Just ran across this on local craigslist
This is a satire post, surely?
Just ran across this on local craigslist
This is a satire post, surely?
Other urls found in this thread:
Probably not; it's 2017, after all.
>30yr old roastie
She likes to skateboard lol!
Made by a jealous ex, or her new man's ex. People are terrible.
All the chicks with herpes troll craigslist.
At least the whore is honest, I'll give her that. Lacking in any sort of class and a used up slut, but honest nonetheless.
>I'm a very classy lady
>hook up ad on craigslist
It's cherry picked alright.
likely this
Sup Forums is always right
roasties, the cock carousel, stds, a classy Ho'
that's a big nose baby
She got those diseases from fucking entire teams of niggers.
SAGE (all fields)
>i can just let my natural hair grow back out and wear some nice conservative clothes and no one will know that i was a roastie
Nothing wrong with her being upfront about that stuff and looking for a gentleman who'll put with her bullshit mainly because of loneliness. It's sad but so is life, at least she doesn't have a mongrel kid somewhere... that we know of.
The sad part is some thirsty white knight will probably bite.
Women aren't the problem. Betas are.
Women act like this because they can.
And they can because they know no matter how disgusting they are there's always some thirsty Beta who will gladly pick up the check.
Beta providers will defend this, then marry it.
This human trash deserves to be miserably single the rest of her days.
>How do you do fellow kids
You're gonna die alone roastie.
Betas just want to procreate. Is that too much to ask?
this is a pretty old meme, I recognize the text but I think the poster changed/added a different woman to it
This is the correct answer
still fuck her in the pussy , then tell her shes a shill, and peace out bro
would 2bh
Yes, get some fucking self respect and standards and maybe betas wouldn't be so pathetic and could probably get a real women instead of a diseased whore off craigslist.
That's a Brazilian name anons.
some dudes are desperate
You know they couldn't just by the virtue of them being betas.
aiii meu deus
Poor kid
Imagine their surprise when it's Jamal lookin for some cash
good idea, ill get my black face
>Fort Worth
She had the sass of a proud Texan woman without the conservative values, partied too much and ended up having to scrape craigslist for a partner who wouldn't go dark the second she mentioned her various afflictions.
I feel bad for her desu, she's aged well and posts like someone who is really insecure. Unironically hope she gets her shit together and finds someone who will work with her.
No mention of her anal warts or the one summer she was strung out at a traphouse ..
We need to Purge all Betas.
HSV is completely a non-issue with Valtrex. HPV is in like 80% of people so, go for it. She's hot.
These contract marriage ads are really common near large military bases. soldiers get out of barracks and these slags get free healthcare and housing on the taxpayer dime. It's basically gibsmedats for white trash.
Not satire, Ft. Worth. Unless you want a similar disease get off fucking Craigslist. lol
I'm laughing right now due to being in the metroplex myself.
I am so spooked of getting that shit and apparently it's super common
Why do people with it just act like "pffff everybody has it by now who cares"
my sides
Have you had sex? Are you over 25? You have it.
>t - roastie
As a guy who has frequented Craigslist since the age of 17 for MILF'a and cougars, that is your average Craigslist woman. That isn't even the worst, I've seen thousands of fatter, uglier and pastier women demanding a lot more and offering a whole lot less. Majority of the posts are just pathetic and depressing like pic related.
fake hawaiian. easy mistake to make, so many mongrel third world shitholes they all blue together in the end.
just because im 25 means I have it?
I had it but my ultra strong constitution purged it from my system naturally.
I've never had sex without a condom. While I maybe missing out on that I'm surely don't mind missing out on a plethora of STD's
She probably has a fatherless child she accidentally forgot to mention, which she expects you will pay for.
They gave vaxxes out for that in the early 2000s. Hope they still do.
>most people are infected at some point in time
Jesus Christ.
But if it doesn't manifest into any noticeable symptoms, can it really be that bad?
>just because im 25 means I have it?
No. But I didn't figure a virgin over 25 was a thing so.
If you are weak you have it. If you are strong it's like a cold. Gone in it's own in a week or two.
It creates cancer in the uterus.
You haven't lived until your dick falls off.
its not satire
>herpes simples
can be passed to baby
#1 cause of ovarian/cervical cancer
great prospect there.
Nobody wants someone with a disease, but if everyone has it.....
