White genocide is not a thing

There are more whites now than there have ever been.

Other urls found in this thread:


Percentages are what matters.

and more dyn du there have ever seen too

Yes but they're mostly rural and suburban retards.

whites are being displaced and their voices are being taken
the left wants to take our properties, our wealth, and our rights
eventually anti-white rhetoric will escalate to the point of genocide, just like it has in every country that was once white

Percentages, you fucking retard. There's more of everyone.

It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.

In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:

Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:

Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:

Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:

Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:

also see

The facts about slavery in North America:

Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:

Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)

The Holocaust:

There are more everythings than there have ever been.

But Sweden is our canary in the coal mine. The Swedish government is bringing in enough migrants to replace the indigenous population within a few generations. Once that population is overcome, its culture and traditions will be destroyed.

That is called genocide.

Okay. You win.

I heard you pakis are inbred as fuck

Why do you think jewish corporations are dumping opiates into white communities if there's no white genocide?

Name a country that is just white people and its not controversial or being harassed by EU.

The truth is that the left started this race war. It was only a matter of time that they get a response.

Sadly, things are going to get much more violent. This is both a good and bad thing.

There is nothing new under the sun.

nah its happening

Why would you think that?

thats great but him standing up would be the equivalent of white people saying "i'm proud to be white"

The image is actually apt because whites have the power to do something about what's happening right now but refuse to.


>There are more (((whites))) now than there have ever been.

If white men can't get good jobs, how can you convince people to breed them?

Whites are the smallest percentage of the global population they have ever been, and are set to be less than 1% within our lifetime.

sage and hang all genocide promoters

Sounds like you have a capitalism problem nia.

This is not a capitalist. Its a Jew. You hate whites, and realize communism or anything but radical right wing ideologies will end in their demographic replacement, and then zimbabwe style communism, with their violent extermination and total destruction of society. You want society to fall apart, because youre evil, and child molestation makes you laugh and sleep better at night. Were going to execute people like you, for your crimes against humanity. Sleep tight.

Sex =/= reproduction

The problem is not a single issue but a series of phenomena including:
>high cost of raising a child
>stigmatization of raising children (it ruins your life!!)
>Women in the workplace not the home
>Propaganda encouraging sodomy, race mixing, and other degeneracy everywhere
>Massive immigration of high birth rate groups who are often hostile to the native population

Came here to post this, ironically the image is a fair depiction.


>high cost of raising a child
Yes, you also forget that your wages are stagnant, while cost of living is also going up. So people have to decide between going into debt for their children, or having a degree of economic freedom. So we get the "childlress" generation.

You have a case of capitalism, and it's terminal. Mass immigration is the "solution" to low birthrates, not the issue. From the point of view of capitalists, of course. Commies want you to have a family and kids.

>At least a white woman can have sex with a black man and make a brown baby but what can a white man do?

Have sex with literally any other woman and make her have a baby?

Don't these people see the only reason most of the time whites ever became so dangerous is because they kept attacking them? Even the Crusades were just self defense against the Muslims.

Under-replacement birth rate.
Politicians and bureaucrats openly pursuing population replacement with non-whites.
Losing voting majorities to people who have been oppressive to whites whenever they've controlled governments.
Urban centers flooded with non-whites.
Courts prevent effective control of non-white crime.
Rural communities dying.
Diversity agenda destroying white companies, colleges.
Media ceaselessly promoting race-mixing.

White genocide is real.

there's more of every race than there has ever been you fucking retard

>Marxist feminists claim wage gap
>use redistribution and Marxist rhetoric to deny jobs, opportunities and pathways to men
>effectively redistributing the means of production, technical skill, to proud women of colour

>Sounds like you have a capitalism problem
Caused by Marxists, yes. This shot only makes sense if you're okay having the circular belief that Marxism is natural, if it's natural you must be allowed to do it, right?

I'll will break your legs and say, oh, looks like you got problems with your legs bro.

>feminists shipped all the jobs to China
That's a new one.

>recessive traits
>global minority
No reason to be concerned. Nope.

