This is the new voice of the Alt Left

Other urls found in this thread:

> no feminine penis

Typical crosseyed teenage mestiço liberal.

>Dat fucking eye

Wouldfuckhermouth/10. I have a weakness for long-haired blondes in knitted hats.

She's like a robot who's high and retarded.

As the Brazilian saying goes: half hour of pênis and she's cured from this shit

Wtf is she doing with her eyes?
Lizard eyed reptilian scum


It physically pains me to imagine myself asking this ugly cross-eyed bitch who probably thinks of herself as a 10 out on a date and having her turn me down because "I'm not her type".

Is she looking at 2 webcams at once?

>I love Taco bell and Mexican culture
>literally shaking!

This is satire

I thought I would be angry but this is hilarious. It's so fucking fake.

It has to be
It certainly seems like it


who dis?

She is trolling hard and you can tell.

What the fuck am I even looking at?

Liquid Southern.

Is this real or fake? Hard to tell anymore.

These eyes are spooking me out.
Her teeth are fucked up as well.

>Mexican language

She's a fucking troll/baiting.

Satire for sure

I'm not following. What's this new meme?

lol... Well, she's brainless enough to be a liberal.
Oh how the left's stupidity always makes me laugh.

Sounds like a Metal Gear reference to me.


>pennypratt95I went to my parents' house today, their maid Juanita was there, she said something to me in Mexican, I couldn't understand it but I'm pretty sure she's seen the video and is thanking me. Glad to be making a difference. #AdiosBiebero #MoreVideosAhead

I want to force her mouth down on my hard cock until she makes Donald Duck-sounds, let her up to breathe a little only to shove it back down. We'd have to do it in the tub the first dozen times to avoid getting puke anywhere non-cleanable, but she'd learn.

this is a parody video retard

Don't want to start a slide thread for so I'm just picking an unrelated thread hoping someone is here to talk.

I'm pretty depressed pol, I just think so company would be nice. Sorry to bother/shit post. I'd really appreciate someone to chat with

This has got to be a joke, because if she had Mexican friends she wouldn't call Taco Bell Mexican food or they would roast her ass and Spanish "Mexican" (all the while detracting from her point of being against racism lol).

this person looks really fucked up

What's up leaf

She needs to uncross her eyes, they look fucked up.

And here we have a typical virgin guys.

I bet she LOVES niggers, wetbacks, and faggots (so long as they don't move next door)

>I have many mexican friend and i love taco bell and mexican culture.
kind of made me laugh but for real Sup Forums?
This is what we are advertising here now?
>185 subscribers
>Let's spam Sup Forums they're dumb as shit, they'll eat this up

Speak fellow leaf. Not gonna shittalk you.

what's wrong with chu' leaf

Gf problems, haven't been to church in a while, and the fact I live in Canada. How's your day been burger?

She knows what she is doing, setting herself up to become a meme. She has a lot of potential. But I realise it's hard to tell since she looks like a degenerate with her eye piercings and tattoos.

Did you clean your room

It's satire.

Also, one video with 6k views and she has almost as many subscribers as me with my close to million views. Fookin hell

Just had a rough go of life lately. Really having a tough time acting like my usual self lately. Hard to have energy when nothing seems worth it.

>tfw personally and politically black pilled


I prefer the term salt-left

A fine burger day here

What is up with you and your GF?

I don't really own enough stuff to clean. I own a bed, some clothes, a PS4, and a bible.

I don't even really have the effort to play video games anymore. I just go to work, hit the gym, come home, and cry or lay around

Get back in the car and kill yourself.

Do you spam your channel on Sup Forums? That might help. Also, glitter make up.


Totally would fuck her

Start digging into philosophy if you haven't already. Stefan Molymeme and Jordan Peterson helped me get back to my senses when I went full blackpill. Hang in there, there's hope.

Her eyes are fucked.

Content like this converted me from civnat to... something else. I won't associate with Latinos or nignogs anymore

I just upload shit from riot livestreams etc when I'm the first to do it, usually goes viral.

Really doesn't treat me very well. We broke up last autumn, and during that time she acted quite (((liberally))), and broke my heart. I tried being a piece of shit too, but I'll be damned before i become a cultural Marxist.

Now she just doesn't really consider my feelings, and disregards my parents, whom really mean a lot to me.

I know it's a lot of bitching, but women really aren't the same as they were in the time of our parents/grandparents :/

So why not just end it already? You'll feel better.

Blackpills are hard for sure. I get that leafbro. Through blackpilling comes peace. It can make you appreciate the simple gifts in your life.

What is up with u and ur GF

Still prettier than this abomination

I'm going to hang myself. I don't have a car.

alt stare

Amazing how you guys are failing to see this is a joke.


I hear ya. I'm in same position. Total BP. Almost hope some shot happens tomorrow. Don't even care anymore. It's terrifying and liberating at the same time.

I'm not going to blow smoke up your ass with pithy nonsense. Shit is dark out there. If you can't see the light then fuck it, embrace the dark. Be a spectator. A witness. Just don't hurt yourself or anyone else. No point in either.

no no don't think like that
i've felt suicidal in the past, and what always helped me was thinking about the fact that i'm already going to die, so I might as well try to enjoy what time I have left

its not bad to have thoughts about suicide, but dwelling on them will never help move you forward

I'm probably just being petty and shit. She's got my virginity, which for a religious guy like me was a big mistake. I really got tricked into believing in a life with her, so I thought it'd be okay if she was going to be my wife. I was wrong

Ok then Get back on the rope and kill yourself.

