You, must face it, Blue eyes and light hair are slav genes, west europe has it mostly because slavs peacfuly exapand their habituation to your land. Anglo-saxones look like rats.
Either you promote company of moving slavs to usa, or you are doomed.
You, must face it, Blue eyes and light hair are slav genes...
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i've wondered about this a bit? Like why do Scotts look like full blown jews?
Nah, it is futile. Westerners want to get muslimed and blacked really hard. Extremely low chance of immigrating for any white foreigner while any rapefugee nigger or arab can do it in no time. They are fucked beyond saving.
The Vancouver washington area is full slavic immigrants, every other church is a russian only orthodox church. Teenage russian girls standing on the street corner always asking me for money for their "missionary trips". Their cute though so i usually give them a few dollars.
>Blue eyes and light hair are slav genes
True. This is what pure Anglo looks like
Wrong. the pure anglo circa 2017 looks like pic related.
I've been waiting for a Ukrainian thread for a while to post this
They had to blast their asses for the opportunity to get there. From 1000 immigration applications 999 are rejected, while Msoufu from Africa can immigrate illegaly just by claiming he is a refugee and goverment won't kick him out no matter what he does. They will even pay gibmedats. Slav will never get such treatment.
As german you should understand: everything western is not that supposed to be for us.
Ewwww a muslim. Civilized people say "Jai Manchester"
Can we stop applying the terms Anglo or Anglo-Saxon to all European/White people? Even for just Northern Europeans, it is dishonest. The Angles were only one group, although a very large one, in the migrations of the Saxons, Angles, Jutes, and Frisians to Britain during Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages. Then, later, the Norwegian and Danish Vikings did much the same, although at first, with more intentions to raid than hold land.
The Celts had blue eyes before the birth of Christ but their hair was blacker than night itself.
Can tell experience of being near slavs that close?
Is there anythying that makes you angry, or sad, or laughing?
Yeah it's fucked up, and the slavs are always nice and their communities are crime free. A lot of the guys dress like fags though.
I knew a girl from Ukraine. Literal 10/10 blonde hottie. Also far-right and hated nigs. I love slavs
White +Mongol east asian DNA
Shouldn't Slavs be the master race?
Could you at the very least remove the watermark?
I have a dream, that the sons of the subcontinent will dedicate hand in the sigmoid colon of brotherhood.
not really, every once in a while some russian tourists will pick fights with locals, but they quickly find out what a poor idea that is. The slavic immigrants that live here are great. Very nice, no criminals. They are also very involved in the community, they actually assimilate very well. Oh yeah...and the slav girls...
oh, almost forgot, a lot of slav guys dress really gay, if it weren't for them being slavs i'd assume they where faggots.
There's a Serb community near where I live. Great people, also Russians chill down here sometimes and they're a blast too. Slavs are bretty gud immigrants.
I'm not good familiar with western culture.
What would westerner(european) think, when eastrner started to try to break furniture or walls( for fun, and alcohol intoxication)?
>I don't hate niggers because of their skin colour
>it's about so much more than that
>hurr I am master race because of my skin colour and hair colour
>nothing else matters
The Anglo has the civilization, wisdom and intelligence of the Graeco-Roman world mixed in with a warrior culture.
If there is any kind of positive mixing, it was right there. The Anglo has always in every way being superior to the slav. All the evidence and facts are right there. There is no debating this.
You don't suffer how the West is suffering due to immigration not because you are somehow better than the West, simply because you have been under a shit communist regime for many years and your lands are so undesirable not even roaches want to be there.
North Korea doesn't suffer from the Wests problems either, am I to believe they are the master race now?
The West has faced huge propaganda after ww2 and if the slavic lands had, you'd be worse than the West. The slavs are so superior they easily fell for communism.
Something that only non-white nations fall for. China, Korea, South America and so on.
The slav is a dog.
I like Slavs too.
I have a better idea. Ukraine is a beautiful country, just run down and polluted because you fucks don't take care of it. The Americans will come to you, fix your country, and we'll all live happily ever after.
