Would you guys do interracial dating?

What's your race?
Which races/Nationalities are you willing to date?
What would your parents think of it?

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1. Asianoid
2. All races desu. As for nationalities, strong preference for non-foreigners, because the ability to communicate is vital.
3. They wouldn't mind. They're aging and pragmatic at this point, and just are aching for me to succeed.

White female
Niggers or Sand niggers
Call them racist

Don't listen to racist Sup Forums. IR dating is the best dating.

White female... on Sup Forums?

I don't have a choice. I just continue the bleaching process. As long as my children follow my fine example of dating a white girl, the nigger will be all but completely gone in a few more generations.

1. White.
2. Would date a slav or a 12/10 asian -- near, mid or far
3. Fuck my parents


1. not white
2. any white/asian/mixed person
3. would be proud


I dated a black girl with European facial features when I was in college. She wasn't ghetto at all. Her mom was a successful real estate agent and her dad was an anesthesiologist. I still think about her sometimes. The sight of your dick going in, the contrast in skin tones, will rewire your brain if you're not careful.


White or Asian (Asian must have curves)
My parents would rather an Asian than a nigger

I'm a Balkaner. 6'3. Red beard. Nice build, nice hair, nice face.
I have dated Latina's and other Europeans. Never an American white girl though. I have fucked someone from every race though.
My mother would judge regardless of who I brought home because that's what Balkan mothers do. My father would not give a shit.

I personally wouldn't bring anyone who my mother would totally disprove of though. Woman is a saint, and I won't cause her grief by being a piece of shit dumbass.

Im white but spanish white(dad is german decent and mom is spanish decent)

Id date white, islander, asian

dad doesnt care and mom just wants grandkids

Honestly as long as as the girl is not media crazy and has a decent amount of traditional values Id marry but they gotta be tested to see if they are virgin if they want marriage since Im heavy christian and saving for marriage.

I have a few funny stories of girls going apeshit after I ask for a virgin test because they want to marry.

Any full Caucasoid (white, arab, pajeeta, latina) except Jewesses
Parents would be somewhat disappointed if not European

White women are ugly
They have these photoshopped lies on TV
but in real life they have the worst bodies (no curves or ass) and scrunched up lame faces.
I'm getting myself an asian bitch

1. White
2. Whites, Asians, Mixed
Latinas only if they culturally appreciate white culture and completely disown there own.
3. White would be preferred. The rest they would be okay with. Latina would get the hardest time over.

>white/ heavily white mixed
>they don't care my brother married a sand nigger

People shouldn't mix outside of the continent their ancestors are from.

1. Whitest person I know
2. All races are cool
3. Cool with whatever

>People shouldn't mix outside of the continent their ancestors are from.
Go back long enough ago and everyone's ancestors are from Africa. What time frame are you advocating actually?

You mean Balkans.

>completely disown their own.
well, at least not act like ghetto scum.

I mean Africa. East Africa specifically.

Good goyim

with asians and whites? yes
with niggers? nope
since i alreayd have european and asian blood any of those would do. Offspring will look either asian or a whitey dude
>white? hahaha lad come on, that never happens
actually when a taco that doesn't look amerindian as fuck and a caucasian get together the chances of loking whitey goes a lot up

1. Black
2. White / White Hispanic
3. Probably wouldn't care if he was a nice guy who wanted to have kids and had a good job

>a few more

try dozens friendo.

White male
White or Hispanic
They'd be okay with either

I'll be honest. If that happened to me I'd be like, "I'm not fucking you until you enema and being a straight guy I don't have one. Clean yourself out and then we'll talk about me sticking me dick inside your rectum."

Hello FBI

How subjugated and submissive do you think Zucky is in his relationship?

1: White male, mostly french.
2: White girls, Hispanic, Pajeeta, with great skepticism, arab women. Definitely not a Asian or black woman.
3: They don't care who I fuck.

