The petition for the US to Formally recognize AntiFa as a terrorist organization has reached it's goal of 100k signatures. This means within the next 60 days, the officials at the white house are obligated to make a statement on the issue.

What do you think Trump is going to say? Hopefully he puts those commies in there place.

Other urls found in this thread:'s_Guerrilla_Forces

>inb4 Trump's statement talks about the bigotry of the neo nazis instead.

That's cute

>within the next 60 days
will trump be president by then? i guess pence can make things work, probably hates those people more than trump.

Soros and the media is doing everything in his power to start a civil war.

They cover this made up violence yet refuse to cover Seth Rich/Pedophile rings


Wow, that was fast.

that was pretty fast compared to the shitty ones on the_donald


Wew lads what a timeline

Good fucking luck.

he'll probably say something about antifa for ten seconds and then wander to topic from topic for half an hour

>online petitions

Lol. Kind of tells you something, doesn't it?

It's a .gov petition. It might get somewhere.

Didn't work with Obama cause he did fucking nothing
Will work with trump

This isnt faggot. Its an official, public line of communication with the government.

>Trump finally designates Antifa as domestic terrorists
>CNN and other MSM report this as "peaceful protestors now declared terrorists"
>"This is the true face of Tyranny we must rise up against Trump"
>Le Civil War ensues

This is BULLSHIT. Antifa are out there fighting literal nazis. Meanwhile 60,000 people came out to protest against them and still the Alt-Right gets a free pass and has had no successful petition to label it the terrorist group everyone knows they are. I bet half of those signatures are fake if not more.

nobody believes antifa is peaceful, not even antifa.
peaceful groups dont need to walk around clad in black with facemasks.

We need to figure out a way to make Antifa hate themselves so that they start fighting each other.

Retards will literally justify it though.

Only took 3 days to get 100k sigs calling out libshit commie terrorism.

I'm proud of you 'Murica.

It's offcial and an excuse for Trump to go ballistic on the alt-left.
We just gave him legitimacy to start killing those antifa fags.

It would be a civic duty to hunt Antifa at that point. There won't be a civil war if bounties are placed on their heads.

About damn time, communism has NO place in the US

Think they'll go with that or "Russians hacked the polls"?

> I bet half of those signatures are fake if not more.

Retards eat that kind of logic up as you can see.

no way will they be defined as a terrorist group, they have done no terrorist actions. im being realistically. maybe he can do something a big less dramatic, whatever that is?

>Literal Nazis

Go cry about muh "6 garillion" somewhere else, Rabbi.


What was it like having your peers pass you up in grade school?

>there is literally nothing wrong with threats, rioting, arson, looting, vandalism, assault, murder, ect. ect.
>t. liberal scum

really makes me think

>they have done no terrorist actions. im being realistically.

We already have the nigs and nogs on our side.
We need to weaponize the blacks. Turn them on AntiFa.
One thing at a time.

More like
>trump declares antifa as domestic terrorists
>every time they try to from a rally or assault people they get thrown in jail
>bunch of commies get the shit beaten out of them by ACTUAL nazis and there asshole virginity taken from them by a twelve inch nigger cock and spend the rest of there days as big bubba's prison bitch

is "antifa" even an organization? sounds more like a concept. are there leaders within the organization? who are they.


they have done no terrorist actions.

>Knocking down statues
>violently attacking people who don't agree with their politics

Yea. Maybe you're right.

burning and looting are not terrorist actions though. punks like these have been doing this forever. terrorist action is when you blow up some bomb or kill randoms. nobody has died here.

what is this?, did anyone die even?


You apparently don't know the definition of domestic terrorism.

>who are they.

They're the kind of people that try to slide a forum when it looks like they're going to get declared terrorists.

There are leaders, they just wear masks like the KKK. A leader has to decide what to print in those brochures, and the printing and files can be traced back to them, and their computers.

I know people like Milo Fagonopolis were sharing it

butthurt liberal detected

>Trump's getting impeached for being white.
oh sweetie... no.

Sure buddy

Considering the fact that trump praised those subhumans I don't think this will work

they look like terrorists to me:'s_Guerrilla_Forces (note the antifa flag)


>literally fighting ISIS
fuck off moor

terrorism does not require death, terrorist only requires violence of any kind for political reasons faggot

1st petition I've ever signed in my life.

It is. There are. They're all people on Soros' payroll.

yes i am the leader

you caught me

but "anti-fascism" is a concept, not an organization. they will have to be more specific.

they sure are

>they have done no terrorist actions

Are you retarded?

has any group that has not killed people been defined as terrorist group before?

also i would like them to be defined as such. i just dont want you sweeties to get your hopes up.

You're right. We should've all just fapped to little cartoon girls getting raped. That wouldve got the job done. Lolicon faggot.

new jersey already classified them as a terrorist organization


>appear to be intended
>to intimidate or coerce a civilian population;
> to influence the policy of a government by
intimidation or coercion;

You have lost all arguments via Eric Clanton bike lock attack and attacking police and criminal destruction of property such as historic monuments.

Antifa is just another mask wearing domestic terrorist group. Just accept it and stop defending them.

