State of Jefferson NOW!

South Oregonian fag here born and raised. I lived in SoCal, NorCal and can truly say NorCal and South Oregon are paradise on earth.

If we need to create Jefferson state sooner than later because it is the most beautiful area in the united states of America.

It shan't fall into the hands of degenerate liberals. Most of us here live the simple life. No big cities nearby. Basically no dindus or wetbacks.

Our forests are probably the greenest and most lush on the planet. Again, no big degenerate cities nearby and no pollution. It's paradise and we need to keep it that way.

Other urls found in this thread:

>becomes a state
>Republicans destroy the "lush", "green" forests out of greed

Ironically we need the support of city voters to get this.

2/3s of the state has to agree to it and SF/LA would never let the electoral college votes go.

El Dorado county reporting in

Jefferson is right wing libertarian

Jefferson is for her true Sons.

>my OC

Nor Cal fag reporting in. State of Jefferson appears to be gaining momentum but it will never happen unfortunately ;_;
Obligatory "fuck you jerry brown"


>Giving up hope that easy
disqusting goy

The best way is for California to actually secede, then the northern counties claim the state is in insurrection and allow the US to absorb them back into the union.

>greenest on the planet
Yeah that's why they're evacuating Brookings right now due to the impending forest fire

Good luck calling it Jefferson in the era of "BUT MUH SLAVE OWNERS"

/k/ek Normies love Jefferson. This language is so offensive Sweaty Pie.

But the founding fathers were Black nigga

It needs to be split down the middle.

San Fran is norcal right?

Jefferson would be the best thing that could ever happen to the west coast, IF not the entire united states. No degenerates allowed.

DESU the perfect solution is the Coast becomes one state and the inland counties become another

To SoCal it is, Its Central Cal

It's 100% better now. Lol. Jefferson has a Confederate history Fampai.

we have lots of asian and indians

>richfag nazi larper


Been to Brookings two days ago. It looked liked as if Daenerys Targaryen and her dragons had a little bit too much fun.

>State of Jjefferson
>Thomas Jefferson
Highly problematic.Tear it down!

I am over here hoping that cascadia subduction zone decides to get rowdy on the west coast already .

Medford here, I'm 100% for it.

Real talk, why the hell would California give up any of its land voluntarily?

Eh. More like "Bay Area", which I'd call Middle CA, or Central CA. Even thought Central CA folks hate being associated with the Bay.

NorCal folks hate the Bay, but Bay folks are always 'reppin' NorCal. SF isn't NorCal. Cities over 50,000 aren't NorCal. NorCal is for rednecks.


How about we split you down the middle instead?

Let's hope it happens sooner than later.

San Fran is a sanctuary city. All sanctuary cities serve only one purpose. To keep rents high. 6 illegals can easily afford to chip in $300 bucks for a one bedroom apartment.

If sanctuary cities would become illegal and follow immigration law rent in all sanctuary cities would drop to the national average.

Hey norcalfag2 here, whats the capital supposed to be? Auburn? I can't entirely tell if that map includes Placer County or not.

Two more Republican senators, you say?

More then likely, since its sorta already set up for it.

It could either be
>Roseville cus muh largest city
>Yreka because of muh heritage

Oh that's hella cool bro. Me and my demi-boy-friend vape. You should join us at the collective conflict free trade coffee shop next door. They have a buttplug brazilian bean that is to die for.

go on...

naming a new state after a slaveholer

that will go over well

El Dorado fag here as well

www militarymuseum org / BidermanFlag html

Basically we had some secessionists get ballsy and unfurl a flag. Typical Jefferson fare.

>Washington State
>Washington D.C.

I was never crazy about the name Jefferson for the new state. He sent Lewis & Clark to the Pacific. Okay. Doesn't seem like Jefferson was that major of an influence on the west coast. Isn't there someone or something more deserving of the honor?

So you're letting (((them))) win? Would you commiefag rather name it Stalingrad? Get out!

You know I have a suspicion that if the CA gov didn't have anything to do with it, the people would want to split anyway.
>Norcal thinks Socal is all hippies and liberals
>Socal thinks Norcal are just rednecks living in the woods
I'm pretty sure both would feel like they could do better off without the other

>The 51st state of Lee, named after Robert E Lee

>Norcal thinks Socal is all hippies and liberals
You forgot Mexicans

Hmmm. I think Yreka, because muh heritage because Roseville is literally bordering Sacramento county, and I even believe is included in that region's census statistical designated area.

