Does game of thrones have any lib propaganda?

Does game of thrones have any lib propaganda?

Forced diversity nd shit?

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The bad guys all have blue eyes.

Yes, the whole cast wants refugees

It's actually a subtle redpill. Normies love it because it has womyn in power but they're all terrible leaders that fuck everything up and men have to fix everything

gays having sex in like every season, in front of people. they push the agenda pretty hard.

Yes, even cucks noticed it and are beginning to complain about the (((bad writing))).

The entire Deanerys storyline and thus the overarching plot of the show. Womyn stronk. Slaves bad. Eunuchs good. Use lesbian pirates to import a million brown skinned barbarians to rape and blunder your homeland.

No, it doesn't. According to Game of Thrones, Asian men don't exist (But Asian women do...?). And all the guys getting their dicks wet and being badasses are white. Game of Thrones's world is a very, very white-male-supremacist one.

accurate thus far

Khaleesi was popular
not so much anymore since she invaded westeros

Yeah it's just been culminating in this bullshit.

Fucking White Walker Males with Blue Eyes.
Be ENRICHED by our Dothraki Bulls.
Bend the knee for your SJW Queen Westeroyim!


Be a Good Westeroyim!
Fucking White Walker Males with Blue Eyes.
Be ENRICHED by our Dothraki Bulls & Nigger Former Slaves.
Bend the knee for your SJW Queen!


Actually I'm surprised how they made westeros white, based on what we see today it was supposed to be full of niggers and mixed people

What's the current season like? Last season was full of strong womyn who don't need no man.

Except danerys is a horrible ruler. She basically turned slavers bay into the middle east and now she's burning the westerosi alive to win their hearts and minds. Oh and she gave a dragon to king whitie.

A little something like this.

I don't see it. The worst thing I can think of is women fighting, but that's what I expect to see in a fantasy setting.

Went from a bunch of men fighting for the throne (followinh the books... pretty good) to tv original: all men in power are dead, 99% of the kingdoms are ruled by stronk women, all male main characters except Jon snow are cucks... I gave up watching last season.

Seriously... who do you have left now?
Crippled Bran who doesnt have a functional, dwarf tyrone lanister, the other lanister who is a literal cuck and still hasnt gotten over his whore sister/lover, the guy who literally has no dick, the guy who had his dick removed, the 2 faggots fighting over the whore who rides dothraki cocks, the guy who gave his crush to a literal rapist, the fat guy who is raising his wifes son...
Am I forgettibg somebody?

More strong women who still dont need no man

Blue Eyes White Dragon
Oy Vey! Fucking White Male Dragon!
Burn Westeroi Bois to the Ashes.
Then Let our Brown Dothraki Enrich Westeroi Females & populate Westeros with Browns.

The person with the biggest dick not the seven kingdoms is white (podrick)

Europeans of old didn't care about Asians and used this word to describe Muslim. Dothraki hordes are Asian.

Wish the Night king didn't look so weird in this season.



>sacrificing children to the Lord of Light (Satan) is okay, since we're the good guys fighting against the White Walkers.

Yes they do. Yi Ti Empire is based on the Far East, and is also located in the far east of Essos. They just don't appear in the show because they're irrelevant to current world events.

It's shit tier. Watched first ep ever (the newest one) with my wife tonight.

No overt shit, but just poorly written, zero logistics, lots of forced plot, and dumb characters. Girls love it. Normies love it. It's shit.

D&D is pushing all sorts of kike shit that isn't in the books.

Bronn is the only manly man on the show left...
How could I have forgotten him?

>we don't have marriage where I'm from haha you guys are so strange with your customs t. mystery meat girl
>wow that sounds pretty liberating t. old grumpy white guy

>your people can't fight white boi



The eunuchs hate those that took their balls. Daenyres is a terrible leader and repeatedly fucks things up (all the women do, actually, as they consistently rule out of emotion, selfishness, and spite).

Game of Thrones stuff started getting written as a fantasy book well before the high political energies we are dealing with today. Using a political lens to analyze the show won't produce any sensible results.

They've definitely rushed this season. How Gendry runs a full day back to the wall. Gets a raven out, then dany arrives in the same day is beyond me.

So let me get this straight than, at first Game of Thrones was pretty good but as time went on it was injected with feminism and autism?

Old, childless, hedonistic, always broke, he's just another broken figure of a man. He's the creepy 40 year old manchild that still hangs out in bars and clubs to pick up drunk fat chicks. At least they allowed him to keep his dick.

It's like it is written for children. Their whole plan was shit then a zillion faggots pop out of nowhere, only to do an intense standoff for days waiting for the dragon girl to save them. Then she fucks that up, but the dipshit kills another dragon instead of the one they are all sitting on, which would have been the end of the storyline...............

Autism would help it.

It's full of shit that was written by lazy faggots.