"Everyones a fag"
"Everyones got aids"
"Everyones a pedo"
Slippery fucking slope
Higher chances of genital cancer, pretty sure.
everyone is going to die alone
HPV is genital warts
you tell me
Glad I have a dick and not a uterus.
I have a plan for that. If they haven't cured cancer by the time I get it, I'll be sure to cure some cancer of my own before I end up a bedridden mess.
I'm gonna take her up on this and save the white race.
If you've ever had a wart on your finger it means you're permanently affected.
I'm a medic and do multiple cryo treatments on people's dicks weekly
HPV isn't genital warts, there's like a million kinds of HPV. Only some of them cause herpes.
From what I understand, if you've ever had a wart you've been infected with one form of HPV or another. I don't have any genital warts, but I also don't fuck dirty skanks. That's my main incentive not to - that, and HIV/AIDS.
hpv stands for genital warts
get the gardisol vaccine you fucking mongloid. It protects against roughly 9 serotypes 4 of which are very virulent.
Causes throat cancer in people.(see Michael douglas and Val Kilmer) and testicular cancer. In a woman her reproductive system can become cancerous.
Fun fact, Herpes doesn't do anything and it far more feared.
google genital warts idiot
>canicuck education
Everyone has had a wart on their hand at some point in their lifetime, most people get one when they're a little kid and they're putting their hands all over dirty shit.
Again, I don't have any genital warts and the last wart I had was on my finger when I was 7, 21 years ago.
Herpes is just gross.
and you're confusing HPV with herpes. Herpes is a completely different virus from another family altogether.
jesus christ, Sup Forums doesn't know shit about virology or science in general. stick with your maths
that's a different serotype. You're confusing high and low virulent serotypes.
>HPV isn't genital warts, there's like a million kinds of HPV. Only some of them cause herpes.
HSV2 is genital herpes. HSV1 is mouth cold sores. Chicken Pox is in the same virus family.
Anyone in here take a biology class, fuck me.
According to Wikipedia:
>About 1% of sexually active adults have genital warts.
Don't worry though user, you actually need to have sex to be at risk. You're safe, sweetie.
No, we need to put women into their proper role so that betas don't need to virtue signal to get married
why would you think that?
>this projection
no wonder canadian medical school is such a joke. If you're the typical example of a leaf's education on science I'm sad for the next generation. What's the MCAT average these days a 22-23?
Don't lie, you're reading that from the pamphlet your doctor gave you.
Sorry I'm not an expert on the different kinds of dick warts that are available. I don't fuck nasty skanks or twinks like you two.
>suddenly Sup Forums is a medical authority on dick infections and everyone else should be too
>why would you think that?
People like to have sex.
>more projection
I go to a medical school in the U.S.
>the absolute state of this americunt's rectum
BTFO and resulting to weak greentexting
>That face when Canadian man gave me aids.
Winner winner chicken dinner
you forgot to mention having sex and muh dik in your rebuttal
Yes, yes it is.
>Im a filthy roastie whore looking for a sugar daddy ;)
>I'm a single mom why can't I find a man lol
>I'll give u a bj for weed lmao
Literally all cl women
Good, that's what you get for being gay.
So what's with the Craigslist personals that are a paragraph of a normal woman looking for a normal relationship, then like a page of blank space, then a paragraph of HI IM A GAY 50 YEAR OLD BEARDADDY LOOKING FOR A GUY TO COME TO MY HOTEL AND RUB UP ON ME AND YOU CAN HAVE SOME OF MY CRAB MEAT AND STOMP ON MY TRAINS SOME
You do realize that in this fantasy of yours you still get herpes and HPV yea?
Not exactly a win there user.
>glad I got a cock
Hpv leads to an 80% increased risk in men developing throat and oral cancer if you've ever eaten a girl out. It's just never talked about because men are expendable and fuck facts. Oral sex for men is literally more dangerous than smoking
I'm a girl though.
oh ok. well I dont go outside
>i'm a girl
>deus vult flag
just show your leaf dude, we know you're a toronto nigger
literally all women
I don't care what you personally identify as.
What if I douche her with Jack Daniels first? I slept with a girl in uni who asked me to squirt vodka up there, apparently it gets you drunk super fucking fast. She was already drunk so I didn't bother, but I've always wondered what might have been...
hella common. some strains can cause pre cancerous cells wherever you end up including vag, anus, throat.