Rate of suicide among teen girls reaches 40-year high

>the rate of teen girls who committed suicide is double what it was in 2007, and the highest in 40 years for that age group, according to newly released data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

>In 2015, five girls out of every 100,000 between the ages of 15 and 19 committed suicide in the United States.

>The rate is double what it was in 2007, and the highest in 40 years for that age group, according to newly released data from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention.


What can we do to decrease the rate of suicide among teenage women?

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>What can we do to decrease the rate of suicide among teenage women?
Maybe start by posting an archive link.

Criminalise hormonal birth control and make fat positivity a hate movement.

Jew poisonous media giving them false life goals that aren't having a big family

Religious revival.

by giving them birth control and abortions for free

Anyone who kills themselves is just an attention seeking whore

>Purge the media of Jews.
>Lower divorce rates so girls have their fathers in their lives.
>Discourage girls to stop spending so much time on social media and posting everything about their life.

This will solve 99.99999% of their problems. The lack of father and too much attention to media are the main issues.

5 out of 100,000 is absolutely nothing. Who cares.

>What can we do to decrease the rate of suicide among teenage women?
what why?

We have to close the gender suicide gap you sexist bigot.

Interesting, but why are you limiting this to just teenage girls? Doesn't the same hold true for many other demographics too, which might give a better overall read on true causes.

>What can we do to decrease the rate of suicide among teenage women?

Ban social media usage until they are age 21.

Very sad. I wish instead of some stupid opiate epidemic the kikes would just open up voluntary euthanasia clinics for white people. I'd never go myself but what is worth fighting for in the USA anyway? President Cuck? More of the same old, same old, except even worse this time around?

>What can we do to decrease the rate of suicide among teenage women?
Why should we? It's natural selection. Cunts are worthless.

No one gives a shit about males if that's what you're implying

At-least that means a smaller pool of possible feminists, on the bright side.

let them live, or die, by their own choice

encourage them if you can

Good riddance

>tfw no daddy
Why even live?

Guarantee you if you got rid of social media that number would drop pretty quick.


honestly this.

i can't conceive how people began to think a substitute for this as anythign else was a good idea.

Let's talk about suicide rates in divorced men first, then we'll deal with hysterical teenage girls who don't get enough likes on Instagram.

Fuck off femcunt


Hey girls ! Let's achieve equality of suicides rates. No more male dominated deaths

>What can we do to decrease the rate of suicide among teenage women?
Stop closing abortion clinics with arbitrary laws designed to fuck them

Easy just encourage them to get married at 13 like the olden days so that way they have something to live for.


This is a slide thread! Don't forget to sage and move on.


Thanks faminism

Why is the crowd laughing, what is wrong with those people?

>if white women don't get to murder babies then they'll kill themselves from depression

Wow. Femcunts so sadistic and evil.

they probably found out theres only so much bbc to go around and killed themselves rather than date beta nu males.

I don't know

Impregnate them. If they're distracted by caring for a baby they won't be dwelling on stupid shit. Same thing for men. Give them jobs and families. Suicide rate would fall.

Abloo bloo bloo

t. 32yo khv

>what are the stats of boys in same age group?

Fuck women.

Doesn't seem like a huge problem compared to male suicide.

>Males take their own lives at nearly four times the rate of females and represent 77.9% of all suicides.

I'm implying that the same statement could hold true for males, and women of different ages. So isolating for just one group may cloud the theories of why it has risen.

and it's still a fraction of the suicide rate for men, delete this thread and reconsider your priorities faggot.


attempts for women are 3x that of men, it's just that they use drugs more often and get resuscitated. So it doesn't really give a comparison of how many men vs. women are suicidal.


You mean "cries for help"?

you can see the spikes as soldiers got home from the war. vietnam spike was yuuuge. then came a little spike from the iraq war, nice.

When do you think the Vietnam War was?

depends if they took 11 pills or 12


Birth Control causes Frontal Lobe Damage/Disorder in Women. They are also more vulnerable to Social Engineering then Men.

[Did threads on this: archive.4plebs.org/_/search/boards/pol.x/subject/Knowledge Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/]

Feminism is a Virus/Bioweapon designed to destroy populations by imploding the Society/Family.

Since this is a west-coast paper, I assume that they're counting psychotic teen trans-"girls" as girls radically bump up the numbers anyway.

it ended in 75, right when that graph starts you potatohead. You can see a 50% increase in male suicide in just the 15 year period after the war.

Nigger, humans are fragile as fuck. If you want to die, REALLY want to die, you will find it very easy to do so. If you take "some" pills, you don't actually want to die, you just want / need the attention.

You're a converted liberal

Maybe if girls wouldn't take abortion services they would have someone to live for...

Honestly women would be fine if they just cut off every media that targets them.

Bonus if they implement traditional roles.

Fuck off paranoid tin foil fuck, every Fucking thing is a slide thread off your circle jerking for you idiots

Control their food portions and force more exercise. Also begin teaching them from a young age that the world doesn't revolve around them. They are not special snowflakes, they're just in 1 in 7 billion and life is hard.

>the rate of teen girls who committed suicide is double what it was in 2007

I wonder how much of that statistic is made up of insane faggots who are larping as girls.

