Protesters call for removal of Christopher Columbus statue
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Look at the size of that statue. Good fucking luck pulling that down
USA is going down the fucking sink. Sad to see this happening to you guys, I love your country. Be strong!
Columbus was Hispanic so that makes them a racist.
At the very least it's nice to know leftists see Italians as white.
Aren't Hispanics white?
lol, no. moor rape babies
Cristoforo Columbo was italian.
He was Italian you silly goose
No, he was Latino.
No clue. I'm from Spain and I can tell you I'm less white than some latinos I've seen whining about suffering discrimination and racism in USA. That is definitely not the case for other Spaniards, though.
They should pull down that girl statue in NYC by the bull. It displays an unrealistic body image for women and perpetuates gender stereotypes blah blah blah
My town has become an absolute embarrassment. Former Mayor Michael Coleman, current Mayor Andrew Ginther, and former Columbus City Schools superintendent Gene Harris should all be in prison.
The city is infested with Somali trash, trust fund faggots, and pay-to-play Dems. Oh, and OSU is obviously full of communist trash.
these people are so demoralized they are calling for the extinction of their own race. it's truly a glorious yet sad spectacle.
Nah fuck them.
As of today, the US is filled with (((degeneracy))), and since WWII, the world fashion was to follow what USA was doing. Thus, spreading degeneracy into other societies.
For as much as I love the US up to the 60's, USA today is the biggest cancer for the white race and needs to be sacrificed for its safety.
That bitch ass nigga couldn't even build a spicerack and thought he was in India when he landed in North America I agree tear that shit down
It's all good, we're sorting these fuckers out.
>DURHAM, N.C. – A North Carolina sheriff is working to identify and charge protesters who toppled a nearly century-old Confederate statue.
>Durham County Sheriff Mike Andrews issued a statement Tuesday that investigators are using video footage to identify those responsible for toppling the statue. Law enforcement officers took video throughout the protest Monday in downtown Durham.
People are already getting raided and arrested because cops are filming all these events, it's just a bit delayed but it's happening.
We're still with you, Spain, wish you the best in troubled times.
Please stop with the Orwellian language
So he was not white regardless
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
are they anti-semites? columbus was a jew!
This is what happens when you don't stand your ground. The mayor and the police department from the city where the first statue was brought down are to blame for the shit that's going on. All they had to do was stop vandalism but they didn't. It emboldened the leftists and now they want to bring down every bit of white culture. If they aren't clearly stopped soon it's only going to get worse
The statue is black tho
Like nigga how is statute bullying even real, just close your eyes
Sopranos saw this comming, I wonder what the mob has to say about this?
All these people laughing being like "you still got books to read about them"
Would be crying like little bitches if we took down an MLK statue.
Also the books are next, once the statues are gone they'll start burning the books
oy vey! someone stop those anti-semites!
>Aren't Hispanics white?
ONLY when it comes to crime rates to make niggers not look as bad
Thank you Antonio but you have part of the blame by not following the example of the Anglo and murdering the barbarian natives of the south. Shame shame.
(But seriously please pray for us we're fucking fucked right now)
Why are AltFa still occupying America? #BackToEurope
Christopher Columbus was a tyrant, whats the big deal about?
>all of the sources are Jews except for the last one, Wiesenthal is a proven fraud and con-man
Jews do We Wuz even more than the blacks, in fact I think that is where the Blacks got it from. Jewish Leftists told them that various figures in Western history were black back in the 50's and 60's, but Jews have been claiming random people as Jews for hundreds of years. They even claim Isabella was a Jew despite the fact that she ran the kikes out of Spain. If Columbus was a converso he was the first and last one to take his religion seriously, by all credible accounts he was a fanatical Christian.
so it begins
'Hispanic' is an almost meaningless category, it originally referred to all Spanish speaking peoples but now even includes jungle Mayans from the Yucatan who barely speak Spanish and instead use a pidgin combination of it and their native tongue. The proper way to categorize the people generally referred to as Hispanics or Latinos are the racial categories based on degree of Iberian or Indian blood. A Castizo for instance is someone who is 3/4 White but 1/4 Indio, whereas a Mestizo is half and half. Castizos and above are basically White.
Nah it's harder to remove Columbus
when did the truth begin to be of consequence? some jews claim that columbus was a jew. leftists want to destroy columbus statue. sure looks racist and anti-semitic to me, user. what are you, a nazi?
Didn't they only arrest four of the people and call it a day? Or is it four so far, with plans to arrest more?
Considering the fact that police stood by and let it happen, I'm not completely convinced of their commitment to finding and arresting everyone involved they possibly can.
Christopher Columbus was actually a Jew so maybe somebody should tell them that. I mean just google it.
language has been co-opted. 'hispanic' has been stripped of meaning and is only a political buzzword. there is very little demand for truth or factual correctness at this point. the world is being fueled with propaganda and the demand is growing.
They are destroying the American heritage. I'm calling it now, soon they will destroy the Mount Rushmore sculpture as it's a symbol of oppression.
