Who are the niggers of your country?

Who are the niggers of your country?


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>where do I start?

fucking worse than niggers


i kek'd



We don't really have niggers. Some peoples are dumb but docile, the others are aggressive but smart.

P.s. Probably because we ourselves are fairly aggressive.


>all of us

Dear Polack Op,

Am burger. Supposedly my ancestors were from Klodzko. I don't know if they were Czech, German, Pole, or Silesian. They left about 10 years ago. Can you help me out?

>P.s. Probably because we ourselves are...

All spics. and KANGZ.

>We don't really have niggers
Also literal niggers in Moscow, although at exotically low numbers.

gypsies are niggers in every country
Bulgaria especially


>anyone who isnt a white right leaning libertarian

>skåningar and Norrlänningar

Proud Skåning here.

the fuck is a Silesian?


>Turks, Lybians, etc...

Black student aren't niggers tho

I was gonna say >burger education
but the only reason I know it is because of EU4

kek. Essex=Assex

>niggers aren't niggers
Are you sure?


hahaha pretty accurate



What is wrong with a hardworking man having his lunch? I'm sorry that not everyone is a supermodel and that someone has to get dirty to earn his living, you pretentious little cunt.

Native Americans

Except actual niggers, sapmis and gypsys!



What was their surname?
When did they live?
What language did they speak?

Once i looked at this map for almost an hour while high. I had a cramp after laughing. Larger version here:


Not OP here, but I'll help you out. Kłodzko is in Lower Silesia. Historically speaking a strong Silesian identity (seperate from Polish, German or Czech identities) is restricted to parts of Upper Silesia. So we can probably cross that one out.

Unless you ancestors dwelled in Kłodzko for centuries, I'd say that there is 80% probability, that they were German, 10% probability that they were Jewish and 10% probability that they were either Polish or Czech.



Of course I assumed, that you meant to say that they left 100 years ago. Not 10.

Green is übermensch.
Red is untermensch.


Oil and gas land men.

The norteños, the faggots that keep saying they're white but are the feeding ground of the cartels and nigger tier "music", Pic related, every norteño.

I m in a boat between france and england, i just want to check which flag I got. Also




I thought the southern Mexicans where the niggers


The South

and niggers


poland has real niggers

lel evry one is nigger

Come on, its 2017

We're all niggers here, but in the north there are arabs and jews that converted but are the most degenerate niggers.
I live in the Bajio, we're pretty calm people and don't give a shit.

Niggers are decent white citizens when compared to S*lesians.

at least the rats know that they're sub-subhuman and stick to shit like stealing copper and scamming tourists
niggers try to take your country away and have you pat them on the back for it

The southerners are just poor and tend to be uneducated since a lot of them come from indigenous communities, or are imported from more conflict areas like Salvador, Guatemala etc.. They don't have the nigger-tier music (it might be german in origin but the subject matter could be exchanged with any gangster rap), cartel/narco glorifying, Santa Muerte worshipping culture. Everything you hear bad about Mexico; the violence, the crooked "white" politicians, etc. comes from the northern garbage in Mexico.


>Everyone (except me)

she lives in UK


I would get if it was some baltic country. But this coming from a khokhol.


Now please, tell me. How he fuck are Ukrainians any better? There's a reason why this country is the poorest and the worst in whole Europe, except maybe for Moldova.
It's good sometimes to look in a mirror.

We are all beaners here but mapuche are forest niggers

Silesia is a heavily industrialized region mainly in Poland, tho a sliver is in Sachsen and then their is Czech Silesia as well.
It made Prussia, Prussia and is the only real reason Poland is a viable state. Silesians are related to Gorals but w/ heavy, heavy German influence and also influence from Poles, Czechs, Jews and all the other peoples Prussians and Austrians bought in.
I think it's rust belt now. Most Silesians were expelled as Germans after WWII.

>the enemy


>Most Silesians were expelled as Germans after WWII
I wish.


Is this the origin of calling someone a klod?


Don't pay attention to that faggot, he probably
just got cucked by a norteño

The Chilangos (Those who born in Mexico City) are the niggers of Mexico NOBODY and i mean NOBODY like them, neither in the South or the North of the country, most of them are known for being not just ugly and short, but double-face and liars



Mongol genes

>Natives, Ukrainian immigrants, Niggers

Zartujesz chyba? Mamy cyganow. Oczewiscie cyganie sa najgorsi.

they seem like loud fucks

>Czech Republic
Many European countries have them, so do we...
Funny thing is, they are subhuman and yet i am still glad we have gypsies but also 0 mudslime rapefugees and very minor fag/feminist movements.
Aso, gypsies would probably go apeshit if a wave of mudslimes moved in and wanted to take away their gibs.

A regional variation of Pole

>Somalis, Pakis

>Niggers and Mexicans

>New Zealand

I fixed it for you, fucking leaf.

>He doesn't play paradox games to learn geography

They said that the Maya had tapered skulls due to artificial cranial deformation, but in the absence of the practice for several hundred years has revealed that they're natural pinheads. Microcephaly is endemic and seems have been long before the Zika virus came around.

mexicans are the niggers of america, at least on the west coast

First nations people. But they keep to themselves AFAIK so it's fine.

this is true
