Do black people have a point?

Do black people have a point?


Can't wait to see the looks on their animal faces when we march them into the sea.

They point their gun.

Most likely a bigger, thicker point than you.

>Do black people have a point?

No, they're quite literally pointless.

If the blacks came second, they would claim they were more evolved...

You do a good impression

Two free phones

Blacks are P4P the most insecure people on the planet.

I just wait the true race war to start at USA. Nergos (thugs) vs. whites. Whites can outsmart blacks if war become reality.

they really would if they exchanged white for jew, ironically that would then bring whites and blacks together and end racism

> your civilizations always fall

cant wait for the next mass starvation of africa to prove they are inferior

stop reading at plague.

i've heard this argument before. they cannot fucking digest the fact that they have been out evolved. "god's image" is a false dichotomy. NEXT

Easy to make a point out of the flaws of other peoples civilizations when your people never built one to screw up in the first place.

Yes they do. Everything we know came from black people.

In fact, a black person taught the Japanese how to be Samurais.

You leave Yasuke out of this you fucking awful person. He was pure.



Anything blacks outside of the Africa say to defend their place and chimp behavior outside of Africa is total, complete bullshit that can be demolished with reason.

>hates white people
>follows white people wherever they go
>goes to predominately white schools
>moves into predominately white neighborhoods
>commits most violent crime per demo
>cries victimisation
>wants your hero's statues taken down
>keeps theirs standing

The only interests a nigger has is his/her own and those of other niggers. Hive mind 10/10

There is a bit of a point here. Blacks in africa live a simple life with nature. They eat off the ground, they fuck like rabbits, and they die from infectious but preventable diseases. (natures population control).

Whites on the other hand do everything they can to fuck over nature and every other race under the guise of "civilizing". I'm not saying its wrong, but maybe there are some races who should be left alone.

Nigs outside of africa have been mixed with european or asian genes to some degree. Can you blame them for having their tendencies?

>your people civilization always fail

I guess the one good thing about never building a civilization is that it can never fail

The black race is truly beyond us all

>Whites on the other hand do everything they can to fuck over nature and every other race under the guise of "civilizing". I'm not saying its wrong, but maybe there are some races who should be left alone.

I stumbled upon a YouTube channel with 2 fundamentalist Christian niggers talking about how whites are fallen angels, sons of Lucifer and so on because we have white skin and because we have brought so much outlandish technology to the world. They specifically referenced new holographic technology, which probably scared their tiny negroid brains.

The undertone of the whole video was "whites are evil because they are intelligent and creative".


anytime they try to bring up they are pure homo sapien and the original humans etc.... Just say "if you wouldn't have been monkey fuckers you wouldn't have been enslaved by them"