Why do white girls fear the Latina pol?

Why do white girls fear the Latina pol?

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Why do Latina fear ICE pol?

Because they are prone to committing assault.
Also this

I would not choose any of them since they'll probably end up using my wallet to help out their financially stricken families in their third world shitholes.

Now Asian girls on the other hand...

Success breeds jealousy user

Because, unfortunately, they're the strongest competition for black cock.

they're taking all the black men

Nah, both white and latina women know you've got them beat badly at that.


Latina's have like 3-4 years of prime before they get fat

Not really, they're good to go as long as they haven't had their first child.

t. virgin who's never actually seen an asian woman in his life, with or without makeup

Trust me 90% of them is ugly AF.

Steam the rice, pay the price.

Kill, Fuck, Marry

Latinas are so fucking hot

Latinas are traditional and feminine for most part due to their Latin-Catholic upbringings but unfortunately American liberalism sort of corrupted them and even the good ones tend to stick with their own kind and rarely mix outside of their Latin communities.

anglo/germanic white women are basically the bottom of the barrel , even worse than black women, keep your white hoes , i will keep my conservative latina qt

better genetics

> implying I want to racemix

What price?

Which Asians are we talking about here?

Because they're extremely violent?

>Not posting the better version

Because white women are feminist whores whereas latinas are feminine and traditional aka normal women.

Average white woman

>steam the rice, pay the price
i fucking love this board sometimes

Latinas are superior to white women these days, it's just a shame they age like shit.

come home white man

how do i get a venezuelan gf

Because white women can't cook, age like milk, spawn children with all sorts of retarded phobias and allergies and are a lot more likely to cheat on you. Not that there's any race of women that are god tier since women are shit, but white women are the worst bar none.

>inb4 obligatory "hurr well this one time I went to church and met a white girl who said nigger haha u got btfo"

Fuck the Domino.
Marry the Venny.
Kill the Mexi.
Domino to black to keep around. Vennys got them tits and pale skin. Mexi going to go all to hell around age 25.

spanish people hate blacks, probably more than any other race actually

Post more cat JPEGs I'm sure that will work out for yoj

How can white women even compete?


How can white women even compete?

They can't and that's why they get the bottom barrel of the races because then they can look good by comparison all while virtue signaling.

A light skinned latino will wreck a caucasoid cunt in nearly every metric.

This is how a white woman looks like:

At this point? Not much unlike a starving
cat. Leave some food out.

middle has hammertime feet

Cute but that girl will have an average of 50 jamal dicks and 40 muhammad's cocks by the age of 20

Not much opposition from Sup Forums on this thread ,lame. I'm headed to another thread

Quality bantz!

>why do white girls fear other white girls who speak Spanish
Makes sense

>Steam the rice, pay the price.
betas utterly BTFO

We white hispanics are truly the master race

that photographer is a dumbass. with that composition you can clearly see that the location they picked was some lame fucking parking garage. instead he could have told her to move closer to the railing and take advantage of the nice washed out contrast it gives.

>insert race hates blacks, more than any race really
Like clockwork, hispanics are just niggers of a different breed nothing more nothing less

Jesus we need names


Lived in a majority Mexican city where the inhabitants were mostly traditional and where many were financially well-off, can confirm they are the best kind of people. Beautiful city, cute girls.

Have 2$ and a pulse

dayum user

I actually fucking laughed. God bless, huemonkey.

nah mixing with a latina = child ends up 50% looking white. 25% of looking like a light skinned italian with dark hair/eyes and 25% looking like the mom's skin color.

Compared to mixing with an asian where 80% of the time its going to look mostly asian and 20% look actually half half which is rare.

Tell her about your how your life is filled with thrilling and exciting hobbies such as shitposting on an anonymous taiwanese pedophilia forum on a sunday night.

Here at Sup Forums, we're angry about politics and the principles of good photography

Would probably let #2 strip for me, but no green card.

I've tried them all and here is my personal opinion:
South American - date
Slavic - make kids with

Italian girls could be a great choice if you want something in the middle.

Asians are empty but easy, negresses good for primal wild sex (beware STDs), western girls could be compared to a scam lottery, mexican are just trash. Not even going to mention other unter races

The single whitest man in South America speaks the truth

Have some non-white on the house my man

Nah, Laura Southern's sister belongs to kike dick most probably. Only after being enslaved by her Jew will she take Jamal, at her Jews insistence, to be progressive.

