Is this guy a secret jew?
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Why do you think /ptg/ never wants you to criticize him?
Not secret.
Not much of a secret. All of his kids are either married to or are dating Jews. Gotta keep it in the tribe.
Not a secret.
Best goy.
The guy is extremely pro-israel ever since he started campaigning. Not sure why you guys re so shocked.
>not knowing about Punished Trump Theory
daily reminder that the new brock strat is to larp as hardcore "racists", but they often don't know how to.
Duh, everyone is
Ofc he is. Nothing has told me he wouldn't be. Most of them are fake anyways. Just like him. His entire family and cabinet are kikes
this is Sup Forums. Everyone that disagrees is a secret jew. You're probably a secret jew without even knowing it.
Disagrees with what? The leading secret jew?
>His entire family and cabinet are kikes
This is practically true at this point.
I found it hilarious when the Jewish Democrat Senator Brian Schatz called for all Jews to resign from Trumps cabinet. So basically all of the Trump cabinet expect for a few goys that are barley hanging in there.
"Jewish senator calls on Trump’s Jewish Cabinet members to resign"
>Disagrees with what?
with whatever anyone says. Two legit white nationalists will call each other secret jews if they disagree over anything. It's completely meaningless.
There's no such thing as 'honorary jews' or 'convert', Jews are a race, not a religion.
You need to be born of a Jewish mother to be a Jew, it's called Matrilineality.
I know redpills that dont directly demonise Jews are unpopular, but whatever, even inbred KKK faggits know the truth.
Nice try, (((You))).
Trump is a fuck, EVERYONE needs to go except whites. JEWS, AY-RABS, NIGGERS, POOS, SPICS, GOOKS, ETC. The only people allowed to stay are honorary Aryans, our Japanese brothers and sisters.
>Offered his daughter up to the kikes
>Loves Israel
Reminder that all national leaders except NK and Iran have kikes pullling the strings.