They've been destroying American heritage and culture for a long time now in the realm of music. Country music is always made fun of in (((Hollywood))) movies. Jewish stand up comedians like Tom Segura makes fun of cowboys and cowboy hats in his comedy routines.
What's the big deal? Columbus is not part of our history. He is only important to the handful of white people of South America. Columbus Day was to make Italians and Catholics feel good about someone from their shithole to counterbalance the mob stereotypes, but ended up reinforcing the stereotype that Italian-Americans are dumbfucks that think he landed on Plymouth Rock and chilled with injuns an sheeit.
Commence diaspora buttrage.
Soros hitting the right nails
why are all these anti-white people, white people? What is the motivation behind this intense hatred for your own race?
Whatever faggot pine tree. No one makes anyone follow us. If you do you're a lemming and a cuck.
western education
America on that 1984 how to guide
This is Newark baby we don't play that shit!
Fucking this.
The police, in most cases so far, have done nothing but stifle, remove, or arrest the "right wing protesters", (the less likely to be violent and most likely to comply) instead of doing their jobs and removing the true dangerous elements from these locations. All it did was show the left that their violence and disregard for the laws will be rewarded with their opponents being removed by the police, leaving them free to take a mile and take another. The police think they can continue to take the easy way out when dealing with these people, until they become so emboldened that they start shooting cops left and right as BLM has done.
i-it's like they'd prefer it of all white people went back to their homelands
Some of them are (((White))), the rest have been raised in anti-White (((education systems))), taught to hate themselves nearly from birth.
Detroit protester explains why Columbus statue should be removed
They were wrong. Times change. That's why slaves were freed and civil rights happened.
Good. Columbus was an idiot
>Topple "Jewish" Supremacy
>Topple "Jewish" Supremacy
>Topple "Jewish" Supremacy
>They are destroying the American heritage
He accidentally stumbled onto the Caribbean, killed a bunch of injuns, and never set foot on the north american continent. We just idolize him because we wanted to be inclusive to italians. Also, people seem to think books and online resources dont exist, and by taking down statues we won't know about them.
Not gonna happen. Central Ohioians jack off every night just to the thought of Columbus. If that statue comes down, one ten times its size will take its place. That city does not take very well to people shitting on them.
Post WW2 guilt with some slavery spices
Actually swap those 2 if you're from NA like me
Good, drive every normal person into the arms of the far right. Do these idiots know how this is playing for regular people. I talk to customers and employees at work every day. They can't understand why these crazy kids want to take down the statues.
Keep pushing left, you will make the job of the right that much easier.
We should just outlaw statues.
Genoese Italian
good riddance. Should it be removed in illegally in an ape like fashion? Absolutely not. That avenue should be taken with the town board and discussed in civil manner. Quite sure in today's political climate the local paper will pick up on it, and make the board members comply by outting them as racist nazis.
Columbus was nothing more than Italian propaganda. The guy was a total idiot that slaughtered natives for no good reason, except to force them to give up their spices when they were clearly not Indian.
t. libertarian.
Everybody who is involved in enabling antifa to go un-supervised by law enforcement will get theirs. Don't you worry. The silent majority are already sick of knowing it's been going on for the last few years. Antifa running a muk like this is polarizing the entire intellectually honest population of this country against the democratic left. It's great. The fucking confederates will never win, no matter how much they try to evolve and look meek. The democratic left was and still is cancer to this great constitutional republic. ""Progressive"" my fucking ass
We should just outlaw non-whites and communists
>No one makes anyone follow us. If you do you're a lemming and a cuck.
You turbo mongrel I'm stating the opposite.
You cant even understand how much your jewed up society is rotting up everybody else because of the big money prize you made after WWII by lending money everywhere. You even stole the russian victory fame by poping up for one battle.
Just look at the state of your civilians, mostly degenerates. If the rest of the world is following the same way is because your cancer spreads at an alarming rate, and you're too blind by your burger ego to accept it.
Erasing and distorting our history is crucial for the Left to succeed.
America’s profound morality, kindness, widespread prosperity, and design for equal opportunity should be self-evident. But that assumes that factual, historically accurate reporting in education is taking place, and we know that it isn’t.
Ignorant people will not remain free for very long. The media is working on a path parallel with school systems to actively and passively distort information to wipe out from the vestiges of our history and our memory any collection of stories that testify to the greatness of America and her people.
There's only one course of action left open, get even and take down/appart this faggot.
Is the guy on the left open carrying an AR? If anyone right wing did that they'd be burned at the post
Columbus is not his real name and he was a jew freemason
The threat of being arrested for defacing these monuments isn't going to stop the lefties doing the vandalizing. Even if they get caught, there's no way they're actually going to serve any jail time for it. Even if the justice system really wanted to make an example out of them in order to stop any more defacing, they'd probably do some non-threatening sentence like a few years in a minimum security prison.
They have far more to gain from defacing the monuments than they have to lose. The best we can hope for is that they get crushed to death by a giant statue.