The likely preferred name would be something RosaParkWeWuzMartenLootherKANGZ$$$$Ville


California is too big anyway. It's like the size of Germany. No state should have the political power of an entire country. It just reeks of political election fraud.

real, it's pretty fucking nuclear normieville

Should include Folsom and surrounding counties.

>Placer County West of Loomis

>wanting Sacramento County

dumbass, republicans are the ones that shut down the forest industry because of
>muh profits

now we have record forest fires every year because all these faggots have let shit get over grown.

anything south of Fresno should just go back to Mexico. Mexicans you can have it. It's tweaker country anyway.

The only reason Hillary "won" the popular vote is because %15 of our population is illegals and CA is actively encouraging them to vote
>don't need ID
>don't need SSN
>don't need proof of residency
Just fuck my elections up senpai

Folsom is the buffer zone between the Sacramento cancer and beautiful mountains, rivers, streams, meth, etc. It should become part of either El Dorado or Placer county.

Kek, checked.
This^ It's Cozy af here famalam
You wish.

We can all agree Loomis is C O M F Y. But so is Lincoln

aaron, kek?


I think Auburn would make a good state capitol desu. Both highway 80 and 49 run right through it.

I get rock hard imagining a northern cal libertarian-ish state. Lots of outdoorsy stuff, different climates, gorgeous part of the world

For such a pie in the sky idea, you want to be as inoffensive as possible, to garner the most support, so I would have to agree with not using the name Jefferson, despite him being the most interesting founding father.

>Western Montana-Lite

This is never going to happen

Join a real movement


>literally fucking nothing
Top Kek
How does it feel knowing as soon as Sacramento gets priced out, the only place left with cheap rents is North?

> Anonymous (ID: MJUSHrXL) 08/20/17(Sun)18:41:46 No.138410278 ▶
>real, it's pretty fucking nuclear normieville

exactly... all this election fraud and Hillary still couldn't steal the presidency. Really makes you realize just how many people hated Hillary.

Trump ain't perfect but at least he's honest and not beating around the bush.

>Shit that is never going to happen

Sacramento has about as much of a chance to let go of northern California as it does to take Baja California.

That's fine. Beautiful country. I've lived in the emerald triangle before. 1000/10, would repeat.

>you want to be as inoffensive as possible
>to garner the most support
51st state, McDonalds confirmed

It's too late for that, the branding is already there.
>muh slavery
Anybody who lives in Jefferson doesn't give a shit, and anybody who does care is probably already actively working against it

me too user. Me too :)

Make it happen /pol

This is were I belong.

If it happens, I would go there. That new state certainly has potential to draw all the industries in Silicon Valley and Seattle if they push low tax and put some libertarian policies which will certainly be more likely if those areas actually manage to secede from regulation-ridden Commiefornia

Mendocinofag here. Unironically grow marijuana for a living.

exactly, Silicon Forest. Make it happen.

From oregon in the valley. Can y'all pick us up after the fall of civilization?

What would making that area a state do. I don't get the end goal.

No. Lmao. But I love Aaron Rodgers

Good people will keep concentrating until we have another Flyover capitol.

And then the blues and degenerates will ruin in, people will push out to the suburbs, and thus the cycle will complete and continue. I'm just here for the ride. Only one lifetime to worry about rn.


Better not be an illegal grow. Motherfucker be killing the ecosystem, making it harder for deers, meaning less tags for everyone to take...

Join a irl group like Identity Evropa or one of those Cascadia groups.

It had a lot of steam two years ago whatever happened to this movement? Didn't they actually get to a vote?

Most rural states are red

So you can get onto some bullshit list? I mostly love what they are doing, but not at the risk of getting fished or doxxed.

Nigga I didn't say the fucking KKK. Don't give out your personal info.

ya norcal guys love butte

Jefferson has the best Park Rangers


>be the only Middle Eastern in a specific area in NorCal
>literally red neck haven
>hardly any blacks
>more and more Mexicans are moving in but its for good work
>guns everywhere
>radical Israel supporters left and right
>people here are anti degeneracy to the core, gays wouldn't last here
>interracial marriages here is surprisingly noticeable
Eh I say make it happen.

The new state should be named Tubman.

It is time