The absolute state of white nationalism

The absolute state of white nationalism

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why would red ice radio air this

i dont understand

leave him alone, at least he has a lady-friend
what do you have?

She's kind of cute. Looks like a traditional Chinese woman

>implying fins aren't white

to be fair, her skin is pretty white

Meanwhile my people are getting bleached out of existence.
Stfu little bitch.

Nice finnish wife

They are Russian journalists
Gook just friend of guy
(I hope...)

They are of Asian mix.

Good less crime

>"white" nationalist
>race mix
The only good thing about this is that liberals are going to start turning on asians for doing this causing asians to lean more to the right.

Traditional, sure. She can't speak English and still smells like moth balls from the cargo ship journey.

She's whiter than him though.


haha, i laughed. but i also saged.

I listened to this one. It was some Russian guy giving info about nationalism. I think he was a translator and they all had thick accents. Pretty shitty desu. But it went into Russian concepts of what constitutes as a Russian. The chink was a literal Mongolian trying to reclaim the swastika because it's actually eastern as we all know.
>Link here 'cuz OP is a faggot:

>She can't speak English
And she shouldn't, keeps her from talking to other men (in fear) and falling to Liberal degeneracy.

This was never on Red Ice you nigger

>that picture

Apparently it was drawn by that hapa behind "longingfordeath".

Eurasians are some of the most viscerally neurotic, self-hating and insane people I have ever come across. To the point they're drawing A. Wyatt Mann styled cartoons about their very existence, who the fuck else does this?

Literally was

Implying people of the Steppe are not "White"


>Liberal degeneracy.
Nigger, they are the definition of it already. Asian women are for the worst kind of beta males. It exploits them and degrades the white gene pool at the same time.

M-maybe they are friends, just because a women is near a man doesn't mean they are dating

Africa has billions of your own people fuckhead, your the one trying to replace us.

White interracial breeding leads to WHITE GENOCI-

The war of the r vs K

There is an rK war going on right now in the world. Screw the ideological war, the rK war is much bigger.

You think I don't speak through experience??
I've been married to a Kazakhstani woman since I visited that place and after 2 years she
- always dresses moderately
- does her chores without questioning anything
- opens her legs only to me and willingly almost every single night

She can't speak German (beyond ordering, greeting and asking how your day is), which is why I accompany her to grocery stores and supermarkets to shop together.

While I can't speak Kazakh, I can write and speak Russian, which she understands and also speaks surprisingly well (despite her being from a russian-minority region)

That's one thin beta neck

Exactly. "Preserver muh white race!" shouters are bloody hypocrites.

>asian woman who hates asian men marries a white guy who hates non white (including asian) men
>have an asian looking male son
geez, i wonder why they hate themselves.


I don't see how this is a response to the fact that the white nationalists decrying race mixing are themselves race mixers.

race mixing and wn are not mutually exclusive. as long as you keep women from mixing, theres no danger. guys are supposed to look farther than national borders.

What a bullshit double standard. "muh big white dick!!! colored women should get only it!"

dating white women is degenerecy

We cant have Asian friends?

If they take asian women, it makes total sense for golden men and white women to get together. Tit for tat. A balanced system. Otherwise, if only the white males' acquisitions are allowed, then that's literally a war waged against us.

i hear theres not much bleaching going on in africa, you should check it out