I wouldn't think of her behavior while you were broken up was an act of aggression. People deal in different ways with sad happenings.

Im sorry she doesn't recognize how you feel. That can be further blackpilling as well.

It is good to hear that you have a strong relationship with your family. That is by far the more important thing.

I will, the only good leaf is a dead one anyway. It's just nice that the folks on Sup Forums were sorta my last friends. Wanted to spend some time is all. Sorry

I wish I could just be a NEET and watch as things go bad, but I couldn't do that to my parents. It would crush them. They deserve better than me.

Yeah man I know how it feels. I was in the same situation a while back, but then I killed myself and felt a lot better afterward.

Haha fag

It's fine. It's subtle enough where it's more cute than annoying.

Hey, we can't all get raped by pakis at age 9. You'll get over the trauma some day, I'm sure, or maybe not. However, I'm not gay nor will I be your "top", so please move on.

Go back to Turkey, you inbred cunt.

>Stefan Molymeme
Christ no. Peterson is decent, but likes to hear his own voice just a little bit much maybe.

>Hard to have energy when nothing seems worth it.
Indeed it is. It's too late for me to stay, but I hope you feel better. Girlfriend troubles are the worst, it's always some bullshit too, and you know it's bullshit, but you can't help but feel terrible still since you inevitably make the mistake of giving a shit when she apparently doesn't.

If you broke up, leave her and everything related to her. Delete everything, everywhere, and forget about her.

>I'm going to hang myself
Don't be silly, Leaf. If you are contemplating suicide, that means you're now free to do anything you ever wanted. What's the worst that could happen? You could die, but you meant to anyway. Go somewhere and do the crazy things that you always wanted to do, but never dared do. Live your life free of restraints.

My first one broke up with me too, and it felt real shitty for a good long year and more. Still not fully recovered. But you'll get through it. The best thing you can do now is forget all about her. Get rid of her, forget her. Don't think back to old memories, just move on. "Her"? Who? You now only think of her as "the ex", never name, never face, nothing. Purge her from your mind, and life, and move on. In a few months you'll be okay.

I need to get going, but don't kill yourself. She's not worth it. If you decide to, at least set a new high score or something, go out with a bang. But really, just get rid of anything related to her, and distract yourself as much as you can for now.

I don't know if women will every really understand how men feel. I'm not being a larper, I just think women are genuinely happy with (((social progress))) and don't see any of the extreme negatives in the modern world.


The virginity aspect is big. Maybe try thinking of it like you'll always have a piece of you with her and vice-versa. Sounds faggy I know but sentiment is important. My ex wife is a demented cunt but I honestly still love her and always will. I don't like her but I love her. You ended that chapter of your life with her. Now it's time for the next. You will heal. Go to church. Go pray. If you believe then that's what will help you. You know what your faith says about suicide. By harming yourself you'll hurt not only your loved ones but God as well. Im guessing you're young. I'm not. Stay strong. Life is too interesting. Even when it sucks ass.

This whole board is a reaction to the exact feelings you are experiencing.

We all feel them. Would be a lie to say I don't, so I am with you leafbro.

Some periods of your life are meant spent in the cocoon. Developing yourself and changing into something new.

These times are all gifts.
Just look at how hilarious the world is right now. We are in the good times.

>getting angry at satire

How retarded are you Sup Forums ?

>tfw stuck my dick in a vagina but still gay

I really liked Sup Forums the 5 or 6 years I've been here

wanna play some yugioh?

Have you noticed how much people bob their heads around and gesticulate wildly nowadays like theyre all filming a rap video or something? When did this start and why?

I bet it's fun. I never learned though, we didn't have the money for stuff like that as a kid. Learning curve sorta intimidates me

>>tfw stuck my dick in a vagina but still gay
I wouldn't have believed it either until I saw your post

Forgot my image.

It's really not that bad. Together with her teeth and general style, it's actually pretty cute. Her eye shape, jaw line and everything, is really great.

Yeah, think of your parents and relatives. Can't unload the burden on them. You'll feel better, eventually. For now, just focus on not feeling. ERASE her and don't think about the ex, ever. She's dead to you. You just focus on yourself for now, and feel better by forgetting the past. You can't change it. The future is there for you though, so make the best of it.

I do need to go back to church, but another problem is I feel like my denomination betrayed me. I was raised Presbyterian but now the united church endorses trannies and gays and revolting lifestyles. I've got no idea where to start or where to pray




Porn casting failure when?

I get the sense God doesn't care where you go as long as you remember Him and try to live by his teachings. Try a different church. I'm no expert so you may need to do some homework. Or no church at all. Pray by yourself. God knows. He knows what's in your heart.

>severe speech impediment
>fucked up teeth
>wonky lazy eye
>looks more asian than mexican
This shit has to be satire, right? No way this chick is serious right now.

lol these comments

Nancy, listen. The only reason that I don't go to church is that, to me, everything's a church. This room is my church. The hall is my church. Costcutters is a bloody cathedral.

When. Oh when. Will brainlets ever truly learn?

you masturbate in church?


>that derpy eye


Did you forget to take your meds today?