I actually agree on that one, there should be subsidies to partly cover the cost of raising kids to make it more appealing. Additionally, we should be using the state to force companies to act in the best interest of the American citizen.

However, communists are directly involved with feminism and degeneracy pushing, so it doesn't fix the whole problem.

kekked 8/10

so are they saying white people should STAND UP?

Who do you think you're strawmanning by pretending this is about outsourcing, which at this stage is purely about developing nations because everyone knows not even east Asians and Indians are good price to skills trade. You can't argue this is being done for self serving capitalist reasons anymore than you can argue people genuinely care for the companies they work for and won't make decisions designed to impact profits.

Like deliberately hiring bad workers.

But sure, strawman this about outsourcing. Let's just pretend all the good tech jobs aren't locked into the west.

>just regulate capitalism :^)
>surely it will go better this time
Yeah, alright, Adolf. Good luck with that. I'm sure Krupp, Junckers, and Mauser will throw their support behind your political movement any day now.

>implying rise of fascism and Hitler was legitimate

Well actually the population of europe overall isn't much different than 100 years ago while literally every other continent has seen massive growth, so there might actually be less whites now then there was even 20 years ago due to declining white population in europe and literally everywhere because wypipo ain't having enough children. So no, there aren't more whites than 10 or 20 years ago. I'd say there's more than there were 150 years ago.

I fixed your retarded pic. Go shove your dick in an electrical outlet.


>There are more whites now than there have ever been.
That will greatly decline if our enemies get their way. Call it ethnic cleansing, occupation, colonization, cultural genocide, whatever, the point is that it's completely negative for whites and is ultimately destructive. The moral position is to have ethnostates for all peoples.

Muh dick percentages. For every two shitty nigger and spic baby that pops we create one perfect white soldier.

>Let's just pretend all the good tech jobs aren't locked into the west.
Sure they are. There are a lot less of them. And there's going to be even less in the future, as automation hits. Hundreds of thousands of driving jobs - gone, just like that. Technological advancement under capitalism actually makes your life worse.

>recessive traits
That's specific to genetic expression and is irrelevant. Mixing is bad, no matter what. It destroys whites as much as it does other groups.

You can't automate automation, stop using words you don't understand.

I am white and a clear minority in Mississippi. I'd like to stop having to move to avoid crime. Tired of unwanted section 8 sprouting up in nice areas. Illegals who do no nothing but breed (thanks, hurricane Katrina) and black women who do nothing but breed and then bitch about nobody marrying them are the majority now. I was shocked Mississippi did not go blue this last election.

Not true. An animal species is not considered endangered because there is a comparatively higher population of another species.


What is crazy about it, if all the whites were to disappear off the face of the planet, the world would go back to the dark ages. There has never been before history a race that has quickly advanced humanity light years beyond where we started from in less than 100 years (20th Century).

So, lets just say that all whites were removed. What will they do when the power goes out, when the cell phones stop working, when the cars break down, when invaders are at the gates, when food becomes scarce and they are starving out in the streets? They would have to do something they never did before, learn and work. And you know that isn't happening.


this proves otherwise

Well capitalism is the natural order of inequality reflected on economics, and regulations, just like civilization, are meant to impose limited equalizers on the top to protect the masses. Communism is just a rejection of the inequality and ruthlessness of the real world, which is all well and good until it's put into practice.

When they compete for the same resources one group tends to be defeated by another.

but the opportunity to only live with other whites is being genocided, and that's not dank.

Hello rabbi

>which is all well and good until it's put into practice
>turned a backwater shithole into a world power
>unprecedented population growth
What's wrong here?

It should be.
It's whites who spread faggotry. It's whites who abandon God. If you retards had any sense in you would be ones pushing for white genocide.

What example are you referring to here?

This reminds me of a sermon from Sup Forums's favorite pastor.

No that's jews and shitskins.

Whites are very unlikely to be gay comparatively.

>Percentages, you fucking retard. There's more of everyone.
By that logic we're all endangered because ants exist

USSR, of course.

