Why Do We Hate Muzzies Again?

>Based compilation of Muzzie leaders naming the jew

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Because they fuck kids

Why do we have to choose either jew or muslim when you can pick neither again?

Muslims are amazing when they're on another continent.

>authoritarians that restrict freedom so they can fuck kids and goats and wipe their ass with their hands
They're just a different shade of jew

Because they are not us.

>Become a follower of a cult that worships a herpes-covered meteorite and a pedophile warlord.
No thanks.

ummm? they're antisemitic, misogynistic, anti-lgbt, anti-feminism, they don't let women vote or drive, they ban alcohol and drugs, do i need to say more?

>implying shalom sandniggers and salam sandniggers don't work in tandem against us
you know how it works right? Salam sandniggers bomb us, shalom sandniggers write articles telling us not to be upset

faggot leaf

They worship a crazed pedophile that tortured people and killed indiscriminately.

They hate everyone, Jews included. I'm still a staunch advocate for turning the Middle East into glass regardless.

I would encourage you to read the Haddiths and Koran for yourself. They are very violent. Jesus and Buddha never killed anybody. There are bad people in every religion, but not all religions are based on bad people.

>treating cancer with thermonuclear therapy

>ummm? they're antisemitic, misogynistic, anti-lgbt, anti-feminism, they don't let women vote or drive,
What's so bad about that again?

All the Abrahamic religions have gotta go, not just muzzies.

Islam and the West has always had an atagonistic relationship. Just because we agree with them on one problem doesn't mean we're ever going to be chums. They see the entire world through the filter of Muslim and non-Muslim.

Please don't. It has some of the most amazing artifacts in history...

The people are being manipulated by satanists like the rest of the world. Can't we focus on getting them out of power?

A few generations of Jesus... and these people can correct their genetic inbreeding. We just need to free them from their leaders, and the people in the West that support them and prop them up.

this, people need to learn to give the other cheek instead of taking example from a prophet-soldier

The irony is that Alt-right white supremacists and ISIS are mirror images

Hate Jews
Hate women
Hate everyone not like them
Commit terror attacks


fuck off abdul

5 Year Old Girl Being Interviewed in Video
>Basmallah,do you know the Jews?
>Do you like them?
>Because they're apes and pigs.
>Who said that about them?
>Our God
>Where did he say that?
>The Qur'an
Sorry anons, I can't help but admire and respect that and admit I'm envious of the open antisemitism in their society.

The Alt-right seems to hate feminism and the pain it has caused women. There are too many women in the traditional wives movement that would disagree with you on that. As far as Jews go, they don't hate all Jews. Mostly just the Sabbatean jews that devil worship.

Charlottesville wasn't terror. AT least not for the driver. Very clear footage of him being hit with baseball bat prior to accelerating.

That said, I don't really care about this. If you protest violently in the street, you should expect to be run over. You don't get to LARP Tienanmen square and put everyone at risk.

I'll take a jew over a muzzie every time.

My sister in law is Palestinian and she doesn't have a problem with Jews. Her brother however talks about them in a way that would make pol blush.

Problem is that there are so many of them that are completely consumed and participate in the cycle of which that manipulation stems from. I don't think curbing Islam and saving those peoples is really possible without mass amounts of bloodshed just because of how fucking insane a chunk of their population is now. What was planned and executed in the ME will keep it in a chaotic state for another 100 years when you factor in how inbred they are, I wonder if the artifacts will even make it through that.

Shit bait.

Its very possible the Catholic church will combine all three religions soon and make a new world religion at the wall. They will probably build a new temple for it. When they do this, the Islamic faction will become the strongarm of the new world government.

Who brings them to this continent?? Which ethnic group is responsible for forcing multiculturalism?

Why would you allow racemixing in your family leaf?? Your countries brown enough

My question was rhetorical.
I get that our cultures clash, I get it, big time.
I don't think we need to be "chums"
However, it's painfully obviously that Muzzies are being used against us by proxy.
I feel like they'd rather be used by whites by proxy to take out tHe jews rather than being used by the jews to take out whites as they are now.
All of those bad things they do that we don'tt like, well they're nothing compared to what (((they))) do and if they're doing it on the otherside of the planet, who cares?
And if we every expect them to stop coming here in droves and blowing our shit up, we need to take out (((them))) and I don't see why they shouldn't be very strong allies in that cause.

I urge you to read the Talmund you mutilated cock'd kike worshipping faggot.

Sounds good to me.

The real problem is they have these primitive beliefs, and want to force them on the rest of us. They've turned their own countries into shitholes, now they want to wreck ours.

we have a common enemy. that doesn't make us allies.
they would just as happily destroy us (and, newsflash, they're trying), they're just not as good as (((they))) are.

Not a leaf. And what am I supposed to do about it? It's not like I have some dominion over my brother. Am I happy about it? Fuck no. But I can't do anything. He fell for the brown pussy Jew.

If you don't hate jews, you're not paying attention.

A muslim politician in Denmark recently named the Jew on his Facebook. Saying that Jews profit from ISIS and that the group is tied to Israel. To which the fake news media quickly went into a hysteria, giving him air time in the radio, where he basically said "Listen, you are a journalist, you work in this media business, you should know (((who))) runs it. Because they run every major news network in the West." To which the journalist replied "I don't know what you are talking about, lots of different people run the media, who is this Who that you are talking about?" "I can't say it on air, because they do not allow people to name them. But the fact that you put me on here for a facebook status update and not the thousands of other people who make silly updates proves that they are scared of being named".


They don't know Christ. This is why migration to Europe IS a good thing. They can be safely converted here and in big numbers too. Arab immigration will save Christianity in Europe.

Jesus came to save the Jews from their self enslavement. He said clearly that he was a healer that came to heal the sick. The Jews were indeed the most bound and authoritarian group on the planet when he came to save them.

What is interesting, is that Jesus answers not only the Jews religion, but all religions in his ministry. He borrows heavily from Zoroastrianism, Akkadian, Mithraism, and possibly Buddhism (if you believe the far-fetched theories of some). What he produced is in my opinion nothing short of beautiful.

>Christcucks actually believe this.

Seyit Ahmet Özkan. He is... turkish, perhaps? He is represented in the city council of the city Ishoj. He is of the centre-left part Socialdemokratiet. Which is like the british Labour party.

Right now they are trying to kick him out of the party and prevent him from participating in the city elections this fall.

Apparently, he is the vice-mayor of the town and the leader of the "Turkish European Democrats of Denmark".

Is she at least a light skinned palestinian or are the kids gonna be brown?

>Right now they are trying to kick him out of the party and prevent him from participating in the city elections this fall.
Blowing up children?
>votes him in
Names The Jew?
>kicks him out