Yankistan is officialy 53% white as of this post

Yankistan is officialy 53% white as of this post.

Anyways yankistani hate thread

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Neck yourself Achmed Hashmir

nice image virgin animenonce yank

this you im assuming

The hell did you change your flag for?
Go home, britbong.





76% of Americans self-identify as white on the census, Omar.

And very importantly as well, only 1% Muslim.

51% of US government citizens are White.

>mfw a euroninny binned his silverware with such gusto his emaciated euroninny wrist snapped and required taxpayer-funded surgery (after three months' wait) near me

Dog bless burgerland :DDD

keep in mind in clapistan there is no option for hispanic/latino on a lot of forms and beaners are meant to tick white

That includes hispanics

>tfw living in 87% white town
feels good mang


Actually, make that 77.4% white.

Good goy, falling for the "non-Hispanic white" meme. We need the Latins identifying as perpetually aggrieved minorities so they become an unflinching voting bloc for the left like the coons.

Le 51%

Mexicans are 0% white.

Show your flag.

>Implying all Hispanics are Mexicans.
>Implying that white Hispanics don't exist.
>Hiding flag while engaging in white purity tests.

I would rather consider the Japanese and Koreans as white before the mestizos and other "Hispanics"

>Be burger with autism
>Meme national socialism with frog memes
>Normies fall for nazi frog memes, post them unironically, and start LARPing as irl nazis
>Ruin their entire life, career, reputation, social standing and happiness.
>Still have to pay my neetbux or prison
Pretty comfy tbqh desu senpai

why do Americans cuck for civic nationalism and want legal non-white immigration?

Because it's ok if they're replaced as long as the people replacing them are fucking BASED.

Can the White race even survive in a world with the US as sole superpower?

that's just ethnic suicide


It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.

In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:

Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:

Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:

Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:

Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:

also see

The facts about slavery in North America:

Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:

Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)

The Holocaust:

That's fine. But that's simply the result of our census data indicating how American self-identify. In the age of "muh people of color" and the ethnic spoils system, I have no issue at all with more people identifying with whites, and feeling white.

Poll after poll shows the majority of Americans want less immigration. If you were to only poll Republicans, it would be an overwhelming majority. Trump is trying to get the RAISE Act passed to cut immigration in half, but I don't know if he can get it through until we primary McShitstain and Grahamnesty.

I know, it's not like stopping it would change anything for the burgers though. Most of their """"white"""" population are mongrels with blood from about 8 different ethnicities. The damage is already done.


shoop that brother a star of david

Now we have a SPANIARD engaging in white purity testing. You're already one of the most tentatively "white" countries in Europe. Don't push it.

I guarantee you, I met Argies and Cubans who are whiter than you, Miguel.


where did you get thids photo of me???

Im from the north. It's white up here, Tyrone. The same can't be said about your north which is a cesspit of Negros and betas. Hell, even southerners here are whiter than you.


8 different types of white is still better than any kind of brown


The North here isn't a cesspit of negros you fucking idiot. Most northern states (including midwest) are 80% white or higher, with New York being an exception, and even New York is pretty white when you leave out NYC/Long Island.

this one is great because of how often it happens on pol.

>it's a Sup Forums believes latino people aren't white episode
African american rates of population have been the same since forever.
Hispanic people that move to the states look white as fuck after a generation or two.

This is a complete non-issue because of the people doing statistics categorizing latino and white as two different categories.

the dude in that pic looks more slavic than anything

It's called Dumbfuck*sTan, you dumb br*T

>criticizing any country while you have sharia controlled zones

No such thing as a white hispanic shoo.

No. They're just white.

The north has Detroit, New York, Baltimore and Cleveland

This, I check Native American in every census just to show you pilgrims who owns this land

We all know you're a little Moor manlet from the slums of Seville living on government neet subsidies, Miguel.

They arent white, they are Amerindian.

Hispanics are further from white than US niggers area


Is this the first tranny Muslim soldier?

Stop burgers

As you should, mexicans and all latin americans are amerindians.

We all know you're a little nigger manlet from the slums of Detroit living on muh reperations, Tyrone.

Those and Chicago are still only individual cities. Northern States are still a good majority white, like how the UK has London.

>ethnicity and race are the same thing
wew fucking lad

Is there anything stopping Us burgers from just posting a shit ton of anti-'Asian' stuff to police departments in Europe? I mean, they have no way of enforcing their PC bullshit over here.

