I know how board sometimes the Weaponize Autism gets. so i thought i would just put this image here for no apparent reason and let you guys decided to do with it what you want... ;)
Antifa Mug Shots Released
Other urls found in this thread:
Roll for second one bottom row
You decided after months to post something everyone have already seen. You need to go back.
Same one reroll
We need names for these people like that epic user did a good while. Who could ever forget Mongol Mike, or The Mullet?
captcha helicopter, kek
Didn't realise that it has been posted before guys, my bad....
don't feel bad. reposting is how conversations continue on this board. only worthless neet scum who spend every hour of every day on Sup Forums will complain.
Why do they all look like drug addicts.
>3rd row 2nd
What is their gender Sup Forums?
He... She...It.... Fuck knows man.. i am going with attack helicopter..
Luxand has a program for free that can do face recognition and face-based biometric identification functionality.. Just a suggestion... ;)
Hey, Sup Forums, help me out here!
Jesus Christ! Half of them I can't tell if male or female.
The girl at O8 is cute and I got Bingo!
>What is their gender Sup Forums?
Finding out their leader and tracking money funding their bullshit should be the priority. We know who it is but proof is needed for enforcement to be done.
Top middle seems female
second row is all male
not sure about the rest
That's a lot of fetal alcohol syndrome in one picture.
haha that's about what i expected. fucking mongrels in this country. we need state sanctioned breeding.
Best I can do.
What a bunch of fucking ugos.
A great advert for eugenics.
Why is the left ugly as sin?
I forgot about these. We have a way to track down Antifa now. Nothing wrong with public records.
Unicorn muffin slayer
Not gonna lie, would probably wifey up girl on bottom 2nd from the left.
M, f, f, m, m
M, m, m, m, m
M, m, m, m, m
M, f, f, f, f
Not that hard.
Yea, there is a couple in there that aren't bad looking, maybe they just need a cock, that's why they are so angry, aren't getting any.
all meth heads
Top right is mtf trans
Is that tranny bingo?
top right youtu.be
now we know why they need to wear masks
They all meet and recruit on facebook right? so the profile pictures on their accounts would match these... so you could match the members profile pictures with these and get a name...
If you were inclined to do so, off coarse..
>1st row, first from the left
>3rd row, first from the right
Did the bogdanoff twins get arrested? What the fuck is happening?
Yep. It attacked based black man.
They somehow all loom like Rachel Maddow
They probs thinking fuck, this is going to be on /pol later... lol
This, except I think second top row is a male
Is it the polish niggress?
fuck they're whiter than Sup Forums
need to check for an Adam's apple on half these fuckers.