>you better fucking have oil
So anglos always were superior to tribesman that never even saw modern weapon in africa and asia. And you find it to be proud of.
I admit it, that even poland faced more serious enemies with russia. Even though we should nt be enemies.
Need wife material. Must be faithful, not whore, and good mother. Light hair or blue eyes not matter. Slav woman good for this?
>fix your country
You forgot about the massive, impossible to pay debt that somes a long with that, only South Americans fall for that shit.
Where I live, Slav immigrants are fine and become full burgers within a generation.
One of my friends from primary school was from Ukraine. His mom couldn't speak English at all but she was really sweet and would make all the neighborhood kids and our parents Ukrainian food to try to make friends with us.
Its actually the opposite, the only reason that so many slavs have blond hair and blue eyes are because of Swedish Vikings. Rurik was even a Swede and the 'rus was founded by Swedish conquerers
>hurr the british empire was so easy because they were against tribesmen with spears
No, they were competing against other Europeans. Some pretty big players. Plus, if it was so easy why didn't other countries do it?
Once you take over those "tribes people" you still have to rule the land and administer it which isn't easy.
Let's not mention how they excel in invention, technology, science, medicine and so on huh.. lest of all the industrial revolution.
Rome was advanced to most of her territories to, I guess the Roman Empire was nothing too?
Who even are you? Ukraine? Lol. The only thing anyone knows about that place is your little fight with Russia, nobody could even point you out on a map.
Hey, you have blonde hair and blue eyes apparently though so you win..
Didnt the blue eye gene come out of chad?
They arent, anglosaxons got them separately.
Parallel evolution is a proved thing.
And im saying this as a true slav. By the way, Ukr behave while being in Poland. I can behave being guest in UK, but you act like uncivilized savages while in PL. At least some of those ive seen.
You were only let in becausw youre slavic.
And being slavic requires you to follow standards.
Daily reminder slavs are filthy subhumans always have been
Funny how Slavic nations have no immigrants and minorities to hold them down and they still are shitty Africa-tier countries
I would rather flood the US with Japs, Finns, Koreans and other mongols before letting in a single slav
Jews like you don't belong in the US. Gas yourself.
literally this
>Anglo Saxons look like rats
Nigga I am Anglo and have been to your country, Poland and currently in flag related. Your women are gorgeous until around 40 and your men all look like potatoes
Even this fella knows. Glad you can confirm. I'm not just making Sup Forums memes either I've been to east europe and Slavs are filth
My afstrian friend, win is being achevined thorugh different ways. There are surgical cuts, and bydlo's stupid strikes. Who will win do you think? Whos strikes will be more effectivfe?
slavs are based
You are not Slavic.
ethnic Ukrainians are nonwhite subhmans. Their home is Central Asia.
Ethnic Russians are European White though (Northern Germanic, Baltic Slavic and sometimes Finnic)
Ukrainians are bunch of try-hard-to-be-European mongrels resulted from Circassians, Pechenegs, Tatars, Armenians and Jews starting speaking Slavic for the sake of convenience
«Укpaїнцi – цe cтapoдaвнi тюpки, якi poзмoвляють cлoв’янcькoю мoвoю»
"Ukrainian are turkics that use the Slavic language" Omelyan Pricak, Harvard University Professor, founder and first director of Harvard Institute for Ukrainian Studies.
Ukrainians (ethnic) are literally more Turkic than Turks.
t. monolingual part-negro subhuman retard that never left his state
The average Slovenian or Czech has one of the highest medical services education, savings and buying power in Europe.
"As of 2007, 92% of the population between the age of 25 and 64 spoke at least one foreign language and around 71.8% of them spoke at least two foreign languages, which was the highest percentage in the European Union. According to the Eurobarometer survey, as of 2005 the majority of Slovenes could speak perfect Croatian (61%) and English (56%).
