Stop being alt right

Stop being alt right.

Other urls found in this thread:

Stop makimg these threads

>tfw when you've run out of both logical and emotional arguments so you resort to violence

The alt-left, everyone

Kind of makes you want to fire up the choppers and physically remove them, amirite?

Join AltFa


just fucking stop reminding me that my country is a fucking went to shit for those libcucks


I'm not. Stop denying Christ.

Start supporting Israel again goy

We don't actually own helicopters
Antifa actually all own fists

Therefore us talking about helicopters is necessarily a joke but antifa talking about punching people is necessarily not a joke and becomes hate speech.

Christ is within all of us or within none of us.

Fuck off snownigger.

stop being alt-left you wannabe communist


I used to think he was redpilled. After that video I threw out my copy of MYFAROG and don't even listen to Burzum anymore



Leftist political violence is justified against white advocacy

stop leaving /leftypol/

alt-right did not exist until it was created by (((them))) in hopes actual right-wingers would adopt it and guess what... some of them did.

so yes, stop being alt-right and sage all slide threads to avoid bumping them.

put "sage" in options field

Stop vargposting