It is in south africa...

Exactly. I'm sick to the back teeth of hearing about muh recessive traits. A white mixed with a non white would be a mudblood regardless of gene expression. I'm *glad* our traits are recessive. It makes it easier to distinguish mutts and stops sane people from wanting to have kids who will look nothing like them.

World power status was more about nookz than anything else. Without American interference the Soviets would have been destroyed on two fronts in WWII. Postwar the only way communists could get a win was by infiltrating our media and universities to weaponize our children against us and eventually convert the entire country (which admittedly the USSR did quite successfully).

White disempowerment is a thing. See affirmative action.

We meme'd too hard m8's

The time of man has ended...

Blacks have a statistically higher rate of homosexuality than whites do.

Look dat sheeiit up tyrone.

The entire issue is about the proportional representation. It's always funny to observe the Streisand effect when leftists argue that "it's only 8% of Africans/Arabs/non-whites in France", for example. Yeah, when it used to be negligible and they weren't even full citizens. That's the argument. They should not even be in white nations to begin with. Allowing them to out-vote you and come into your lands, replace your ethnic identity and vote in their own favours, is a displacement. The governing bodies are doing it deliberately, so they are complicit in this replacement. You can call it a genocide if you look at it on a long enough timeline including the era when, say, Detroit was majority white.

Holy fucking shit lad. Can't unsee

Whites are the global minority. Give gibs shitskins

>There are more whites now than there have ever been.
wrong, out fertility rates are below the sustainable rate of 2.11 children per woman, we are therefore shrinking. ergo, we are smaller than before, and you are a retarded faggot

Name ONE single non-white country who’s people are at risk of becoming a minority.
You can’t, there are none.
Name ONE single white country who’s people AREN’T at risk of becoming a minority.
You can’t, there are none.
That’s because there is a program of white geNOcide.
They say it’s “anti-racist”, but it’s simply anti-white.
Anti-Racist is a code for Anti-White.

So, what that picture says is that all whites have to do is stand up for themselves? Yeah, sounds about right.

To add onto that, the main point of contention or response is that "whites aren't being mass murdered by the millions". The reason is that, although the white population is increasing (barely, in many nations it is stagnating compared to, say, the Hispanic population), the comparative non-white population growth IN white homelands is displacing the whites and forcing them to become a minority group. Whites don't want to be minorities because even minorities today rely on special interest groups to act as a 'vanguard' for their representation. See: youtube.com/watch?v=1mZx787Htrc

Im pretty sure the black pop has dropped by 1-2% in america

>"whites aren't being mass murdered by the millions"
1 – FORCE flood EVERY & ONLY WHITE countries with MILLIONS of non-Whites until White children are a minority.
2 – FORCE assimilate them into all aspects of White society.
3 – 24/7 push interracial marriage in the movies, t.v shows and media.
4 – Instill as much fear into the Whites as possible to not object to their own genocide by verbally attacking them “RACIST”“NAZI”“WHITE SUPREMACIST”, get them fired from their jobs, threaten them with violence them etc.


You miss the point of my argument: it's that genocide is not necessarily mass murder by the millions and that we are witnessing a demographic replacement that will not involve the blood of millions, but the idea itself. Reread what I said, you're missing my premise.

That's not what genocide means

ok, well no need to get butthurt about it

so say White populations are increasing, this is wrong, if our fertility raters are below replacement we are shrinking, this is simple math

yes it doesn't have to be violent, but I suspect it will be once we are a small minority, like in south africa

Article 2, Part (c) of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide from 1948 defines genocide as:
Deliberately inflicting on the group CONDITIONS OF LIFE calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.

MASSIVE non-White Immigration, FORCED Assimilation/Integration & Diversity programs that target EVERY & ONLY White Nations?
All these “conditions” ULTIMATELY lead to WHITE GENOCIDE!
Anti-Racist is a code for anti-White.

It'll be Africa worldwide with regional warlords. A nigger mad Max world within 40 years