But is anything under 1% even really counted? I mean why is anyone who is 1-5% scandinavian who says they're a scandi met with a big fuck you, but when a person goes "I'm not a nigger or jew" instantly met with NIGGGGGGERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!
I mean, I get it's trolling to an extent, but the attitude is such a double edged sword. My great grandkids or great great grandkids, if they mating with other euro heritage people, will be under 1%

Would probably approve of a white gf, but not an Asian one. They seem to prefer the 'sticking to your own kind' idea.

Does interracial fucking count? I've done a lot of that.


Would date of any ethnicity if their looks and personality were up to my standards and we have enough in common. Their parents better not be white hating blm, or something along the lines of that.

Parents would probably joke about it but not give a shit otherwise

Do you have any proof that humans evolved in the Balkans?

>What's your race?
Hispanic Mulatto
>Which races/Nationalities are you willing to date?
>What would your parents think of it?
They'd be ok.

If my children don't look white I fear I won't be able to love them.

No shit sherlock. I've never fucked a non-white before and I only know one guy personally that has.

I would make a ridiculous amount of babies with her.

> posts on pol
> think anyone would date.

t. shlomo

1.100% white
2. Probably any race or nationality
3. Probably wouldn't think much of it

I'd discriminate individually rather than racially

Race traitors stick to your own kind. These nasty yellow fake gooks.

1. White
2. I've dated Chinese, Japanese, Guatemalan, and Arab (Christian)
3. They don't really care as long as it's not a nigger.

It's counted if you're looking at purity.

I don't date anymore, so no. I only fuck. I like being alone.

Get educated.
OoA was recently debunked.

autistic nip girls

I'm white
gf is 1/2 white, 1/4 black, 1/4 spic
Parents are racist but they don't really mind, they hate pakis more than anything

Small town?

I've fucked:

White / Latina
Latina / Asian
Asian / Black

Married Sioux. The Latina - Asian mix was a close runner up.

German, Norge or irish
No southern wogs.

>be billionaire

>marry fat, low tier asian girl


he could have had this

1. Anglo White
2. White, East Asian, SE Asian
3. I don't care

had sex with ~50 girls

all but 2 were White

the 2 were Chinese/Vietnamese

I would never date outside my race, nor would i fuck any other race again


It's the only type of dating in my country.

Is that Hitomi Tanaka?

White male

White, asian, hispanic. Anything but a negress.

Parents wouldn't care. Both sides of my family are very diverse already. Would be wary of having a son with an Asian woman, otherwise it would all be good.

I also fucked a white - Asian mix that was plump in all the right places. She talked in a baby doll voice and did things that I've never confessed to anyone in real life, including my wife.

She wasn't wife material, but definitely a fun lay.

You're either lying or missing out.

1 Superior Nordic phenotype (male)
2 Asian hapa islander. No white girls please.
3 they didn't care (my sister is a dumb slutty white bitch who fucks dark meat anyways and they are mildy concerned)

Both current and ex-gf, who stills texts me a lot, are asian and I fucked a few more.

>OoA was recently debunked.
Explain the evidence.

GI user or expat?

>me: latino
>wife: azn (korean)
>parents thoughts: mitebcool.jpg

we met in college and found out we had similar interests.

study abroad

Current gf is half Italian half Colombian. She's really pale and has green eyes
Don't care

Ai Shinozaki. Not even close.

Absolutely degenerate.

1. White
2. White's, east Asians and some Latina's
3. My dad hates Asians and tolerates Hispanics, my mom is the other way around.

I'm so sorry Sup Forums...

>anyone except niggers or pacific islanders
>they literally say don't bring niggers or sandniggers but anyone else is fine

>white female
>been with same # of white and black guys
> 0/10 would not fuck white guy again. clitoris is a FOREIGN CONCEPT to them. also less muscle tone/masculinity. (not sorry it's the truth)


A massively well-funded study of over 100,000 schoolchildren found that “Adolescents who identify themselves as mixed race are at higher health and behavior risk than those of 1 race.” Indeed, even when controlling for education, socioeconomic status, and other factors, there is an across-the board higher rate of health risks amongst mixed race adolescents than mono-racial adolescents.