What's the point of making annual statistics of suicides by the way, you've gotta say how many people off themselves in a lifespan and break it by age. X out of 100.

White women commiting suicide is not a problem, its a solution


>threading your own post

You have to go back.

It's still half that of teen boys. But that's not the problem is it? It's the girls who are more precious.

Kill yourself fagot, you nu pol fags ruined this board, r9k is the fuck away from this place

>first and foremost, end no fault divorce
>drop subtle redpills in women's heads about how women older than 30 have a much higher risk of birthing children with mental disorders (e.g. autism)
>spread propaganda stating that more and more men are now only interested in settling down with virgins ("no hymen, no diamond")
>make slut shaming, fat shaming and so forth socially acceptable again
>eventually encourage women to abandon social media altogether
>instill moral, religious values into the virgins and whores alike
>find them suitable husbands (i.e. reformed whores can expect to marry some beta dork, not a 10/10 chad)
>suicide rates plummet as women find meaning in their lives again

They are only killing themselves because they are running out of ways on how women can beat men at something. Then they are going to use the argument "women suicide are at an all time high right now!!!1"
Ironically, men don't even use this argument that much.

Never been to any board other than pol. You sound like an assblasted roastie or white knighting stormfag. This isn't storomfront, its Sup Forums.

out ------->

give them the d

Nice ambiguous wording.


>it doubled
>to ~ 1/4 of the male suicide rate

take the trannies out of the equation.

can't really blame them.

>What can we do to decrease the rate of suicide among teenage women?

Ban them from using social media.

I'd love to know what the male suicide rates are to get a clear idea of the situation, since we're equal

>never been to any board other than pol
the cancer eating Sup Forums

Make it a law that no teenage girl is to live with her stepfather or mother's boyfriend. Show me the girl who's cutting her wrists and I'll show you the stepfather who's molesting her.

>What can we do to decrease the rate of suicide among teenage women?- 72 posts and 11 image replies shown.

make sure they have jobs at Google in the Diversity Education Department

>In 2015, five girls out of every 100,000 between the ages of 15 and 19 committed suicide in the United States.

It's not enough, we need more and more I tell you

we need to close the suicide gap, men still make up 80%+ suicides

roasties were a mistake

How do we make women fucking miserable again

What's your solution?

Keep it up until all americans do it.

ok here are some steps:
>go to 7-11
>buy snacks/drinks/popcorn
>heat up popcorn
>sit on couch
>watch the feminist protests
>proceed to laugh

its preferred that you do this every day for maximum results, and in 10-15 years, it will have been achieved, no work necessary

Give them husbands at the age of 17

Can't wait for WW3 when female draft when females finally be sent to the battlefield to get raped and commit suicide because of their failures to fight.

It will be awesome and pleasurable.

Agreed, now we just need to...

Nobody is happy in the artificial hell progressives have thrust on society.

>drop subtle redpills in women's heads about how women older than 30 have a much higher risk of birthing children with mental disorders (e.g. autism)

Don't talk shit about my Christmas Cakes over 30 son. I love MILF and I'm not afraid to breed these type of women.

Then you can also be happy with autistic babies

>Then you can also be happy with autistic babies

>kill themselves because they didn't get as many likes as Karen
Weak cunts would've died sooner or later in a world that wasn't given to them by white men. Instead if they had survived they would have rallied against the white man.

We have too many people as is and the weak are killing themselves at young ages without spreading their shit-tier genes all while saving resources for the strong. What Is there to complain about?

Maybe they finally realize they are filthy whores.

If i ever have a daughter i'm not going to buy her a smartphone till she's 18 and the cellphone she does get won't have a camera on it, i'll also never buy her a laptop with a camera. Nothing but degeneracy stems from easy access to cameras and social media.

Stop giving them drugs. Seriously it's simple. They're making our women go insane. The pharmaceutical industry pushes this.

The pharmaceutical industry is lobbied for by Jewish lawyers and it is itself run by Jews.
Many doctors are Jews and peddle these drugs onto people.

If you look into how they treat the white race through the other policies they enact it could be pretty easy to argue that this is yet another way they are eradicating white peoples genes. With their end goal to be a complete genocide of the White Race.

Hell yeah. How much?

They're democrats

When someone reads a board like Sup Forums they want to commit suicide. I hope you know, in a completely serious way, a lot of you here are directly responsible for this. Your hatred drives people to literal suicide.

>What can we do to decrease the rate of suicide among teenage women?
Sup Forums talks of the power of meme magic
Sup Forums anons use KYS repetitively. Allegedly ironically - it's "just Sup Forums"
But what if meme magic *is* real and words have power. So: KYS is predictive programming

Sup Forums doesn't put guns to their heads. Real life pushes people to off themselves to a much higher degree. If you actually cared, you'd let a depressed person know they matter instead of chiding us, user.

Why have white men's sucide rates increased so much?

Could it be the anti-white male hate agenda that you push?

Rates of suicide are currently up for all age groups and sexes. Middle aged men are one of the higher groups. Old people across the board are high rates too. Isolating the issue to be studied in specific age/sex groups is bullshit. Suicide is a major problem for the west. Life simply isn't worth living and more people are realizing that every day.

>life simply isn't worth living

this is the final redpill and its one i realized a long time ago