A reported 42% of Slovenes could speak German, which was one of the highest percentages outside German-speaking countries"
not a single ethnic Russian in the picture
This man's пидapac and lies.
Ukrainians are not mongols or turks, they're literrly heart of east slav expansion.
All that blonde hair comes from Nords raiding down your wide, meandering rivers.
I prefer red hair and green eyes, but that's just me.
t. slant eyed Turkic mongrel with gypsy genes
That's a genetic and historic fact, taras
>some random mongrel denial
>actual scientists, historians, anthropology and geneticists saying where the Ukranians come from
Shoo-shoo-shoo turk
You are a Slav and you will always be inferior to me
I'm 100% fine with replacing our stream of beaners with a stream of vodka niggers.
What exactly are you?
This is the only way I would ever accept Slavs. Slavs are subhuman but much less subhuman than Mex*can filth.
What are you?
Mom is English and welsh with a little bit of french, been here since around colonist days. My dad is Sardinian, a recent immigrant
No. Do not come to America, we are fucked beyond repair. Focus on building your own countries up.
And yes, Slavs are the whitest white people
So you are a mutt
Why are you shit talking to slavs anyway?
Literally nobody gives a shit about your opinion, fuck off and leave us alone.
I am a mix of some of the greatest genetics though possible though. I would rather be a mix of the best European stock than be a slav, a literal nigger.
You don't need to care about my opinion but you are still inferior to the rest of Europe, this has always been the case
Anglos are the most inbred people in europe and sardinians are north african
Sardinian = part negro
You are not even White let alone European
So you had Mediterranian master race creating Greek & Roman culture with Nordic barbarians being scummy up North, Slavs come and assimilate + join these Mediterranians and mix some nice genes in there and continue to build their cultures, then barbarian fucks destroy civilization across Europe and finally become civilized hundreds of years later.
So out of the 3 groups, which genes do you guys support? Was there more than just these 3 groups besides some africans and turks later on?
This genetic shit is hard aye.
>mfw STALKER is all in russian and not ukrainian
is ukrainian even a real language? It sounds like russian baby talk
You have your own fucking homeland subhuman cockhole. It fails every fucking time because of your roma-turkic genetics and cancerous culture
Kiev whores are not Westerners
so you are black
>they still are shitty Africa-tier countries
that's where you're wrong, buddy.
Sardinians have had very little race mixing due to being on an isolated island and most sardinians who do a dna test will find that they are near 100% sardinian
Reminder that Slavs aren't white because you guys are mixed with Mongols because the Russians mixed with and were conquered by the Golden Horde. Mediterraneans aren't quite as good as northern Europeans but if there's one thing Meds and Northern Euros can agree on, it's that they're better than Slavs
this is wrong, I know a bunch of hohols on welfare. Need to send them back desu.
At least my skin is white you filthy north african mutt
Kek keep trying you literal second world garbage nigger. Your countries are a disgrace to Europe and white civilization in general. When whites argue that we're superior anyone can use your countries as an argument that whites can be just as dumb as third world niggers because you guys have so many problems with disease, poverty, and crime. YOU ARE SUBHUMAN
No one asked your opinion diaspora garbage wog. You live in a Northern European nation and use English. Your very own lifestyle is a confirmation of the Mediterranean inferiority
>Roman Master race
The Italian spaghetti guinea spics have the highest frequency of sub-Saharan African ancestry informative markers in Europe (9.2%) and even Asian DNA (Brisighelli et al. 2012), are the most genetically related to Jews (Atzmon et al. 2010, Behar et al. 2010, Zoossmann-Diskin et al. 2010), have the highest Middle Eastern ancestry (Shriner et al. 2014, Pardo-Seco et al. 2014) because Africans and Middle Easterners migrated in masses to Italy during Roman times. Even many of their "Roman" rulers were from those places!
