I don't give a fuck about the eclipse. Fuck normies and their retarded le ebin eclit XDDD meme

I don't give a fuck about the eclipse. Fuck normies and their retarded le ebin eclit XDDD meme.

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there is literally nothing interesting about eclipse since we aren't living in 10th century. not sure why kikes try to meme it so much

Fuck I hate normies, bunch of brain dead lemmings

Welp, guess that makes me a normies then. xD

>Sup Forums

Agreed. Fuck the outer jew.

Pretending to care about the Cosmos is pure masonic retardarded kitsch for terminal normies.


The eclipse is an amazing astronomical alignment designed just for our view.
Don't be a faggot. Shit's gonna be tight.

I swear this is designed to get millions of people to look into the sky to implant information into our brains


you dont care about the powers you will gain tomorrow

Tomorrow you will get a super power.
see what power you will be getting here.
share and upvote.
i got this one
seems like being a dungeon dweller has his perks

The week of the dark sun is no fool's fancy, but a harbinger of the change to come. As the sun is blotted out and born anew, so shall the age of this world pass from one to another as it has from time immemorial. Shadilay!

Actually most normies don't care about the eclipse.

it's kinda interesting but not really. you can just watch videos or look at pictures of it online.

It's a testament to the religion of our time: (((Science))). Proving at that moment that man has been empowered not by any god, but by his own intellect.

Also, we should burn the heretical scientists at the stake. Those who believe in sex and race are heretics who pollute the name of the one true science.

>Fuck normies
I don't want to see the eclipse for a very different reason than you.
After I realized that we would never have star ships in my life time, looking at the stars became to me a reminder that I will never see space.

oh fuck


you can still script?

I live in Alaska and can't see it so I booked a flight to seattle and am going there and back tommorow. Hopefully I will see it

Hey goy, here's some glasses that will totally work and won't blind you

search ebay for solar eclipse glasses and lol at the prices

Please shut the fuck up.

fuck homework

Power of stars is not for make you entertain
the real effect of eclipse will come later after many months pass

it's effect against our mind in mystery way
it happen to divide america into 2 for some reason...


My only regret is that I only sold 50 pairs of eclipse glasses.

Next eclipse is 2024 and I am going to stock up big time for maximum jewry

>popular means bad ! Ha! I'm too smart for that!

destroyer diety physiology

Charge people to use my welding helmet

Kys asap


so you can change the timeline to where ever you want nice.


Why does NASA wants us to look at the eclipse with goggles?
What are they hiding?

Tried it again and got pic related...
I'm not concerned about Anymore

Are you having a stroke?


So it begins.


get in here faggots



fuck this power man

I'll still hate niggers afterwards tho