cryptic reference to Donald Trumps: "The art of the deal." I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Lauran faust's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. :joy: And yes by the way, I DO have a My little pony tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
Just imagine being the kind of person that enjoys watching My little pony. That owns every piece of material media that has been hastily churned out: DVDs, posters, toys, games. Imagine being the kind of person who looks forward to every episode release. Who watches and re-watches the later seasons, analyses every piece of dialogue and music, every plot point, every episode title, every single word of every single episode. The kind of person who will claim that anyone who doesn't like the show just doesn't understand it. Imagine being so excited when Twilight appears on the screen. Giggling with uncontrollable laughter with every Spell, every "Aww geez Pinkie", every seemingly random moment, but deep down you know. You know that, on a whole other level, this show, designed for children and adults who won't grow up, speaks to you. It understands you. You hear "Friendship" and know what's coming. By "Is" your dick is quivering, and when Twilight exclaims "Magic!" you explode from all holes in a torrent of laughter and foul smelling liquids. You pray that every episode never reaches an end, because never again will a show appear that is so 'deep' and 'intelligent' as this one.
Is... Is that a Baphomet furry?
what the fuck is happening
It's about the porn.
Here you go Sup Forums
it'd appear so
I'll make it easy for you fags. I am part of the moderation team. And name starts with an A
Remind them that this is what they broke data neutrality for.
Mob rule means nothing.
Holy shit leaf how much do you have?
call him a cuck post a few stale gas chamber memes and then cry when you get doxed
this is in reply to...?
I'm waiting for barneyfag to show up. Where he is?
Of course the horse pussy spammer is a leaf.
wtf is wrong with people
wow, you really got us there dude
Don't even bother
of course the one who whines is a frog.
>It's about the waifus
what the hell is happening
20,000 people attend Knob Creek-
Dont, Spencer is single handedly killing the future of white nationalism
right now?
some BLM faggot is tryna call out... somebody.
While the rest is masturbating
So this is still going on huh.