Italians belong to death camps. Modern Italians and Meds are mongrels. Nothing good out of that region except for few Northern Italian nobles and artists (god knows Roman enrichment legacy wasn't that spread in 16th century) with their works in art during Enlightenment. Not a single Med insectoid today can match the bloodline of Classical Italics, Ancient Greeks and Northern Italians of 16-17th century fully
Negro subhuman please
>thing Meds and Northern Euros can agree on, it's that they're better than Slavs
the opposite. Ukrainians, Serbs, Bulgarians, Macedonians, Albanians, Meds and other mongrel trash are hated by Germanic, Baltics and Slavics alike. No one wants to have negro or semitic admixture in the future. Jewish mulatto or an Italian? What's the difference? Both cancel out the European bloodlines just like your coalburning mother did
Croatia, Slovenia, Poland, Czechia, Slovakia have the lowest HIV rates and crime rates in whole Europe.
Meanwhile America has as much crime as fucking middle east
Read this nigger if you think Sardinians are negro
DNA studies prove pretty much over 80% of the people who live on that island have no dilutions at all because of how isolated it has been from european conflicts and population swaps. You cannot argue that modern Mediterraneans are inferior to you, by all statistics and figure you and your slavic brethren are the worst countries in Europe
I can tell you've never been here
>Either you promote company of moving slavs to usa, or you are doomed.
It looks like thread is about some other matter entirely, and suddenly Taras asking for free gibs from the West, as always. Cant make this shit up.
ukraine is a shithole. Farming and whoring that is all ukraine is known for since its creation. Let that sink in. No really next time you look in the mirror and go outside and talk with your friends remind yourself.
>2,9% negro
>not a nigger
subhuman please
And Russia, Ukraine and Estonia have the highest HIV rates
>Meanwhile America has as much crime as fucking middle east
And coincidentally crime rates in states with 90% white population like new hampshire and west virginia are practically non existant
>brown almost black hair
>a weird blue-ish green-ish mix eye colour
What am I?
Estonia isnt slavic
Ukraine and Russia are so shit because of the high amounts of muslims and mongrels living there
>not going for the rare hot ukrainian redheads
>talks about anglo
>posts celt
your picture has nothing to do with your post.
Post a pic, I can easily determine your phenotype
but the whores are very cheap and very good there
Ok I have to go now but just a reminder to you guys. SLAVS ARE NOT WHITE
Neither are you
this is jew
Yeah, no thanks.
Blue eyes and blonde hair is a meme, overrated. Its predominantly only coveted in women.
And yes Mediterranean subhumans are inferior to us in every way. You are nigger mongrels.
Slovenia and Croatia are clean, tidy, openly racist, safe (for the natives) homogenous nation full of fascists in and outside of the police/government, and murderers with war experience. Italians in Slovenia are treated like gypsies for both are shitskins. Italy is a dirty enriched by niggers and arabs cuck shithole where feminists and niggers are treated like the sacred cows
You are not part of that "White population", idiot Those are probably Russian/Polish mutts, seeSlavs are not White in your imagination only, but those with negro genes are LITERALLY not human
Estonia isn't Slavic, Ukrainian is 80% Asian, Russia is 30% Asian
There u go
A meme created by a moron who felt in love with a skull. A conviniet way to put Europeans in the same category with Turks, Indians and subhuman Jews
I don't understand this Slavs are not white meme
Almost all of the of ethnic russians I've met were white af
t. tatar so I'm not biased
>Nazi flag
>can't spot a jew
Emma doesn't have a single jewish feature sweetie, she looks very western European.
Can't wait till ethnic Russians remove subhuman invasive species like Tatars and Bashkirs from the sacred European soil to Kazakhstan or any Asian shithole where they belong.
>murza inbred turkic pig
>having a republic in European Rus
The time of change is coming and the mosques will fly high
Watt is a jewish surname, Watson is another varation of Watt, on top of this look at her lower lip being more like a nigger, Jacqueline Luesby is her mother who looks pretty fucking jewish
That's funny because russians are the ones that invaded and conquered us
And who the hell gives a shit about Bashkirs,they're like 0,00001 percent of the population