Once these shows get big, kikes decide what it's about and the writers mail it in.

newest ep was some steaming shit

I don't know but I'm getting real fucking tired of Jon Snow getting deus ex machina'd out of every hopeless situation he inevitably finds himself in. He definitely should have died during the events of tonight's episode. Hell, he should have died during the battle of the bastards because there is absolutely no way he could have survived being in the center of a full on cavalry v cavalry charge laying on the ground

Characters not being protected by plot armor was the big thing that set the GOT story apart and made it interesting. Now, no one ever dies unexpectedly anymore.

The guy is a literal cuckold in the books, raising his hamplanet wife's rapebaby

It actually wasn't even that bad (as far as the story consistency was concerned) right up until this episode. The plot holes in this episode were the most noticeable of any episode so far. You really picked one of the worst episodes to watch.

Yeah, I don't quite understand that part either. Unless Drogon was just too much for the Night King to handle/resurrect I don't see why they didn't kill him instead. Even then, you get rid of the strongest threat to your undead army, any other dragons that come at them, there's still plenty of fuck-you-up spears to kill them with. I'll prob watch it till the end, because I really want to see the wall fall, and everybody get fucked up.

I like how nothing makes sense now. First season it took 6 months to go by horse from kings landing to the "Northern" keeps. Now Dany can fly a dragon from far south in the kingdom to North of the wall in a few hours. How aria is 4 feet tall, but can take the identity of a grown adult and no one notices. How right now ALL people in power are stronk womynz, Dany, Sersi, Sansa. I like how Jamie lannister is a literal cuck. The fat dude and his wifes son, male genital mutilation is a common theme, the blonde is bringing in brown refugees into westeros, all the bad guys are white with blue eyes. They are setting it up now that the whore from the sandsnakes is in sersis dungeon, keeping her alive, and the fat dude with his wife and her son found the info about danys dad having an annulment and took a wife from Dorn and had a child. Lazy writing.

There's no reason benjen should have died either. They both could have fucking rode out of that situation. Unless he really really wanted to fucking die, I don't see why he had to.

Yeah the Jews took over from Martin and it went South fast.

Pretty fast on the memes.

Not his wife, just lover.
and it's Dany's brother, Rhaegar, who had the annulment, making Jon Snow a legitimate son of Rhaegar and a true Targaryen and actual heir to the Iron Throne. But now he cucked himself to Dany and gave her the north.
But everything else I agree with.

No, not at all, unless you're a low-IQ stormfag that projects all over everythnig

Oh yeah, forgot about that
Pretty sure she is retarded too, or something...

Pretty bad, but at least he whores on the side

Best best best season yet

Spoiler warning for tonight
Dany saved jons ass tonight tho

>there are redditors on this board bluepilled enough to even have this thought

The dragon turns into an ice zombie.

no discernable talent, it's no wonder the kosher Tolkien produces such scatological content


not really. really grabbing for straws if you can find anything cuck about this show. you can say the same thing for any midevil show or video game that you can say about this show.

Stop talking about GoT on Sup Forums? Are you so utterly uncultured that GoT is the only work of fiction you can make references to and think about? You're a tool for the jews


>Even asking that stupid question
go back pls

>zero logistics

Yes it does. The action keeps me watching it though.

>Does game of thrones have any lib propaganda?
lol of course, the series is littered with it, like all "programming"

There was a video I wanted to use as a response, but it got taken down.

After this season I totally hate khaleesi

It was made Wednesday

Not really forced
You can have an opinion on who's right or wrong
But some lines pushing feminism feel really awkward and out of place
>naturally the left see the homicidal maniac who is trying to take over the world with an army of foreign savages and dragons for no real reason at all

Zero logic.

The zombies come after them in a huge horde with them in the middle, they fight for 5 mins and then say "fall back" like there is some type of strategic maneuvers they can do on that rock. Then homebody just stares into space for like 1 min while thousands of zombies are held off by 5 dudes.

There is Yi Ti

And Asian Yi to men make their appearance in GoT telltales

Stopped to watch when in the first episode a dwarf was fucking 2 girls
Fuck this degenerate shit

Yeah, this plot has more holes than Swiss cheese. You can tell it's been tailored for normies which is why it's now garbage.

you wish. Trump is objectivelly a failure.

t. Former Trumpfag

>telepathically control 3 units of the most powerful superweapon known to the realms of man
>destroy thousands of foot soldiers with omnipotent force
>somehow manage to avoid harming the high command / magic god-king from whom all of their power is derived

women in charge of war. I can't help but wonder if its just shitty writing or a subtle jab at inept female leadership.

>Forced diversity nd shit?

No its more like desperate and clumbsy diversity. They got shit from sjws and HBO and they threw in some awkward feminist dialogue. The show has been meandering since they went off book but the casts been mostly white and surprisingly not AS gay and that's a shock in the modern climate.

Showbiz diversity is cynical, its to avoid SJW anger and hope minorities watch. Fantasy benefits from having a majority white interest to begin with.

There are no former Trumpfags, only german fags taking it up to ass to the Islamists.

