How do you block Canadians on mobile?
How do you block Canadians on mobile?
Lmao you can't
Lmao you can't
Lmao you can't
holy mother of god
Lmao you can't
heh u cnant
canada passing through
Lmao you can't
Lmao you can't
The leafs don't stop, just accept their faggotry
Lmao you can try
But you can't
ill fuckin make you a fahget
Lmao you cannot
Lmao you can't
holy shit we're cancer aren't we
Left lane is for passing
Digits confirms, leaf phone posters are faggots.
L'mao you can't
Wrong. Left lane is for paki truck drivers to go 95km/h, pass on right only.
Lmao you can't
lets turn this into the most cancerous thread we can
lets like share pictures of mackenzie king bruh
this guy gets it
put me in the leaf rubbing
Lmao you can't
Lmao you can't
Lmao you can't
Le mao you can't!
Barring the leaf, what the fuck is wrong with this guy's face? I don't like looking at it, user. I don't like it, not one bit.
Lmao you can't
Lmao you can't
alot of us yes
legends of Sup Forums
how out of touch do you have to be to use this as an insult
there are barely any pakistanis in Canada
fuckin rights bud
fug dood lemme live
yah but we call them paki's bro
Are Canadians the Australians of Sup Forums?
yeah but that makes you look dumb most pl would just laff at u
Lmao you cunt
Lmao you can't
any canadaharian who would laugh at me for callin an afghani or saudi a paki i would not
drink with, therefore he is NIGGER
I'll share my 50's with myself thanks
Sup Forums was at one point, in the early days, 70% Canadian
Canada got into consumer internet a lot earlier than the US
When you guys had AOL online we had DSL, when you guys had dial up we started getting satellite internet
We literally run the Sup Forums
>saudi and afghani
my brothers!
i assume the australians are the australians of Sup Forums
we must support white businesses
The leafs in this thread appear to be top teir.
HERE HERE Gentlement! The bantz are quality.
>the approval of an american
that's all i've ever wanted
Lmao you can't
we wuz Sup Forums when it was relevant
>this triggers the 53%
lul never met a saudi or afghani?
what else would we do?
buy from niggers
(Laughs in canadian)
bruh id 1776 with u ANYDAY
fuckin sign me up bud
Half the Indians you see in the GTA are fucking dirty inbred Pakistanis, stupid fucking retard.
Good job newfag! Now go kys OP. Like flies to shit...
how do you block americans everywhere?
Lmao you can't
gold leaf reporting in
How do I block Asians from keeping coming here?
>6 replies
>6 replies
>6 replies
calm down Satan. There is still time for mobilefags to repent.
fuckin based!
We could build a wall
Don't tell me how to live my life.
I've met 4 of them but I really don't get u
There are mostly punjabi brown people in Canada with a lot of Hindus out east
There are more arabs coming but still barely any
t. retard
nope those gates aren't supposed to close
bro we already built that monument n shit
they basicially accepted us burning down the white house with no credit to bongs
Lmao you can't
I'm a leaf.
ur just lucky
where im from we had 5 saudi's go to fight for isis
3 who died and we get em all
a lot more punjabs these year but fuck man we get syrias we get afghani's the whole fuckin lot ya kike
Pakis are good because it's easy to fuck their girlfriends and start mini race wars cuz they always beat them.
Sup Forums would be better overnight if all non North American and all Canadian IP domains were banned
stop feeding them (you)s you idiot, it's the only way to stop them
Lmao you can't
How do you block Sup Forumsfags on other boards?
Insert dick into electrical socket
If get all leafs die
Sup Forumsacks *
Lmao you can't white genocide jews TRUMP MAGA cuck wee oo weee oo
Lmao you can't
Lmao you can't
>they basicially accepted us burning down the white house with no credit to bongs
Said no american here ever if you bring that up
I guess we could take one for the team and lock ourselves in with them. we can just stay far enough north they refuse to come visit because of a light snowfall.
>visiting other boards
if get the sun never sets on the canadian empire
Lmao you can't
id fuck her
of course it just reminds me of my ritalin addict
ex girlfriend whos crazy af
lmao RIGHT?
U my dood
remember some based canadian
is ur dood
sincerity and sincerely
i tried
oh well
U dun goofed son
Lmao you can't get a get
If get Leafs rule the internet
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for Canadian children
No fuck you we're gonna smoke weed and have sex with asian and indian bitches