Which hashtag is catchier?


Help me think of some more.

>Be anti-fascist

>Support (((fascist USA, fascist E.U., and fascist Israel))) against based Assad by supporting the evil U.S. creation the YPG

>The best way to be an anti-fascist, is to be the lapdog of fascist interests who want to destabilize the region

>But it's okay cuz like they be 4 like equality and hooman rites and shieet

Yea okay nigger, as if the MSM doesn't paint that type of portrayal so you'll support them.

>im being realistically

Everytime Norway posts I get so fucking triggered.

We the normies now

>but "anti-fascism" is a concept, not an organization.

Nah, formal group with specific stated goals, hell they have websites, emblems and twitter as well as dues so people can print their commie propaganda.

I'm afraid you've been wrong for several posts now. It's fun educating you though.

>Anti fascist
>uses fascist tactics of violence for political aims

I wonder if they'll ever see the hilarious irony.

And I'm glad they did. The best thing I ever heard living here my whole life.

>The White House plays no role in designating domestic terror organizations, nor does the U.S. government generate a list of domestic terror organizations. Therefore, we are not able to address the formal request of your petition.

Obama WH answer when a similar petition for BLM reached 100k

Antifa can FUCK OFF :) Cant wait for them to FINALLY be labelled domestic terrorists.


You're dumb as fuck, look up the definition of terrorism:

"the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims."


did sargon do this. wtf were the only thing standing in between the fucking 4th reich and western civilization and they want to label us as terrorists. bravo

>Pardon Sherrif Larpaio
>Tell fuck you to McCain and Flake and the Mayor in their own state
>Accept the request to call Antifa a terrorist organization by federal demand
>Various other Trumpian inflammatory yet based things

Holy shit, Tuesday is going to be LIT!

Antifa and the rest of the alt-left needs to be ostracized from polite society. Violence on many sides needs to be condemned in the harshest terms and all democrats need to be examined on where they stand regarding communism and antifa.

CA for example was looking at passing laws allowing communists to run for office which is worse than allowing Nazis to run for office as communism has killed and destroyed far more people and their cultures.

The viking fag is right on this, terrorism is basically defined as a violent way (killing civil people, disrupting violently a community or destroying national infrastructure) to impose a ideological view.

What we are seeing in the US is a fight between right and left wing not like the antifa guys are bombing or terrorizing innocent people.

Sorry if i get into your issues, not my interest...(at least just following to get some laughs)...but this remind me how you ustaters have that annoying attitude to label every person who doesn't agree with you as terrorist...

>within the next 60 days, the officials at the white house are obligated to make a statement on the issue
Has this ever happened before? The same website has a MUH TAX RETURNS petition with 1 million signatures and i haven't heard anything about that

Archived that for you

Their website "itsgoingdown", I think it was called... Well, it got taken down. Lol.

>The viking fag is right on this
No he isn't.

MSM is going into

If you want to protest... DO IT FUCKING PEACEFULLY. You cunts start the violence and spew your anti american/anti white/anti west propaganda cause you all too FUCKING STUPID to realise you are being played by the Elite to cause civil war in the US.


the fire rises

>Immediately release Donald Trump's full tax returns, with all information needed to verify emoluments clause compliance.
>1,101,010 signed
>100,000 Goal
>WH has to respond and comply with this. They just have to...

This guy gets it.

yea and i asked for a speicific scenario where the white house defined some group to be terrorists. it seems like they have never done so.

one thing is the loose definition, the other is has it been done before (precedent). you can use this to figure out what is the most likey outcome. and it looks grim. sorry if that offends people.

after 60 days nothing will be done and i will be right.


hey man, i love trump but no need to hate on lolicon faggots, they are the backbone of this site.

fuckin ungrateful nazis

>terrorizing innocent people.

It's exactly like they are doing this. You couldn't be more wrong.

Wearing masks is an intimidation tactic, so is carrying weapons and threatening to punch people that don't agree with them politically. There are several documented instances of them assaulting people that don't agree with their communist rhetoric.

One look at all the burning cars on the streets and smashed shops at Hamburg G20 is all you need.

Eric Clanton is facing jail for assault. Antifa helps no one. The violence on many sides must be condemned whether it is coming from communists or nazis.

No acts of terrorism my ass. This was during the inauguration.

why is it so hard to call them communists?

thanks assange :3

He praised the 20 protesters against the hateful racist violent antifa protesters. Only one side is condoning and carrying out acts of violence.

Anthony Burgess is now fucking vindicated for all time

Because America has been subverted by communists from top to bottom.

Nice we got an update on 100k sigs on WaEx

Congrats everyone! We'll keep the redshit liberals from the hearts and minds of real Americans yet.

Fuck Antifa Commies.

Yes, yes cry some more. Fucking faggot.

>yea and i asked for a speicific scenario where the white house defined some group to be terrorists. it seems like they have never done so.

You must love abuse. This is seriously the longest streak of being wrong I've ever seen on Sup Forums


Your gay brah.

You're dumb as a brick, whether the white house declares them to be or not, ANTIFA ARE TERRORISTS BY DEFINITION