How do I overcome fear of failure

how do I overcome fear of failure

get out horsefucker

Go to

>Be failure
>Fear failing
Are you sure it's not success that scares you?

Die you fucking Barneyfag

Continue living on your parents bux and jerk off animated ponies. By staying a total failure yourself, you can be sure you won't fail any further.



you may be our new ally but don't act dumb.

fucking kill yourself

barney es del diablo

Bronies are subhumans.


fucking die fag

By living through failure.
Get used to referring to it as "an attempt"
Failure exposes weakness in yourself, the procsess or the idea.

See that failure is just an opportunity to learn and improve. You must fail to succeed. No man has ever been successful without failing first.

They are, but you're still gonna get banned for announcing your sage.


Kill yourself. You can't play the game if you're no longer a part of it.

Train Yourself and grow Stronger, lift weights meditate, do things that scare you

literally fucking die faggot

Get necked fucker

get necked fag

become the president of the United States of America.

Pic not related. Or maybe, it depends on your route.

literally get beaten to death

I stopped seeing myself as an individual. That's how I did it. It also makes me see myself from a bird eye view. I look at myself and my flaws and try to figure out how to design my life to get what I want to get. I also allows me to see other people if they let me see everything. That's why I dislike when people put up a fasade, which is almost everyone. I don't think that anyone should put up a fasade if you're in a "safe" environment.

Winner, winner. It isn't failing that you fear, it's the responsibility that comes with success.

Complete what you start and grow from there.

fucking hang, faggot

>I also
*It also

>let me see everything
*let me in

Anyway. Just stop trying to be perfect or create something perfect. Embrace life as it is.

Who is that semen demon?

get beaten to death

Don't participate. You can't fail if you don't try

Analyze all the possible consequences of your actions and create plans in the case of all of them, reframe failure and success as simply outcomes with some more preferable to another.

And lastly, invite death. The need for survival is a very base emotion, removing it has some very interesting effects on your confidence.

By looking at the world and your life as something that is always in need of improvement.

From the moment you get up (get the fuck out of bed early before 6 you nigger) you should have the mindset of a payday everyday. Consider how you improve something as mundane as your morning routine. "How can I make this better? Faster more efficient and comfortable?".

Even if you have low wage job now, you should go to work with the mentality of doing the best job you possibly can and above what your called to do and not because I'm being "paid" to do x. Take pride in what you do and ask to be compensated for it and if you don't get your share or fair appreciation then it is time to move on to another job or your own path.

The people who go to work with the attitude of ""ugh it's just another day at work". Those are the people who will go nowhere in life, opportunity will never come to them.

There's no fear of failure, it's all in your head, work hard, but don't set yourself up for misery by craving success.

hang yourself fag

get fucking hanged

And ironically I am the failure I no longer fear, which is why the answer is easily self-evident.

die, freak of nature

by coming together and killing as many niggers as you can before the final day tomorrow :3

You don't, the fear is your leitmotiv, is the fuel that moves the world, is the thing that kept the cavemen around a fire and awake to protect their kids. You must fear to fail, It has been the most succesful social control system in history and the thing that pushed the humanity plvs vltra. Jerking to animated horses is total failure, it's a fucking mayday, it's a shame to you and yours. Stop.

get hanged

fucking die fag

Why are dashfags such losers?

literally kys


Stop harassing individuals. It's not ok.

Thank you for confirming the address

It just comes with the territory, I suppose.

Why are you so obsessed with attacking and harassing individuals? Is this not pathetic of you?

This guy gets it

You live in a nice house your parents must be rich

The best thing to do is to take it one step at a time. Rome was not built in a day, and to overcoming the fear of failure you MUST take steps to know how to handle failure and to do that, you need to take steps out in the world and just try stuff. Talk to a stranger and see if you can't keep a conversation up, go to a house party and just introduce yourself to people for like 5mins and if you are still too afraid, just take a psychedelic drug, that should make you a bit more open to people.

>barneyfag autism
Every time. Hilarious.

You probably weren't raised very well, must explain your shitty behaviour towards others and making people into your own personal boogiemen to attack and harass to forget about your own insecurities

Fuck failure in the ass to make it your bitch. That's why your dad molested you.

It's amusing how triggered barneyfag gets

These faggots need to be hanged

It never ceases to amaze me. The slightest hint to color horses, and you're goona have at least 20 replies, all some slightly different worded ways saying to kill yourself

Stop giving a fuck because negitivaty breeds failure

If being rich makes someone like you I'd rather be poor. Also stop wasting your parents money on VPNs and Sup Forums passes it's very wasteful.