Dark days are here, dark days ahead. Let's not forget there are still things worth living and fighting for.
Post traditional women and inspirational videos.
Dark days are here, dark days ahead. Let's not forget there are still things worth living and fighting for.
Post traditional women and inspirational videos.
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i'll never breed with a woman like that.
I'm under 6'
Had a vasectomy so my kind cannot infect the rest of the world.
>white male
>bad eye sight
>many psychological and development issues
>PTSD, ADHD, autism, depression, anger management issues, come from very broken home.
It's a miracle I haven't killed myself yet.
Don't let us stop you.
lmao faggot
I live in Toronto
For the last few years I saw nothing but migrant children and was getting blackpilled
Now all off a sudden this summer I see so many blond haired light eyed babies I can't believe it. Most of the time it's with young couples and it's clearly the first child...something has happened
user, I want you to try something for me. It won't fix everything, but it might help walk you back from the edge a step. Go get some 5-HTP supplement. It is cheap and you can get it anywhere you can get vitamins. 5-HTP is a serotonin precursor, it will give your brain the building blocks it needs to make the chemicals you brain needs. Take about 200mg before bed. I found it helps more than the decades of therapy and antidepressants I tried in the past ever did. It is cheap, safe, and available over the counter everywhere.
Good luck user.
The Black Pill isn't so bad.
Lying to yourself is though.
>white women
>not degenerate
weak domesticated woman, no wander you go extinct
Digits confirm, we need to bang more...whatever the fuck that girl is.
I feel it too, as do a lot of people I talk to. Something is shifting. Personally I think it was the attack on free speech. That was always considered sacrosanct by both sides, but for the past couple years it has come under attack, and the attacks are growing in frequency, severity, and now becoming violent.
My apologies for molymeme posting, but I think the poem he reads has a bit of wisdom in it. Things are reaching a point where good, hard working, decent folk will say "enough".
yes try and fight the black pill white boi
here is a real amazonian woman, she could just sit on you and you'l die
guys, i hate to break it to ya, but if you see a girl with a gun 99% likely she ain't on your side
My kids bout to be half Hispanic and identify as white
So fucking fake!
Heh heh, based Gram gram.
No need for that user there will always be a use, im not trying to sound rude here but even if you believe you're no use to yourself, you still have use to the others around you aka here on Sup Forums
Thanks user, been feeling like this all day
Needed this, thank you
Lift. Lift like your life depends on it user. We're going to need you in the days to come.
god these threads are pure fucking cringe. post more coalburning models who sucked kike cock for the gig and don't acknowledge the average poltard's existence you bluepilled faggot
we don't fight "for" dumbass roasties we fight to conquer them
Women lost their way because we as men (or more accurately our fathers as men) failed to lead. Women will follow a strong leader, that is why feminists are turning to islam when they should be mortal enemies.
We as men must rebuild ourselves and display our leadership and power. To save women we must first save ourselves.
you naziscum are so pathetic, all you have for emotional support are other pathetic anons
you see ivan, in communist movement we support each other emotionally and materially to find the humour to endure capitalist oppression
with fascists all you get is "at least you have others here on Sup Forums" LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
all these girls you will never get because nazis don't get laid.....
This is what your fighting for.
>nazis don't get laid
I'll tell my wife you think so.
you sound like literal cuck
no wonder your women are such whores.
>the commie is talking of morals and emotional support
This. Whiteknight as fuck ITT.
even pajeet's are taken your women
women always want what they shouldn't have
the more freedom they have the more unhappy and unsafe they are
the only thing that is men's fault is letting women have freedom to make decisions when they clearly should never make decisions for anyone let alone themselves
god bless these women.
you sad sack jerkoffs are breathing melancholy sighs for the women who reject you .... who knew all you supposedly hard and strong arayans were all such hopeless romantics?
pretty good entertainment for this feminist commie :)
why don't you set aside your racist and misogynist bullshit and actually be a decent person so that women accept you for who you are? that sounds easier than all this heavy breathing
Work out and learn user
don't you think she is a great mother.
>PTSD, ADHD, autism, depression, anger management issues, come from very broken home.
Some of these are incompatible.
they are jewesses idiot
309 confirmed kills
It's hard, when we see our nation invaded by peoples from the third world (blcks,brzilains, indians).
But let's hope all europe and usa wakes up, and jus sanguinis win 100%
>Tfw already interracial
There's no point in reproducing with a pure white woman. In fact I'd just be ruining the white gene pool.
I love you so much sometimes Sup Forums. Less the clear race mixing troll this is a beautiful thread.
>not taking the artificial womb redpill
you mean ALL of those women are jews.........?
you really think that.
what ever helps you sleep at night
so what is the behavior code from a women to be accepted into your little master-race utopias? do i have to be ready for sex all the time AND keep the kitchen clean or is only one of those things acceptable
Those are race traitors not girls. Nice try (((Lenin))). Go suck some Rothschild dick for more shekels.
Lies. They're all cormorbities you fucking lying dick
bam! yeah! That's it.
>Nice try (((Lenin))).
WHAT did user mean by this?
That's an interesting one, isn't it!
thank you.
I'm a weakling - I tried to get out of my hometown / living with abusive parents by joining the military - they weeded me out because of many issues.
the pain of lifting reminds me of the physical pain I endured during bootcamp / mct - stress fractures like crazy, zero professional physical therapy - MRP platoon was utter bullshit. motrin and hydrate.
I have friends, go to xmas parties, hang out, etc. Besides working a 9-5, I'll never succumb to an ideology / cult following.
>tfw when I look like a lot of your pictures and am into men yet i am repulsed by you all
Anitfa shill attempting to make black man the enemy.
enough is enough
blacks for blacks
whites for whites
Antifa for the gas chambers
he's accusing me of being a communist and a jew. only one is true haha! ethnically i'm as german as they come.
Jesus, she's dating a struck match.
aren't white women just amazing.
Thanks OP.
nice try, kike
White women do their part, and they will do more as time goes on.
Time for archive