Season 6 was massive fanservice to the liberals.

All religious institutions were portrayed as crazy, nuts, medieval, and got subsequently destroyed.
Melisandra who previously had brought forth miracles also got owned. The director tried to undermine her powers as much as possible, making her an uncertain priestess who has no confidence in her god.
King Tommen who previously depended on the church killed himself.
Many more such small details which I forgot.

Not to mention the North is now controlled by a woman.
King's Landing is controlled by a woman.
The dragons are controlled by a women.
The underage Mormont girl is made to be wise and super clever while all the men arguing her are made to be fools.

It's just a matter of time before the ebul , bad Night king is owned by one of those women as well.

But honestly, what did you expect?
HBO is liberal propaganda machine, just like Hollywood.

>A YAAAS QUEEN invades the West with dickless men and brown people to fight a white menace with blue eyes

What did he mean by this?

And they all end up fucking up and dying.

While I was watching the episode, I thought to myself "There are going to be multiple Sup Forums threads about GOT." This board can get pretty predictable.

It can be right wing. For example white walkers are Muslim \economic refugees/Mexicans and they are trying to keep them out by using Trumps Wall.

Yes, but there are several characters who have been resurrected by the Lord of Light.

>Tyrone Lannister

He gets a castle for marrying her though, and who knows he might kill the baby once he gets his own, he has already stated before he wouldn't mind killing a toddler.

>Except danerys is a horrible ruler. She basically turned slavers bay into the middle east and now she's burning the westerosi alive to win their hearts and minds.

Yes, this was obviously the point of her character possibly created solely to become the Mad Queen, but the people in charge of the show are bullshitting their way into keeping her alive, despite the personality hints. Stannis was meant to stay alive until the end, but the writers missed the point of being the cold king they needed but didn't deserve, and killed him off as a crazy burner man. Tyrion went from being this grey good guy to a clear black and white good guy with no flaws. My bet is that Dany is going to make it to the end or at least die as a hero solely because she's popular among normies and women. I don't even see it as some SJW propaganda on the director's end, just that they're pandering for views that just so happen to partly come from SJWs.

>forcing connections for political gain
You're no better than SJWs, op.

It's already been foreseen the wall will crumble. And you know what that refers to...

Also, the wildlings are also immigrant, of course, they are portrayed as good gys who dindu nuffing.

The ones who murder rand kill women and children are just a minority!

Doesn't matter, the objective was to belittle melisandra as much as possible. To the point she now doubts in her god when it comes to those ressurections.

Also the CGI is absolute shit this season, eveytime people touch the dragon its so fuckign fake.


HBO really fucked up this story. She is supposed to be the villain, a foreign invader who's only claim to the throne is her name. But of course, they had to make her a feminist icon so she will probably win the GOT, or have a Romeo & Juliet style ending with Jon.
Much of painting her as wicked was to get rid of/ slander Stannis. Can't have a masculine protagonist who is not a bastard, dwarf, or Eunuch when you are pushing feminism.

It's his rape baby. Read a fuckin book , nigger.

>Does game of thrones have any lib propaganda?
>Forced diversity nd shit?
Holy fuck you lot are easy to bait.

>HBO really fucked up this story. She is supposed to be the villain, a foreign invader who's only claim to the throne is her name. But of course, they had to make her a feminist icon so she will probably win the GOT, or have a Romeo & Juliet style ending with Jon.

This. It's evil more maddening when you look at the reactions of others who don't even understand the whole point of Tyrion and Varys talking about her going overboard. Even with the show writers simplifying the story to the extreme, there are still obvious hints that she's becoming a problem and nobody is getting that. Then there's the stuff where Jon so easily falls in love with her within, what... 2 eps? At least give us development between them so it feels less forced. The first episode they hated eachother's guts. The second episode they came to an agreement... by then fuck fingers was already hinting that Jon was in love with her...

If it's a product of Hollywood, one can assume it has Jew propaganda to some degree.

you stupid fucks need to learn some military strategy

the whites kill the dragon they are on? the humans have no choice but to fight because they have no escape and now the whites are facing two dragons. you kill the other dragon and let them escape, there is zero risk involved and now you have a dragon

this is like jarhead school day one

I also forgot to mention that part where the nun was raped and tortured by the zombie guards mans.

Season 6 was religious ridicule to the max.

Yea and how many fucking extras died tonight ... I was like who the fuck got eaten my the goddamn bear ... and it was just some fucking dude

Military strat my fucking ass.
>no choice but to fight
There's thousands of fucking wights dude. they were dead if the dragons didn't come. It wouldn't have changed if they were forced off Drogon.
>2 dragons
And 6 fucking dragon killing spears, with their associated WW armed with them. Pretty easy to hit them if they're coming right at you, NK fucked up viserion and he was going on a angle.

>Then there's the stuff where Jon so easily falls in love with her within, what... 2 eps?
Holy shit I forgot about this, that was embarrassing just to watch.