Honestly this post is so embarrassing for our county. You're unironically trying to put latinos as white?? I know some latinos that would kill your stupid ass if you called them white. They're closer genetically to Philipinos than to Europeans

If you arent white you are non white period.

Holy shit, that's fucking good
Just needs an american flag somewhere in the mix. kek

Yes but those cities are fucking awful even for cities standards. I've been to London and it's no where near as bad as Detroit or Baltimore.

This, latinos are as white as janal, they call whites gringo and whitey.


I think our niggers have more white blood than our latinos

Yeah the Urban decay here is definitely on another level, but my point was just that most Northern/Midwestern States are still 80%+ white. Plus, if those cities are good for anything, it's keeping the 20% nig and spic populations in a concentrated area to avoid.

>>Implying all Hispanics are Mexicans.
Of course not, there are plenty of niggers in the Hispanic world, look at puerto rico, cuba, dominican republic, memezuela, congolombia...

Id pick an ameribro over a shitbongcuckistani any day.

> as of 2014. Non-Hispanic Whites totaled about 197,870,516, of the U.S. population.
>As a result of the 2011 census the White British population stood at 51,736,290

American women were built for the bbc

Meds are more white than you, Jaquan

Those are people who self-identify as white.

Hard statistics don't give a shit what your Mexicano friends have to say.

And Filipinos* are South Asian-Spanish mixed. They have no Amerindian blood. You're one to talk about anyone embarrassing anybody.

No one on this board supports current immigration policies in the West, but that doesn't mean you have any standing to disregard anyone who chooses to identify as white, whether they're mixed or not. The more Hispanics who assimilate and begin identifying as "American" the better.

>what are percentages
>american education
Youre statistically more likely to see a white in the UK than America.

After taking the red pill many years ago and getting depressed the general collapse of white America, I realized that its not a good and healthy way to live life. I now go out and dance/hook up with sexy latina women every weekend. I have come to terms with the fact white people will be a minority, and honestly the pain goes away a little with when a thick hispanic bitch is dancing on your cock.

>inb4 race mixing degenerate nigger

give a shot and let me know how you feel

Depends on the state.

When I went to college in Oklahoma my roommates were:

- Colombian
- 1/2 Mexican 1/2 White
- 1/4 Jap, 1/4 Injun, 1/4 Mexican, 1/4 White
- 1/2 Arab 1/2 White

All of them ticked "white" on their forms.

US is probably 30% white at this point and that will be mostly in the northern states.

The more Hispanics who LEAVE the better. We don't want their shit genetics ruining our American name.
Latinos are ameri-Indians , meaning they came from fucking Asia not from Europe. The rape baby thing is a complete meme, the spic subhumans we get are all pure native or have nigger mix in them. The fact that they consider themselves white is fucking retarded and should not stand.

No, in the nation as a whole I mean.


Nonwhites will never be the majority, Trump wants to increase European/Anglo immigration via the Raise act. Plus if we make sure a tax plan that benefits white families happens not to mention ending birthright citizenship and deport all illegals using a 1 million man ICE team as well as Importing White South Africans and Zimbabweans. America could become around 80% white at the most in a couple generations. Spics are only growing because of immigration along with Asians. If arrivals from the third world were to be cut they would shrink drastically. States above 75% white would also have their white percentages increase because of it. The Mestizo/Hispanic Birth Rate is already declining the only reason it's still growing is because of immigration. Cutting third world migration along with other key things listed here will make their population in this country collapse.


Can I join this thread? This country is fucked

Hispanic isn't a race you nigger

Were already in here.

Are whites now topping birthrates as of a few weeks ago?

This. people are fucking retarded.


That includes spics as white, which is hilarious. Our niggers are whiter than them

>assume shitpost

Too bad the vast majority of US cities are nigger controlled zones.

You need to wake up to the reality if you're going to save your country.

What do we do m8

Yes Non-Hispanic Whites are at 53% of all births currently. The white population will increase if you look at my first post. If you count spics it's 70% of all births.

It doesn't, Spics were listed as their own category.

Most hispanics are pretty much white people. The darky violent spics are pretty much only in the South West where they have no nogs so it all evens out.

>Dental Plan!
>Dental Plan!
>Dental Plan!
>Dental Plan!

I'm not even white and this pisses me off.

They aren't, The actual White Hispanic Population which includes both Castizos and European immigrants from Latin America is less than 5 Million. The rest are Mestizos who identify as white for more benefits.