Removal of bannon = bush's third term confirmed
Removal of bannon = bush's third term confirmed
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/ptg/ will defend this
>/ptg/ will defend this
Based Denmark.
And yeah we should totally just let the militants just spread instead of suppress their spread til we destroy their strongholds.
>bush's third term
Bush's third term was actually Nixon's eighth term
That's Norway, you fucking retard.
when you promise not be a neo-cohen you you lyin
nooo please dont give afghans a reason for asylum
3900... That's it?
american education
>Bush's third term
The number of troops in Afghanistan surged to their highest under obama
positioning to take out israel. get fucked you jews
The problems with Afghanistan won't be solved militarily because the problem at it's root is their shitty culture.
No, Bannon was just exaggerating. Trump will still be /our guy/ even with Bannon out of the WH.
3900 isn't that many, america is still first.
Is it Afghanistan that ignores the Koran on boy-fucking or is that Pakistan?
Look how well pulling out early turned out for Obama and Iraq.
BASED! More dead sandniggers for Israel!
Based Australia
No, arming Isis was the problem. Trump should just get the out.
Why does he care about middle east at all? Why is it even relevant?
"Expected" fuck I hate American media.
He doesn't, the advisors that actually run the government do.
Wtf Drumohf is a neo-con shill, I'm divided now and love communism.
disgusting, they got to him
We are supposed to be upset about General Mattis plan to secure Afghanistan?
Nice armchair generaling you liberal fucks. You probably cant even change your own oil.
That's Burma you idiot.
Obama was Bush's third and fourth term.
They should um, send like hardened convicts and offer them life in Afghanistan so they go around butchering villages, killing and raping women and children till the Talibans give up in despair.
>yes goyim, keep supporting the military industrial complex and fighting israel's wars