Its Alex Jones

pol/ if Alex Jones was killed by anti-fa would it be cause for civil

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ehh this guy deserves to be in a grave.

Release the...

Alex Jones faces an imminent death, it has been set up for months

wouldnt happen because bill cooper told everyone why already.

No, all the constitution-socialists would continue bitching on the internet bout MUH GUNZ!

we must stop the multidimensional psychic vampire child molester alien lizard globalists

AJ is one of the few people that, if killed, would trigger revolution.


I would assassinate all of the globalists.

Actually almost nobody would care. He's the right wing version of the young turds, nothing but a snake oil peddler.

He's the real life Billy Lee, he can't be killed.

You faggots didn't learn ANYTHING FROM THE RALLY!??!?!

The media would turn the ANTIFA into a Nazi just like they did for the spazy Jewish hillary voter who ran over people with his car.

>Alex Jones faces an imminent death, it has been set up for months
Years now, since the Bush days, at least.

if nobody killed him just for some peace and quit nobody will ever will

Alex Jones is like the hulk, the angrier he is the stronger he gets, and even just the smell of a antifa throws him into an uncontrollable rage that would literally kill thousands of communists.

Reported to the FBI gay.


I love Alex Jones, he's like 90% right but it's that 10% that he's off that is the really crazy stuff.

Like the whole "making the frogs gay" thing, he's right about that there are chemicals that have increased in concentrations in our environment that are lowering testosterone levels in a really worrying trend but people just use it to disregard what he's saying. Whether that's his strategy, to make people look into his more outlandish statements and find the kernals of truth, is hard to say, but I still love the guy for going out there and saying it with such passion.

>If Kike puppet is killed in false flag by other kike puppets will dumb goys do what we originally want
No nigger, whites will no longer kill each other to reduce our numbers for the brown hordes to conquer at their kike masters bidding

Oh how wrong you are.

soft turd that has been brewing in her bowels for a day

No one cares about him really. I think everyone would actually cheer.

>He's the right wing version of the young turds

Which means they own guns. They like guns. Guns are awesome. Killing commies with them is even better.

for civil what

It's unbelievable to me that any adult can't see Alex Jones for what he is: a conman fraud.

Buzzfeed didn't write the report, the testing lab (Labdoor) did, and you can get it from their site. They clearly point out that the supplements are either overpriced or simply don't do anything. Of course anyone who researched the ingredients already knew it's all snakeoil, but this is the first time it was pointed out specifically in Alex's products.

A large percent of his products come from the Global Healing Center, a snakeoil manufacturer run by "Dr" Edward Group, a chiropractor who lies about being from MIT, hasn't graduated from college and got a nutrition degree from a fake school in HAITI. He's a fraudulent QUACK who Alex frequently has on his show.

Look if you're a kid or you just found Jones, fine, you're allowed to be a cultist for a while. But please realize that he's a fraud and a shill sooner than later.

I don't flip police cars and burn down banks just because some shill gets caught up in his own game.

He give the whole right wing a bad name by aggressively ranting bs about interdimensional child molesting vampires.
If he were to go it would be a good thing. not only as it would stop his raging rants that deface the right wings credibility but it would also bring more attention to the rest of the right.