
Can anybody explain this pic?

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The Confederates weren't Nazis.

The typical normie right-winger in America has a retarded obsession with Israel and "Judeo-Christian values" nonsense.

Here in America, most christians are brainwashed zionist shills.

It's where the
>our greatest ally
cancer comes from.

average normie doesn't care what the flag their holding represents. Just ask the commie flag waving antifa what the red flag means they tell you it means peace and love, some redneck thinks supporting the Israeli flag is in the bible or something.

I've never understood how people can say that when our closest ally is objectively Britain.


This. Churches tell Americans that Israel belongs to Jews and Jews are the chosen ones and do what Jews want and you're blessed and that Jews love us and take care of us and it's a great beneficial friendship and all of this other nonsense. It's an unfortunate side effect of WW2. Churches were forced to stop teaching the truth on Jews and instead preach this apologetic bullshit that it's our fault Jews died and that we must be their good goy slaves to make up for it.

>Can anybody explain this pic?
Who do you think supports sending our taxes to isreal? Christcucks

what, southerners have not forgotten that jefferson davis' right hand man and the brains of the confederacy was a gay jew named Judah P. Benjamin

We are servile toward Jews. Many of our elected federal officials are Jews and most of the ones who aren't are owned by them anyway.

Maybe the endless funnel of Western wealth into Israel...?

Translation: He isn't actually married to his sister. They're just dating to make sure things work out long-term. only a narrow-minded, bigoted, rayyciss, climate denying ashkeNAZI would speak poorly of a young child born with 5-balls, 8-fingers and a challenged learning disability.

I wonder what happens to Israel after the last boomer dies.

99.9% of southerners can't tell you who the hell Judah Benjamin is. He has a couple minor monuments but he's a relatively forgotten figure to the southern mind. The heroes of the Confederacy people discuss are people like Lee, Jackson, and Forrest.

flag defense

if you burn it, you are anti-semitic

Thats a Jewish pro Isreal southern states right supporter

It is all a charade though. Most Zionist Christians think that Jews must return to Israel before Christ returns. However, they will be expected to convert to Christianity or die. No where in their beliefs do they see Jews returning to their glory as Jews see themselves.

Basically for Christ to return and rapture out Christians, Jews must cease to exist.

its simple m8, to get to Confederate flag you need to fuck with Jewish one, and thats a big no no, so its basically defense mechanism, brilliant one tbqh

Seems like a garden variety Southern Baptist. They believe that the jews have to return to Israel before Jesus comes back. By supporting Israel they are ushering the return of Jesus.

The confederate was zionist , they had a big ammount of jewish soldiers and their secretary of state was jewish too.

Thats right support Israel. Good goy.


C.I. West Virginia? Probably 3 crosses on hill nearby.


if you give some people a shovel, they will dig their own graves for the next 1000 years. The Alt-Left is emerging as the magic sky wizard Izzy-first Cuckstians are dying. What one end of the Jew spectrum cannot achieve, the opposite end is there to pick up where the other left off.



Most globalists are Jews. Not all Jews are globalists (although the vast majority of them are subversive in one way or another).

It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.

In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:

Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:

Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:

Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:

Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:

also see

The facts about slavery in North America:

Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:

Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)

The Holocaust:

The slave owning confederates were mostly Jews by total numbers of slaves owned by percentage of Jews. 75-77% of Jews owned them vs. 3-4% non-Jews..

>Randy you can't just start feeding the whole world that's not what the Kekistan is about
>It's about nationalism and caring for our own people first
>Unless we're talking about Israel in which case we can all agree there's no limit to the amount of arms and supplies we can fork over because they're our greatest ally
>praise Jesus

Israel is a perfect example of an ethnostate, you faggots should be pushing it and showing it as how its good.

Besides, you can also use it to point (((their))) doble standards, jews push for multiculti shit in every country but refuse to do so in Israel, its their "right" to maintain it as an ethnostate while others don't have the same rights according to them


Southern Baptists have the issue but it isn't unique to them. I've seen many types of Protestant and even seen Catholics with this mindset. Orthodox not so much but the longer they stay in America that could change.

That is bullshit , and simpy not possible due to the low ammount of jews , nearly every farm in the south if not all had slaves , its mathematical impossible for jews to have been the most slave owners, but in truth many confederate generals like lee did not like slavery and wanted it gone too , to say the civil war was just about slavery is not true , even if it was a main catalyst.

Naw. Australia for sure.

Britian started WWII, Australia just helped us win it.

Some (((white))) American.

Yeah no. The huge majority of farms were owned by poor whites. Other than family they sometimes could pay a neighbor to help but no slaves. Slaves were mostly for massive plantations owned by the wealthy aristocrats with a disproportionate amount of those being Jewish even if they didn't make the majority.

Boy you really can't add up 2 with 2. Kikes provided the southern states with niggers. A lot of slave owners were kikes. Confederates fought for preserving the wealth of those kikes. Confederates are kike lovers.

I saw a pickup truck a month ago with confederate flags and support israel bumper stickers on it.

The Israelis have managed to sell a lot of Christian conservatives that they're being good Christians by supporting Israel because the bible talks about the holy land belonging to the Jews. And because Jews are at least better than Muslims.

>Can anybody explain this pic?
They live in southern Israel.

A redneck wants to support Israel, but doesn't understand that flying it under another flag is a grave insult.

So point of his minor monuments to antifa. Should make for a good looking headline when they destroy a monument to a gay jew.




He's putting both flags up in case a Nazi tries to remove the Israel flag or if niggers remove his Confederate flag. Either way he is baiting someone onto his property to exercise his 2nd

Some of christian fundamentalists have worked the Jews into there end-time theology.

After the rapture there will not be a single righteous Christian on earth, all professing Christians will be known heretics since they were not raptured away.

The fundamentalists think Jews will immediately see the errors of there ways, Accept Jesus, and spread Christianity to billions during the tribulation.


Sure. The right wing has always been the jew-lover wing. The only resistance to israel comes from the left. That's why jews try so hard to shut down BDS on college campuses, but let literal fucking neonazis speak freely. It's why rightists are so fond of forcing people to convert to jewish religions by threat of force if necessary. The anti-semitism of the right is a hoax. It's LARP of what the ACTUAL Nazis knew, but neonazis and actual Nazis are polar opposites and neonazis are stupid goyim sheep.

zionists are nationalists

whats to explain?

I went to a bar mitzvah even though I'm not Jewish, and in the parking lot, I saw a bumper sticker that said something like "Heritage Not Hate" with a Confederate flag and a Star of David.
