what best represent humanity in one picture?
What best represent humanity in one picture?
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Remember when that faggot from Spain(?) would spam this?
The fug even is that?
Did someone ask for the best? Well, I'll give you a spectrum, howbowdah?
this represents burgerland more than humanity as a whole
Does anyone have a good "white guy throws something away and blacks immediately start killing each other over it" pic saved?
that insufferable fagot posts every day at the spanish chan
well hes been quiet for a few days now, hopefully he got jailed or some shit
He said humanity not liberals
very different things
I like it
here you go, ayylmao
Adam and eve fucking up with snake sex in the garden
This pretty much captures postmodern humanity
What the hell is this? An existential nightmare for ants?!
We could have had it all...
What the fuck is this propaganda? You should try to do good at your job, you shouldn't paint on the wall unless your some sort of artist, and it looks like there's pills all over the ground in front of that cat, so... I see nothing at all wrong with their reactions.
Get triggered cuck.
A fat faggot lathered in pounds of honey photographed by a professional. The size, It is supposed to be bigger.
thanks. what a waste of honey and a human life.
is that one amy schumer melting?
hits hard
>St. Anthony
So that's where the RATM album cover came from
No idea. You tell me.
You're right desu
Yeah, that guy really did that. The photographer won a pulitzer.
As he burned to death, he never flinched, never cried out in pain. Just quietly sat there and burned to death under his own willpower.
Can someone fully explain the meaning of this picture to me?
Pretty much where humanity is heading.
Isn't it apparent? It's heavy-handed with its symbolism.
stuck ct = humanity
knife ct = jews
Wait so it wasn't malevolent malfeasance by mao but merely mismanagement?
You people disgust me... You, and you, you also...
Why not both?
Asians were a mistake
Just looked it up, It is confirmed to have been St. Anthony. He wouldnt give in to whores and other wicked temptations so they killed him.
This photo captures our civilization perfectly.
I kind of get it, I think. Something to do with postmodernism, the kid has a che shirt so he's a champaign socialist. Why is he crying though? What's with the girl sewing?
Humanity is fake
Holy shit. So stoic sages do exist...
Thanks. I'll read about him. Hard to find a better metaphor for humanity than that.
>BASED 2nd wife
This pretty much summarizes it for me.
> Flames were coming from a human being; his body was slowly withering and shriveling up, his head blackening and charring.
> In the air was the smell of burning human flesh; human beings burn surprisingly quickly.
> Behind me I could hear the sobbing of the Vietnamese who were now gathering. I was too shocked to cry, too confused to take notes or ask questions, too bewildered to even think ...
> As he burned he never moved a muscle, never uttered a sound, his outward composure in sharp contrast to the wailing people around him.
here is some subtext for your autism
Humanity is a spook.
Boy you really are an Anarcho capitalist
(flag) speak for yourself
"The Millenial crybaby commie LARPer's entire life is predicatted on the explotation of the people he pretends to care about." That's a really clever picture, I think we've had others posted here before by this artist. There's one with a nigger painting his slave chains gold.
Irrelevant whores who should be sucking cock.