why havent you become /nazbol yet user?
Why havent you become /nazbol yet user?
Because I have a brain.
Fuck off nazi
wow,there seems to be a suden raise in normies and shills entering Sup Forums...
kill yourself kike
Honestly nazbol would be a good idea. Would totally confuse normies.
>Fuck off nazi
Convince me that this is okay. Convince me that Hitler was wrong. Try it. Go ahead.
The fuck is Nazbol?
Because I'm an actual communist and not a confused self-hating Slav Nazi.
Gay shit.
Because it doesn't work.
Communists are self hating faggots for being too "bourgeois"
keep telling that to yourself kike puppet
please make more of these for other companies please..
>All the normies hate me and love commies
>The nazis are mean jerks anyways
>Turn both against me and be total outcast
I donno even know what nazbol is but somehow I am there
Spencer please
Because I don't like the taste of boot.
dont worry comarade we welcome you with open arms
I like it, they'll learn about the JQ and everything else that drives Pol and its values.
Even if they are so fully demoralized they can no longer recognize truth from fiction, every time their jewish overlords celebrate the death of white people and the slavery of the goyim, I know that the truth will rear it's ugly head in their consciousness, and eventually they will think to themselves: "You know what? I like who I am, I don't want to die and I don't want to be a slave"
And then at that time they will join us. You can not kill ideas, and the truth can only remain buried for so long.
because jews are the bad guys
youll taste boot when we bash your skull traitor.
This is how Sup Forums works
people come here to "curse at evil natsis", then get a fuckload of info which they CAN'T forget and slowly but surely they see the patterns in our (((society))).
not a jew
Do you prefer the taste of bumper instead?
yes.... i hate kikes.your point is invalid
The enemy of my enemy....
is my friend.
Scratch a Nazbol, you'll find a Jewish Turk.
not turkish, not jewish,we should unite comarade,not divide,that is what the jew wants
Because I desire a healthy society, family, children and im not a loser
Because you likes kikes.
I want the same thing m8, and Im not a loser,we should unite,not figth, to kill the cancer that pesters us all,((((((((((them)))))))
how many times must I repeat myself,I FUCKING HATE KIKES
If we are to execute socialism together, you must not allow the genocide of your own people, learn what happened to the Bolsheviks, communism was created by Jews to genocide us, the Jew told them lies and tricked them, just like what they're doing to USA.
that is why nazbol exsits,we want to preserve our identity,we hate moderates and kikes,we understand who the real enemy is,and we use its own creation to destroy them,we want the same as nazis,we are just a bit more into the socialist part of nacional socialism
I need a quick rundown on this
So is it just nationalistic communism or what?
You dont have to hate the bourgeois, just the way they make their riches
>confused self-hating Slav Nazi.
It actually started in Germany
because i'm not a faggot
So you're a gay socialist like Rohm then?
You should know what happened to the SA.
I actually like nazbol
Economic prosperity leads to decadence and death. White shariah and white communism NOW
please......stop,educate yourself
is that.... a compliment?
Why do communists refuse to debate me?
because they know they are wrong comarade
Race ands Jews aren't the problem, exploitation of capital is. Under a Communism, you would barely have to worry about immigration anyway because most people wouldn't have a reason to leave their homeland
That's understandable, just remember not to take these politics too seriously, there are times when it is appropriate to do so, and there are times you should ignore larpers, shitposters, and shills. I recently came from the pol hurt box, I've turned myself around pretty well, hard to say the same for people who take the red pill and remain in the pol hurt box, the best you can do is build yourself up, mentally and physically, the more facts and statistics you learn, the sharper your bullshit detection, it comes in handy when dealing with shills, anyways, do yourself a favor, get out of the hurt box, ignore the shitheads on these threads, remember, there are hundreds of idiotic larpers and SJWs who want to turn this place into a cuck pit of shitposts.
Is Strasserism Nazbol?
Because I'm autistic, not retarded.
There are no cute NazBol girls
wrong,the jews would use this to theyr advantage, like they do with everything,and even then traditional comunism doesnt work
couldnt agree more m8
I'm interested but there don't seem to be many texts in English, beyond Wiki-tier summaries.
That thing looks like a little boy.
Jews wouldn't be the over class under Communism naturally since there won't be a ruling class. They have to make their money fair and square like everyone else
Did I not fucking mention I'm a nazbol? I didn't say anything about Jews. Commies won't present arguments against monoethnic societies
Pretty much. Its fucking gay and retarded
I know,because of nazbol not being that popular the most important texts havent been trduced into english,but you can still find some good texts from english speaking nazbols as pdfs
stop shitposting boffin. this and you're FUTA shit is getting out of hand.
Such as? I'm honestly curious what you'd suggest as "good texts"
Only remotely similar things I have are Dugin works translated into English.
Fuck no it's libertarian-tier
that is one of the main premises of nazbol....
ill make abput it tomorow but for now I have to go,have a good nigth/day comarades.
a thread*
oh really?