Black-White children have family incomes similar to those of Black families, similar rates of fatherlessness as Black families, and are more likely than BOTH Whites AND Blacks to engage in risky behaviors like drinking, fighting, stealing, and doing drugs.

White-Asian children are twice as likely as Asians to have mental illness.

White-Black babies suffer higher risks of prematurity, low birth weight, neonatal death, and stillbirth.

A study on Black-White mixes in agreement found that ”When it comes to engaging in risky/anti-social adolescent behavior, however, mixed race adolescents are stark outliers compared to both blacks and whites.” This holds true despite being raised in similar environments to mono-racial children.

>Highest rates of moderate and severe cases of ADHD are found in multi-racial children.

>There were significant differences in median birthweight despite clinically similar average gestational ages at delivery. Asian couples had the smallest median birthweight (3210 g), white couples the largest (3400 g), with interracial couples falling between (3360 g for Asian-mother/white-father and 3320 g for white-mother/Asian-father; P < .001)

>Significant differences (P < .001) were noted among several of the perinatal outcomes that were examined (Table 2). The incidence of gestational diabetes was highest among Asian couples (5.73%), lowest among white couples (1.61%), with interracial Asian-white couples having intermediate risk (3.91% for Asian-mother/white-father and 3.37% for white-mother/Asian-father; P < .001). Asian-mother/white-father couples had the highest rate of cesarean delivery (33.2%; P < .001).

On average 1 in every 10,000 women who gives a natural birth will die during childbirth, while 1 in every 2,500 women who undergo C-sections will die during childbirth. In other words, women who give birth via C-section are 4x as likely to die. Furthermore, cesarean deliveries increase the risks for malpresentation, placenta previa, antepartum hemorrhage, placenta accreta, prolonged labor, uterine rupture, preterm birth, low birth weight, and stillbirth in their second delivery.

You know the drill.

1. some 80% white; 12% Jewish; some 8% disgusting Indian (really don't know about it, but I have spiky hair, so it's either the local climate or bad blood from my race-mixing Moortuguese ancestors);
2. date? whites, asians, jews, mestizas who look good; marry? Italian or Italian-American; can be half-Italian or maybe even less, but still has to look Mediterranean;
3. they're race blind, but my father would get mad if I dated any woman with brown skin, just like the whole family was disgusted at my uncle marrying an Indian. His daughter turned out the most horrible thing.

Pls confirm you're a female

1) White, pure bong

2) Latinas and no other

3) They wouldn't care, probably be happy I escaped that genetic cesspit of an island

Probably asian, because most white girls i know are either vapid thots or stereotypical tumblur girls.

ok round up the Niggers

How are Italian-Argentinian girls, mate?

I need to marry Italian, but I'm not sure that I'll ever live in Italy. I can get citizenship, but I'm not sure if I'll live there.

I might get myself an Italian-Argentinian.

Are they still pure?

In Brazil they're not. I hate this place. I have WAY TOO MUCH non-Italian in me, so I gotta correct that in the next generation of the family.

100% white
Japanese girls only
don't care, my parents don't tell me what to do

>White-Asian children are twice as likely as Asians to have mental illness.

/pol users are 5 times more likely to have mental illness. No joke.

checked desu


I would do interracial reproduction

Nothing is hotter than miscegenation.


2.Hate Race Mixing so only Slavs if you count them as nonwhite
3.Parents are uber liberals

Go back to Brazil

I'm white. I married white. I'd never date anyone who wasn't white. My parents are proud of me.

Mostly okay, some still have the nose though.

Honestly, I would look at Uruguay more. Better women there.

I prefer Venzuela/Colombia, personally.

truth hurts english teaching weeb faggot, your kids will look asian and they'll hate both you and themselves because you're too beta to land a superior white gf

This. Chad knows what's up

we don't want him either

I want the nose, mate. It was lost with my grandfather, although my sister weirdly enough inherited some of it.

I only have a few remaining traces. I want my children to have a full Roman nose.

I will pray for both of you faggots

Pray for yourself, go back to Africa

Dating Vietnamese girl
They accept it because I've brought a few black girls home.