>Catholic, traditional
Literally 24 hours ago I was banging a Latina I had just met a couple hours before. She said she liked my blue eyes so I told her she could have more time to stare into them if we went to bed together. I love white privilege.
Also a lot of Latin guys are shitty in bed. Something to do with being spoiled mama's boys. Multiple women have told me this. I'm no chad, but damn you'd think so by the response I get. One 27 yr old girl, trembling after oral, said "oh my god no one's ever done that to me before". It's sad. A lot of them are fairly Euro, especially in Colombia.
Once I make some FU Money, I'm gonna try to impregnate at least 8 Latinas.

If I'm correct, she actually got CHANG-ED
Pretty ironic for this thread, really

they look fucking horrible
Obligatory post

Being that Hispanics are whores they crash the price of pussy.

>14 years later
>argenspicans still think they are white

Latinas are ug-

>white spic girl
>basic qt white girl
>same shitty spic culture
whats the point?

We thirst for brown qt flesh

Asian women are what they need to fear, not latinas

Who gives a fuck about latinas kek?

>picks the 90% European looking girls
every single time, face it, latinas are ugly as shit.

>average north mexican woman.jpg

Asians mostly steal nerdy white betas from them. They dont steal Chad, so they are fine

Black girls, on the other hand, are Chad bait

Slavs are traditional and conservative, while spics are welfare abusing rodents.



Mexican women are the worst looking on the whole hemisphere

SAGE you stupid faggots

Nobody other then filthy race-mixers and leftists want more spics here. We invite tons of them yearly and there's no reason to continue that. We need more Europeans.

You're crazy, the nerds go for awkward short Jew women and are cucks for white girls.

Chads go for Asians, but black women are rarely attractive

You'd be surprised how much beta most of the women are

Sup Jose, let me educate you on your culture

Latinas, by definition, are European, because it refers to their Roman heritage.

All your ugly ass neighbors are indegenas, and therefore are not Latinas by definition. In fact, real latinos like to call them latrinos.

looks like Chiapas desu

Dated a white girl in the US before coming back to LatAm for another work tour. She was pissed, kept saying she hoped I would be so content with all my spic whores.

But all the ones in the US tend to explode after 25 or so. However in Colombia.... God I was with this 38 yr old chick, perfect 10/10 body (except the fake tits). Easily could have passed for 25. Unfortunately I learned the hard (er, soft?) way about Colombian blow on the male cardiovascular system.

I hate what happened to my state

There is no such thing as "Latina" There is only Mestizo. The "Natives" are Asians who traveled to the Americans via Siberia. The people we call "Hispanic" are Asian, or White-Asian mutts.

We get it, you're a white guy fucking hookers in Central America. Neat.

Chads usually marry and have kids with other whites, the ones who do race-mix are pretty much destroying their god-tier genes by making mongrels with less then desirable races.

Its the same in the north of mexico,
>arguing language

>Better Genetics

Everybody in Latin America other then Southern Brazilians are super manlets. Why would you want to destroy your genes when you could make a god-tier White European kid.

Are there really a notable amount of Latinas that look like this in South America?
I live in CA and our Latinas look like fat gypsies

The type of Slavs who are willing to fuck Western guys are not traditional and conservative, they are materialistic skanks.

And since the fall of communism, Slavic girls are becoming whores as well, because American Capitalism ruins everything it touches

Just look at Melania Trump

The White race is fucked. They have only themselves to blame.

Whites are the biggest promoters of feminism, consumerism and fag rights, no wonder they are dying off

They're in the Top 1%, 99.5% of spic women look horrible.


You just know you've spotted the self hating mestizo when he tries to bleach his progeny so desperately.

It's just Austin, San Antonio, Houston, Dallas, Ft Worth and The Valley.

Well would rather have your offspring raised by an actual mother or a white girl?

If you choose the latter your kid will guaranteed be a failure and probably a tranny.

I think mixing makes chads happy and ensures happy and successful offspring. Doing a white girl that will just divorce you and turn your children into psychotic cowardly freaks is kind of selfish

Latino here. Most aren't. Racial mix populations are the land of extremes. Some are super hot most are ugly. White people tend to mostly be average with the extremes on either side.

>White hispanics

The problem isn't an amount of hispanics as white since some hispanics ARE WHITE

Hispanic is not a race and any race could be hispanic

Tell me that Martin Sheen is "Not white". Look up his real name asshole.

The problem is MESTIZOS trying to be white, are you going to blame white criollos for mestizo iq?

Latinas =/= Mestizos

I'd rather my kid be raise by 2 parents that look like him and teach him by example to succeed rather than take food stamps and welfare

Because they are friendly and can get good deals on coke.

That 'mexican' and 'venezuelan' look whiter than me.

Bet a DNA test would prove it.